After a simple cleanup, Aizen Shinnosuke and Tsunade went back to their respective rooms.

Aizen Shinnosuke lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling with his eyes open. For some reason, he always felt like he hadn't done anything today.

"What is it?"

Aizen Shinnosuke turned over and over, and suddenly thought of the battle against the group of Kumogakure Jonin today. Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered the three cards he had just obtained.

"This is it!"

At that time, he seemed to be busy looking for trouble with Sarutobi Hiruzen, so he didn't immediately check what the abilities of the three cards were.

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke opened his system panel and began to check.

【When the southern barbarians invade, summon a huge mammoth to help you fight. You can also summon a herd of ten adult African elephants to charge forward and cause a trampling attack.】

""Shit, mammoths and African elephants? Such a big deal? It's really a southern barbarian invasion!"

Aizen Shinnosuke was so shocked that he sat up from the bed. Mammoths and African elephants. The size of those two elephants is considered to be the larger species among elephants.

This time, Aizen Shinnosuke directly had a big killer. You know, if an elephant gets angry, it's not something that ordinary people can bear. In fact, ordinary people can't bear it.


【It creates something out of nothing and can only be released to the host himself. After release, all the host's chakras can be restored!】

"Awesome! Creating something out of nothing! Now, I don’t have to worry about running out of chakra anymore!"

At first, what Aizen Shinnosuke was most worried about was running out of chakra. Now, with Creating Something Out of Nothing, he will never be short of chakra again.

"But unfortunately, this card cannot be used on other people. Otherwise, it would be even more powerful!"

As he spoke, Aizen Shinnosuke turned his attention to the last card.

【Happy and forgetful, can be used on any target. After using it, the opponent will fall into a fantasy of decadence and debauchery, thus making him lose his combat effectiveness!】

"I am so happy that I don't want to leave. Illusion cards. In this way, I am already all-powerful! For single-target damage, there are thunder and fire kills, and for evasion, there are flash cards. For group attack, there is Nanman invasion, and the skill cards are stealing and crossing the river to destroy the bridge. The recovery cards are peach and out of nothing, and the illusion card is happy and I don't want to leave."

Aizen Shinnosuke counted the cards in his hand while falling into a sweet dream.

The next day, when Nawaki got up, he saw Tsunade eating breakfast at the dining table.

"Sister? Why are you back?"

Sheng Shu's mind was not yet fully clear, and he was a little excited when he saw Tsunade.

"How did I come back? What do you think?"

Tsunade stared at Rope Tree, and the smile on Rope Tree's face froze.

After being stared at by Tsunade, Rope Tree's memory began to recover. What happened yesterday reappeared in Rope Tree's mind.

"Hehe, isn't Aizen Shinnosuke here? It's okay!"

"It's nothing! Yes, Shinnosuke's ability is very powerful. But what if you hadn't met the Uchiha yesterday? You would have all been caught by then! Damn old man, you can't do anything! You're just dragging us down, and it makes me so angry!"

While speaking, Tsunade seemed to treat the food in her bowl as Sarutobi Hiruzen, and kept poking the chopsticks into the bowl, stirring the food into a mess

"Don't waste food!"

Looking at the furious Tsunade, Nawaki shrank his neck and wanted to bury his head in the bowl. But Aizen Shinnosuke was different. He looked at Tsunade who had messed up the food, and without thinking, he slapped her on the head and warned her.

"Shinnosuke! You dare to hit me on the head?"

Tsunade was hit by Aizen Shinnosuke, her eyes suddenly widened, and she looked at Aizen Shinnosuke in disbelief.

"What's wrong with hitting you on the head? Don't forget, I was the one who dared to scold the Hokage yesterday, not to mention that you are not the Hokage yet! Eat!"

Aizen Shinnosuke pursed his lips at the food in Tsunade's bowl and said.

Tsunade wanted to refute Aizen Shinnosuke, but she didn't know where to start. She could only vent her anger on the food in front of her, and her eating manner was not very good. On the other side, when Rope Tree saw that Aizen Shinnosuke dared to hit his own sister, he immediately admired him. You know, no one can control Tsunade except Uzumaki Mito. Even her teacher, Sarutobi Hiruzen is useless to her.

After breakfast, Tsunade took Aizen Shinnosuke and Rope Tree to the Hokage building.


The door of the Hokage's office, which was repaired yesterday, suffered another disaster.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Tsunade who broke into the door with a painful look on his face. Sarutobi Hiruzen had received the news of Tsunade's return to the village yesterday. He originally thought that he was ready to face Tsunade, but now, Sarutobi Hiruzen realized that he was still not prepared enough.

"Old Man......"

"Tsunade, first of all, I am your teacher. Secondly, I am still the Hokage. Can you at least give me some basic respect?"

In the Hokage's office, as soon as Tsunade opened her mouth, Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted her and started to play the emotional card.

""Heh, teacher? Hokage? Well, if you want to say that, I have to ask you. Since you are my teacher, and since you are the Hokage of Konoha.

Then why did the ninjas from Kumogakure break into my house? And kidnap Kushina? Why did no one notice such a huge Konoha, except for these kids?

And why is it that the fighting is in full swing over there? The noise is so loud that everyone in the Uchiha clan can hear it, but you are still hiding in this small house? Look at what you have done, and you dare to say that you are the Hokage? You dare to mention that you are my teacher?"

Very good, Tsunade rarely used her fists to speak this time. Sarutobi Hiruzen was very pleased, but as Tsunade began to ask questions, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly felt that it would be better to let Tsunade use her fists.

Why did Sarutobi Hiruzen feel as if he had heard these words from Tsunade somewhere before, and the meaning was similar?


"Humph! Hiruzen, you are really going backwards as you grow older! Tsunade is your disciple, right? She actually dared to point at your nose and talk to you!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen had just opened his mouth when suddenly a voice came from outside the office door. Tsunade and the other two looked back, only to see a guy with half of his body tied up in bandages walking in with two other Konoha elders.

Tsunade did not expect that the old guy Danzo Shimura would come back so quickly. However, the moment she saw Danzo Shimura, Tsunade's anger, which was already uncontrollable, became even stronger.

They had returned to the front line because of Danzo Shimura, and yesterday when she needed to hurry back, this old guy deliberately delayed time. Now he actually dared to appear in front of her, what a joke!......

Tsunade clenched her fists but didn't move, when a figure suddenly appeared in front of Shimura Danzo.

"Aizen Shinnosuke! What are you doing?!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was more focused than anyone else, because the moment he heard Shimura Danzo's voice, Sarutobi Hiruzen guessed that something was going to happen.

��As expected, Aizen Shinnosuke has appeared in front of Shimura Danzo at this moment, with his arms raised high, his intentions are very obvious.

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