Pocket released all the personnel who were originally candidates for the Great Snake Pill, standing on the high platform and coldly ordered.

“Start fighting, the last person who survives will get the right to leave here!”

Hearing that he was able to leave this damn place, even if it was not clear whether the promise of the pocket was valid, was enough to make these guys fight like crazy.

Pocket looked at the monitor, competing to become the next body of the Great Snake Pill.

“Teacher Pocket, how long can I live?” Lying behind his pocket and filled with life supply equipment, Junmaru asked with difficulty.

“Enough Junmaru, take care of your body, you don’t need to do anything anymore, and you are no longer one of the five.” He said with a wistful voice.

“But I still . . .” Junmaro tried to argue something more.

“We have found your successor, and Lord Orochimaru will also give the power of your Earth Curse Seal to that person, and he also has the Blood Succession Limit.” Pocket glanced at Junmaru’s reaction with his afterlight, “I’m really curious, which of you is stronger.”

Junmaru forcibly sat up from the bed and said firmly: “I know that I have no way to be used by the Great Snake Pill as a container now, but let me bring back that new container to repay the Great Snake Pill’s kindness to me!” Pocket

gave a sly smile that the plan was achieved.


“What are you doing, actually grinding for so long!” Junmaro suddenly joined the battlefield.

Tayuya was obviously also surprised by Junmaru’s appearance, and said, “Junmaru, why are you here?”

Junmaru looked at this messy scene, randomly rolling the wheel on the ground Jirobo and the right near head, mostly the flesh and blood corpses of the three psychic beasts, the left near that was cut off from the wrist, and the Oni Boy Pill who was blasted off half of his body and whose life and death were unknown.

Junmaru let himself accept this situation as much as possible, and muttered, “Are they the ones who hinder the delivery of this container, do you know how anxious Lord Orochimaru is waiting?”

“But…” Tayuya also knew that Orochimaru-sama was terrifying, but the strength of Naruto and Neutra in front of them was beyond their understanding.

“Is your body all right?” Tayuya thought of Junmaru’s situation and couldn’t help but ask.

“Now the control that supports me is not physical, but spiritual power.” Junmaru said lightly, as if he was telling a trivial matter.

Junmaru’s gaze looked at Naruto, who also happened to be observing him, and looked at each other as if the two had a confrontation.

Naruto looked at Junmaro with interest, just through the spiritual pressure, he could feel the other’s extraordinary.

But from Junmaru’s words, and his state at this time, he always gave him the feeling that Junmaru’s time was numbered.

Naruto looked at Junmaro and Tayuya and said, “What’s the matter, is the power given by your Lord Orochimaru only to this extent, such a half-hanging ability, it is difficult for me to give Sasuke to you.”

“What’s wrong with another guy and slaughtering him?” Neutra asked as he came to Naruto and asked, carrying the heads of Zuo Near and Orochimaru.

Naruto unhurriedly collected souls from those two heads, and said lightly, “That guy’s body seems to be quite interesting.

Noitra looked at Naruto’s gaze and said with a disdainful expression, “I’m not interested in women. ”

Ahem,” Naruto withdrew his gaze from Tayuya’s body, “I’m talking about another, using his body, reconstructing your flesh in this world so that you can free yourself from the shackles of hell.”

Neutra and Junmaro looked at each other, before nodding and saying, “It seems that this guy is still much stronger than these other straw bales, do you need me to make a move?”

Neutra said, raising the scythe in his hand.

Naruto shook his head slightly, “No need, just leave it to me, that woman’s technique has no effect on me, it doesn’t take much effort to deal with this guy, you just find a quiet place after you go back and wait for me to summon.”

Neutra nodded, then canceled the summoning of psychic magic and disappeared into the air.

Junmaru looked at Naruto, not daring to have the slightest contempt, he roughly understood Naruto’s record from his pocket.

Junmaro carefully pulled out the bone of his left arm as a weapon, and said to Tayuya beside him: “Now it’s just you, take Sasuke and move on, and I’ll be responsible for dragging Naruto Uzumaki.”

“But…” Tayuya couldn’t help but be worried when she thought back to the horrific battle that had just taken place, although she knew very well that Junmaru’s strength was strong.

Although they had been called the Otobi Five together, she knew that Junmaru’s strength was by no means comparable to the four of them.

“Enough.” Junmaro interrupted Tayuya’s words with just two words.

Tayuya naturally felt Junmaro’s determination and continued to run away with Sasuke’s container.

“Even if I know the battle that just happened, I still choose to stop me alone, I really don’t know whether to say that you are arrogant or that you are confident?” Naruto said lightly, he was not too worried about Sasuke escaping his palm.

Now Naruto, on the contrary, is more interested in this man who uses his bones as a weapon.

Junmaro didn’t say too much nonsense, and while rushing towards Naruto, he made a Bone Vein Tsubaki no Mai, aiming at Naruto’s vital point and sending out continuous and fast stabbing strikes.

But it was gently dissolved by Naruto’s skillful swing of the Hana Heavenly Crazy Bone.

The brief encounter with Naruto raised Junmaru’s evaluation of Naruto by a notch, and the sword skills that this pair of swords without a trace of waste were only seen in his life.

“You’d better show all your skills, if I am too disappointed, it is difficult for me to promise not to kill you out of boredom.” Naruto said indifferently in Junmaro’s ear.

Junmaru took the opportunity to use the corpse bone vein ten fingers to pierce and try to sneak up on Naruto, but was still easily blocked by Hanaten’s crazy bone.

“Go ahead, try to please me.” Naruto said, Hanaten’s crazy bone activated the ability of the shadow ghost, and the icy blade pierced the sole of Junmaru’s right foot, and blood splattered out.

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