This attack ended with Konoha losing more than a dozen chunins and dozens of genins, while only three jonin escaped from the Amegakure.

Orochimaru, Tsunade and other ninjas were sitting in the main tent, which was the place for command and meetings.

Orochimaru gathered everyone here to hold a mobilization and criticism meeting.

He criticized himself as well as others. After all, nearly a hundred people were lost last night, and those were living people, and they should reflect on themselves.

Aizen Shinnosuke and Nawaki stood in the corner, watching Orochimaru first pointing at their noses and scolding, and then pointing at the noses of the group of jonin and scolding.

"Master Jiraiya!"

Just when the meeting was halfway through, Jiraiya came back.

He walked into the tent exhausted and sat down next to Orochimaru.

"How is it?"

Orochimaru asked Jiraiya.

Jiraiya didn't have time to answer. He drank a few gulps of water before he said to Orochimaru.

"That base is fake, even though it looks like the real thing. There are people inside, but they are all civilians, not ninjas at all! That place is just to attract our attention!"

"Damn it!"

After hearing Jiraiya's report, Orochimaru was so angry that he slapped the table.

But suddenly, Orochimaru saw Jiraiya smiling. Orochimaru hurriedly grabbed Jiraiya and asked

"What's wrong? Any good news?"

Jiraiya slapped Orochimaru's arm twice and spoke excitedly.

"Although that base was fake, I found two new Yuyin bases. Both of those places are real! I have already captured them, and the two teams of ninjas are waiting there!"


In this way, they would not be at a disadvantage in this battle.

Orochimaru then spoke to the people in the tent.

"Everyone, get ready, eat and rest. Tomorrow we will go directly to the Land of Rain. Since Hanzo has already started the war, it is time to let him know how powerful we are in Konoha!"

Under the command of Orochimaru, the other ninjas in Konoha immediately turned into howling hungry wolves and went down to make arrangements.

After the others left, Jiraiya turned his attention to Shinnosuke Aizen.

"After I returned to the camp, I heard that you killed a Rain Ninja by yourself yesterday?"

Along with Jiraiya's voice, Rope Tree and the others also looked at Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Fortunately, it was that guy's own strength that was not good enough."

Although Aizen Shinnosuke was speaking the truth, it sounded a bit boastful to Jiraiya and the other two.

But when the three of them thought about it, they were only ten years old like Aizen Shinnosuke now. At that time, they were just Genin who had just graduated from the Ninja School. At that time, Jiraiya was still peeping at the women's bathhouse. They were not like Aizen Shinnosuke now, who could kill the enemy alone.

"Well, don't be too proud. There are many powerful people in this world. Don't let complacency bring you trouble!"

Orochimaru looked at Aizen Shinnosuke. As the guiding jonin of Aizen Shinnosuke, he should be the one to say such words. Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Orochimaru, he was a little confused. Why would Orochimaru say such words to him? He was really not complacent. Wasn't he telling the truth?

"Then, teacher, can I participate in tomorrow's battle?"

Since Orochimaru told me not to be complacent, I just want to take this opportunity to go to the battlefield.

"Master, Master, I want to go too!"

When Rope Tree heard that Aizen Shinnosuke was going to the battlefield, Rope Tree immediately said to Orochimaru that he wanted to go too.


However, before Orochimaru answered, Tsunade directly rejected the request of Aizen Shinnosuke and Nawaki. Nawaki looked at his sister and asked.

"Your sister is right, Rope Tree. And Shinnosuke, the battlefield is still too dangerous for you. You don't have the strength to go there yet!"

After Tsunade finished speaking, Orochimaru also spoke. However, his answer was the same as Tsunade's. He also disagreed with Aizen Shinnosuke and Rope Tree going to the battlefield

"But it's not safe for us to stay in this camp!"

Aizen Shinnosuke shrugged and said to Orochimaru and the others.

"How can it be unsafe? This is......"

"But this place was attacked just yesterday, so how can we be sure that after you leave, Yuyin’s people won’t attack the camp again?"


At this moment, Orochimaru, Tsunade and Jiraiya looked at each other. After what happened yesterday, who among the three of them dared to guarantee now?

What if they said here that the Rain Ninja would not come, but the Rain Ninja really came?

"But the battlefield......"

"It's okay!"

Looking at Tsunade who looked worried, Aizen Shinnosuke comforted her.

"Sister Tsunade, have you forgotten? I still have peaches!"

As he said this, a peach card appeared in Shinnosuke Aizen's hand.

"With it, no matter what injuries we suffer, we can be saved!"

Looking at the cards in Aizen Shinnosuke's hand, Tsunade's worry finally subsided a lot. On the side, Jiraiya and Orochimaru's faces also became much better.

"Indeed, how could we forget that Shinnosuke has such a powerful ninjutsu!"

Jiraiya looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with a smile on his face. There were too many things happening recently, and he forgot everything. In addition to Aizen Shinnosuke's own strength, his ninjutsu is also not to be underestimated.

Moreover, Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu is different from theirs.

"Fine���Then you two should pay more attention to your own safety! Especially Nawaki, you must stay by Aizen Shinnosuke's side and cannot leave!"

""Yes! Sister!"

Nawaki patted his chest and assured Tsunade.

The next day, in the Konoha camp, many Konoha ninjas were already prepared. The guys from the Hidden Rain Village actually attacked them many times.

So, it was time for them to"return the favor" to the other side.

"Let's go!"

Orochimaru didn't say much to boost morale. Just the two attacks on Konoha by the Hidden Rain Village were enough to make everyone in Konoha kill the Hidden Rain Village, so Orochimaru simply gave everyone a simple order to go. In an instant, the ninjas of Konoha quickly crossed the border and stepped into the territory of the Land of Rain.

Under the leadership of Orochimaru and the other two, the ninjas of Konoha rushed towards the Hidden Rain Village like locusts crossing the border.

"What did you say?! The people from Konoha have also broken in?"

At this time, Hanzo, who was fighting against the ninjas from the Sand Village, was a little nervous when he heard that the ninjas from Konoha had broken into the Rain Country.

"Damn it! If I had known, I wouldn't have provoked the Sand Village and Konoha together! This damn puppet old woman!"

Salamander Hanzo looked at the place where the Sand Village camp was located, and slammed his hand hard on the table.

"Retreat! Retreat back to the village! We must stop the guys from Konoha, otherwise, our village will suffer great losses!"

In the camp of Sand Village, Chiyo, the frontline leader of Sand Village, has also received news of Konoha's attack.

"Humph! Those guys from Konoha. Are they finally willing to move? What's the reaction of that old man with the snorkel?"

"Master Chiyo! Amegakure has retreated!"


Upon hearing the news that Yuyin had withdrawn, Chiyo was so shocked that she stood up from her chair.

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