"I won't accept Boruto, the story timeline will be based on this book! Thank you!!!』

"Wherever leaves flutter, fire will burn. The shadow of the fire will illuminate the village and allow new leaves to take root and sprout......."

In the ninja school of Konohagakure, the third Hokage of Konohagakure, Sarutobi Hiruzen, stood on a high platform and looked at the children below excitedly, talking about his so-called"Will of Fire".

However, he was too excited to notice that there was a child in the team below with a completely different expression on his face from the other children.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen's Will of Fire, apart from not cheating people out of money, has no other good things to offer! I really don't know why everyone is so excited, even Minato Namikaze is........."

The little boy with a different expression, his name is Aizen Shinnosuke! That's right, it's the well-known King Aizen.

At this time, he was standing on the playground of the Ninja School, looking at the passionate Konoha Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen on the podium with a painful face.

In fact, the reason why Aizen Shinnosuke sneered at the so-called Will of Fire mentioned by Sarutobi Hiruzen was because he was not from this world.

That's right, Aizen Shinnosuke is a time traveler.

Moreover, looking at the entire Naruto, Sarutobi Hiruzen's Will of Fire, in addition to sacrificing many people who should not have been sacrificed, Aizen Shinnosuke has not seen any other"benefits".

In addition, the current ninja world is at the beginning of the Second Ninja World War. Not long ago, Hanzo of the Salamander sent a provocative message to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This is why Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't hide in his Hokage office and use his telescope technique to peek into the Konoha women's bathhouse. Instead, he ran to the Ninja School early in the morning to personally promote his own Will of Fire. His purpose was to prepare for the upcoming war.

Soon, Sarutobi Hiruzen's"brainwashing" time was over. Aizen Shinnosuke painfully dragged his already exhausted body back to the class. As soon as he sat down, Aizen Shinnosuke couldn't wait to fall on the table.

"Compared to the playground just now, the classroom now is simply heaven!"

Aizen Shinnosuke was happily drawing circles on the table with his arms, and Minato Namikaze, who was sitting next to him, saw his deskmate and friend like this and immediately smiled bitterly.

"Shinnosuke, please don't say that. Hokage-sama is still a very good person. And don't you think Hokage-sama's will of fire is very great? As long as the leaves are flying, the fire will burn......."

"Stop it, I don't want to hear anything about fire or leaves now."

Aizen Shinnosuke covered his ears and lowered his head, his voice a little dull

"Return the Will of Fire to the Hokage......When you can comprehend your own will of fire, come and talk to me again!"

Aizen Shinnosuke glanced at Minato Namikaze, then lay on the table and closed his eyes.

Hearing his friend say this, Minato Namikaze's face was even more helpless. He was just a child in the ninja school, how could he comprehend his own will of fire?

However, since Aizen Shinnosuke said so. Could it be that......In fact, he has already realized his own will of fire?

Namikaze Minato lowered his head and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, who was lying on the table beside him and had closed his eyes and started to sleep. He frowned and thought.

At this time, the class bell rang. Under the gaze of the students, their teacher walked into the classroom with a little red-haired girl.

"Everyone, be quiet! This is the transfer student who came to our class today! We will be classmates in the future, so get along well with each other! Come! Introduce yourself first!"

Yamato Gansuke, the homeroom teacher of Aizen Shinnosuke and his classmates, gently pushed the transfer student from behind and said to the transfer student who was still a little scared with a smile on his face.


Kushina grabbed the corner of her clothes, first glanced at the students below, then looked back at the teacher. Finally, under the teacher's encouraging gaze, Uzumaki Kushina spoke loudly

"My name is Kushina......My name is Uzumaki Kushina, and my dream is to become the first female Hokage of Konoha!"

After shouting out her inner thoughts, Kushina came back to her senses. It seemed that she had shouted too loudly just now. So, Kushina subconsciously covered her mouth and looked at the classmates sitting below with some fear.

Kushina's eyes slowly swept across the classroom, and she found that many classmates had smiles on their faces. For a moment, Kushina thought she had been recognized by them, but the next second, the group of guys suddenly spoke

"What? She can be a Hokage? This is so funny!"

"Yes, yes, and look, her hair is actually red, so weird, so ugly!"

"She doesn't have any disease, does she? That's why her hair is red?"

"I don't want to get sick! Teacher, can she go to another class?"


Kushina didn't expect that her dream and hair would attract so many criticisms. Kushina pulled her hair across her forehead and looked at the red hair. Her disgust for the red hair deepened.

It was because of the red hair that the Whirlpool Country was.........Mom and Dad will......

Just when Kushina was about to collapse, a little boy with yellow hair stood up. Then, under Kushina's gaze, the boy smiled gently and said

"I also want to be an outstanding Hokage recognized by everyone."

Instantly, everyone in the classroom looked at Minato Namikaze's face. You know what, this guy has a handsome face and a nice smile. As long as he changes his clothes, he will be a very qualified young man.

""Tsk, idiot!"

Aizen Shinnosuke, who was originally sleeping soundly, opened his eyes and glanced at Namikaze Minato, then changed direction, lay on the table again, and continued his sleep.

"It's okay, Kushina! We're just kidding you, so just sit down.......Sit at the back! Okay?"

Because Kushina entered the classroom late, the seats in the front of the classroom were already occupied by other children. So Yamato Gansuke could only arrange Kushina to sit at the back of the classroom.

As Kushina took her seat, Yamato Gansuke still had a standard smile on his face and said to the students below

"Okay, let's start the class now. Everyone, take out your books. Today we will talk about......"

Following Yamato Gansuke's voice, Aizen Shinnosuke, who had been lying down but couldn't sleep, felt his consciousness begin to disperse uncontrollably. As his consciousness was fading, Aizen Shinnosuke sighed in his heart:

"here we go again......The best hypnosis in any world......"

Soon, Aizen Shinnosuke fell asleep. Minato Namikaze realized something and turned his head to look at him, sighed helplessly, and even shook his head.

"Shinnosuke! Shinnosuke! Wake up! You've slept for a whole class! How long are you going to sleep?"

In a daze, Aizen Shinnosuke, who was dreaming, was pushed awake. Aizen Shinnosuke first looked up at the clock hanging above the podium and found that it was not yet noon.

So he closed his eyes and lay down again.

"Minato, leave me alone, let me sleep a little longer......"

"Hahaha......Her hair is so ugly!"

"Yeah, yeah, how could someone have red hair?"

"Hey, look at her face, it’s so round, like a tomato!"

"How about you just call yourself Tomato from now on?"

"Hahahaha, how could Tomato become Hokage?"


Just when Aizen Shinnosuke adjusted his posture and prepared for the arrival of sleep, he suddenly heard endless voices beside his ears. As everyone knows, during breaks in school, it is really noisy.

Especially, in a situation like this, when someone is deliberately looking for trouble. Those laughs are simply noise in Aizen Shinnosuke's ears.

Being woken up by Minato for no reason was annoying enough, and now Aizen Shinnosuke only felt the anger in his heart constantly surging, making him so angry that he had no desire to sleep at all.

"You better be in trouble, or I'm going to kill you all for being such a chatterbox!"

Originally, Kushina Uzumaki was almost irritated by these guys' physical behavior. She was just about to explode and teach these rude guys a lesson. But before she could do anything, she heard a loud slapping sound on the table, followed by a huge roar of anger.

For a moment, all the eyes of everyone in the classroom were attracted. Shinnosuke Aizen's face was extremely dark at this moment. Just one look at him made people feel that their heart beat slower.

In an instant, the group of little brats who had surrounded Kushina Uzumaki.

After seeing the angry Shinnosuke Aizen, they ran away as if they had seen some kind of flood and beast.

Kushina Uzumaki looked carefully at the angry guy just now, and then found out that this angry guy was the classmate of the yellow-haired guy.

Kushina Uzumaki remembered clearly that the guy had been angry since the start of the class.......

No, he had been sleeping on the table before class.

Why were those guys so afraid of such a guy?

In an instant, Uzumaki Kushina suddenly became extremely curious about Aizen Shinnosuke. Uzumaki Kushina thought about it and was about to go up and say hello to Aizen Shinnosuke.

As a result, Uzumaki Kushina suddenly saw that the yellow-haired guy was actually looking at her. Kushina snorted in dissatisfaction in her heart.

Just this cold snort scared the curious Minato Namikaze and turned his head away. His body was stiff and he dared not look back at her again.


After being disturbed by Minato Namikaze, Kushina didn't want to go over for a while. She sat back in her seat, but her eyes were still on Aizen Shinnosuke.

On the other side, Aizen Shinnosuke saw that he actually roared all the little ghosts back to their seats. For some reason, this did not make Aizen Shinnosuke feel happy. Instead, Aizen Shinnosuke felt even more unhappy. With a belly full of anger

, Aizen Shinnosuke could only take a deep breath to suppress his dissatisfaction, and then sat back in his seat.

The Ninja School has fewer courses, usually only two classes in the morning, but each class lasts two hours. So, after the second class, it was time for lunch.

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