"Young Patriarch! They didn't listen to our instructions. We had clearly told them before that they couldn't set up stalls on the street. But they......"

Finally, an Uchiha cautiously raised his head and looked at his home. The young clan leader with fierce eyes, who had just been showing off in front of the villagers of Konoha, was stunned.

"Speak properly! Can you please speak properly?"

Uchiha Fugaku glared at his tribesman, then spoke again to the villager.

"It is not allowed to set up stalls in the middle of the street. It will not only hinder pedestrians, but also make it difficult to sell your goods because they are covered in dust."It is better to move to the side!"

Compared with others, Uchiha Fugaku's attitude was good.

The villagers saw that it was not a good idea to continue to entangle like this, so they moved their goods to the side.

Looking at the actions of the villagers, Uchiha Fugaku sighed. When he looked up, he inadvertently saw Aizen Shinnosuke sitting in a shop nearby and eating.

"You guys go patrol somewhere else first, I have something to take care of! Remember, be nice!"


The other members of the Uchiha Guard nodded to Uchiha Fugaku and then turned and left.

Uchiha Fugaku walked into the shop where Aizen Shinnosuke was, then walked straight to where Aizen Shinnosuke was and sat opposite him.

"Why are you here again?"

After sitting down, Uchiha Fugaku looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who was pouring tea for him and questioned him.

"How is it? It's not easy to do the work of the Uchiha Police Department, right?"

Aizen Shinnosuke did not answer Uchiha Fugaku's question, but asked him a question instead.

"Humph, no matter how difficult it is, I will change the villagers' views on the Uchiha clan!"


Uchiha Fugaku said with full confidence, but the next second Aizen Shinnosuke rudely shattered his beautiful dream.

"Why? Do you think I can't do it?"

Uchiha Fugaku stared at Aizen Shinnosuke, his right hand clenched into a fist because of excitement. Then he drank the tea that Aizen Shinnosuke poured for him in one gulp.

"On the contrary, I have great confidence in you. I believe you can do it one day! But how long will it take? In addition, do the other Uchiha know about your dream? Do they agree with your idea?

If they don't agree, can you force them to put aside their past grudges and greet each other with a smile?"


Facing Aizen Shinnosuke's question, Uchiha Fugaku was speechless for a moment.

"Admit it, this kind of life will not change because of your own thoughts, and the days of daily conflict have been too long. Not to mention them, even you will get angry with the villagers of Konoha sooner or later!

Just like just now, did you really not have a moment to roar at the villagers of Konoha? Scold them for not allowing their damn stalls on that damn street?"

"So what? What do you want to say?"

Uchiha Fugaku took a deep breath and then stared at Aizen Shinnosuke's face. In fact, this was the third time he had met Aizen Shinnosuke here. The first two times, Uchiha Fugaku didn't talk much with Aizen Shinnosuke because he was very busy during that time. He knew that the entire Konoha didn't like the Uchiha clan.

So Uchiha Fugaku wanted to change, and he was eager to change, to change the views of other people in Konoha on the Uchiha clan.

But some time has passed, even though he was very enthusiastic about the people of Konoha every time and tried his best to help the villagers of Konoha. people.

But the next time those people saw him, they still avoided him.

In other words, Uchiha Fugaku has been doing useless work during this period. Not only did it have no effect, but it also made him very tired.

Now, Uchiha Fugaku finally couldn't hold on any longer. Just like Aizen Shinnosuke said, he just wanted to vent his anger on that group of unreasonable villagers.

So, today, for the first time, Uchiha Fugaku asked Aizen Shinnosuke about the Uchiha clan.

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded, then poured Uchiha Fugaku another cup of tea.

"Uchiha Police Department, in fact, this position is not suitable for you Uchiha clan. You have bad tempers and like to isolate yourself. The entire Uchiha clan is unwilling to integrate into the village.

In the long run, the resentment of other people in Konoha towards you will become deeper and deeper. In the end......Bang! If nothing unexpected happens, your clan will start a conflict with Konoha. By then, either you die or Konoha will perish!"

"Impossible! I won't let that day come to pass!"

Uchiha Fugaku slammed the table with a loud noise. The store manager subconsciously looked over, and when he saw that nothing was wrong, he turned his head back to his own business.

"Is it possible?"

Aizen Shinnosuke asked Uchiha Fugaku

"why not......What on earth do you want to do?"

When he said this, Uchiha Fugaku was already gritting his teeth.

"Actually, I have some people here too. They are already dissatisfied with some of the arrangements made by the Sandaime. After all, no one can tolerate that such a huge village like Konoha, all those very important positions are actually in the hands of Sarutobi Hiruzen and his friends. So now some people are......I wanted to push him!"

"Aizen Shinnosuke! Are you crazy?"

Uchiha Fugaku never expected that he just wanted to change the Uchiha people, but Aizen Shinnosuke was so bold.

He actually wanted to overthrow the Sandaime Hokage? Between the two of them, who is the Uchiha? Moreover, Aizen Shinnosuke seems to be only about ten years old now?

"It's not us who are crazy! It's the world that's crazy! Fugaku, don't you have any ideas? Why should you, the Uchiha clan, be excluded by Konoha? Why can't you, who founded Konoha together with the Senju clan, even get the most basic respect?

Is all this really what you want? Do you really want to be like this?......Are you so willing to accept this? Even if your child is also a member of the Uchiha clan in the future, he will also be ostracized by Konoha?

Uchiha Fugaku, tell me! Are you really......Don't you have the idea of stepping into the center of power and fighting for your people and your children?"

Uchiha Fugaku felt that Aizen Shinnosuke was like a demon who was tempting him to sell his soul. His words made Uchiha Fugaku swallow subconsciously.

"But......How is this possible? You know the prestige of the Third Generation in the village. You are just wishful thinking if you want to overthrow him!"

Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head and denied Uchiha Fugaku's statement.

"You are right. The third generation is now at the peak of his prestige. But who can blame his teammates? Not everyone is Sarutobi Hiruzen. Some people are......His name is Shimura Danzo!"

Uchiha Fugaku was a little confused. He didn't understand, what did this have to do with Shimura Danzo? Didn't Aizen Shinnosuke want to overthrow Sarutobi Hiruzen? Why did they suddenly talk about Shimura Danzo again?

"It's okay, you don't need to know so much for now. Just remember that you are now on the same front with us! For now, I don't need you yet, you can take your Uchiha clan and everything will remain the same.

But when I need you, you can't be indifferent! Otherwise......I don't even take Sarutobi Hiruzen seriously, let alone the unpopular Uchiha clan!"

After saying the last harsh words, Aizen Shinnosuke left the store. Uchiha Fugaku walked for a while, and finally drank the tea in front of him, and then chose to leave the store.

"Did you get it done?"

Not long after he left the house, a familiar voice sounded behind Aizen Shinnosuke.

Aizen Shinnosuke looked back and saw Orochimaru leaning against a telephone pole, his snake-like pupils staring at him.

"Yeah, it’s done!"

"So what's next? What are you going to do?"

Orochimaru walked up to Aizen Shinnosuke and asked.

"No hurry, we just need to wait!"

Aizen Shinnosuke smiled, which made Orochimaru a little confused. However, he also smiled.

"Shinnosuke, you are so dangerous. I feel sorry for my teacher. He actually provoked you for his stupid friend."

"Don't say that, Orochimaru-sensei. You said I was dangerous, but I was wronged!"

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