Under the cover of the elephant, Aizen Shinnosuke and the Konoha ninjas finally got rid of the pursuit of Iwagakure.

After running for another half an hour, everyone finally stopped and began to rest.

Aizen Shinnosuke stood on a high place, alert to the pursuit of Iwagakure, while counting the number of people left.

When they first set out to fight with Amegakure, they had a total of more than 3,000 people. But under the attack of the poisonous fog of the Salamander Hanzo, they lost hundreds of people, plus those who died in the previous battle, they only had more than 2,000 people left.

But now after the battle with Iwagakure just now, there are only more than 1,000 people left from the original more than 2,000. Moreover, everyone's condition is not good.

"Shinnosuke! My sister and the others didn't retreat!"

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke was resting, Nawaki suddenly ran up to him and said to Aizen Shinnosuke anxiously.


Aizen Shinnosuke was confused by this sudden news. Tsunade and the others didn't retreat? Could it be that when he shouted, his voice was not loud enough? Didn't Tsunade and the others hear him?

"Shinnosuke, what should we do?"

The situation of Aizen Shinnosuke and Nawaki quickly attracted the attention of the Konoha ninjas. They subconsciously came over and then learned that Tsunade and the others had not retreated yet.

"No! We have to go back to rescue Lady Tsunade and the others!"

After knowing that Tsunade and the others had not retreated, the ninjas of Konoha immediately screamed to go back to rescue Tsunade and the others.

In response, Aizen Shinnosuke just glanced at the guy who was talking.

"So, you guys retreat directly to the Land of Fire now, and I'll go back to find Lady Tsunade and the others. Nawaki, don't worry, I'm here, Sister Tsunade and the others will be fine!"

Hearing Aizen Shinnosuke speak, the many ninjas of Konoha soon quieted down.

In fact, many ninjas were unwilling to make the arrangement made by Aizen Shinnosuke. After all, there were so many ninjas in Iwagakure, and if only one Aizen Shinnosuke went back, it might not have any effect.

But Aizen Shinnosuke didn't give them a chance to speak at all. As soon as he finished speaking, Aizen Shinnosuke rushed back to the battlefield just now.

The other Konoha ninjas saw this scene and wanted to keep up, but their bodies didn't allow it.

There was no way, they could only obey Aizen Shinnosuke's order just now and retreat to the Land of Fire.

When he left, Nawaki looked back every few steps. Until he could no longer see the figure of Aizen Shinnosuke, he could only suppress the panic in his heart and retreat with the large army.

On the other side, Tsunade and the other two were now shuttling through the woods.

""Go this way!"

Orochimaru looked around the surroundings, then carried Jiraiya and Tsunade and ran towards the higher ground.

Tsunade supported the injured Jiraiya and followed Orochimaru at their fastest speed. Behind them, many Iwagakure were still chasing them.

"They are over here! Chase them!"

Led by their leader, the Iwagakure ninjas kept chasing Orochimaru and his two companions.

In the end, Orochimaru and his companions had no choice but to run into a cave. The

Iwagakure ninjas followed closely and charged into the cave once. However, when they were blocked by Orochimaru at the entrance of the cave and killed dozens of people at once, they could only helplessly surround the entrance of the cave.

Aizen Shinnosuke hurried on at his fastest speed, but when he returned to the battlefield, there were only corpses on the ground.

"Damn it! Didn't I catch up?"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked around, trying to find some traces of Tsunade and the others leaving. However, even if he circled the entire battlefield, he didn't find any traces.

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke was about to leave, suddenly......


Aizen Shinnosuke turned around cautiously, his eyes scanning every inch of land behind him.

He had clearly heard a sound just now. In other words, there was someone on this battlefield.......Someone!

"Come out!"

Aizen Shinnosuke took out the ancient ingot knife with his backhand and groped carefully.

In the blind spot of Aizen Shinnosuke's vision, a little girl was covering her mouth with a look of fear, trying not to make any sound.

However, Aizen Shinnosuke's voice was like the whisper of a devil, entering her ears

"I've seen you, come out!"

Aizen Shinnosuke continued to grope, trying to find the hiding guy.

The little girl hiding in the dark saw Aizen Shinnosuke approaching, and subconsciously shrank her body. But with this movement, her foot stepped into the puddle.

This time, her position was completely exposed.

Aizen Shinnosuke turned his head sharply in the direction where the sound came from, and a pair of murderous eyes scared the little girl so much that she screamed.

Then, she directly released her hands covering her mouth, and the whole person subconsciously ran away.

Aizen Shinnosuke frowned when he saw that the other party was just a child. He thought it was Iwagakure, or someone from their Konoha.

Although the person who appeared was not what he thought, Aizen Shinnosuke was not slow. After a few jumps, he came directly in front of the child, and then waved his hand to knock him to the ground


The little girl screamed as she was knocked to the ground.

But Aizen Shinnosuke didn't care about that. He held the ancient ingot sword in front of the other party and said

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"My name is......Xiaonan, yes.......Find food......I'm not......"

The little girl was choked with fear by the knife in front of her, but she still managed to speak her name.


When Shinnosuke Aizen heard this familiar name, his eyebrows slightly raised.

Then, Shinnosuke Aizen carefully looked at her. Thin body, dirty face, even the whole person was dirty.

Moreover, the clothes she was wearing. It was obvious that she had been worn for a long time. Because they were so torn, no one would pick them up even if they were thrown on the roadside.

I don't know why Konan still wears them.

Seeing that the other party was not a threat, Shinnosuke Aizen put away the knife. Then, he squatted in front of Konan and asked

"You said you were looking for food, but have you seen three people wearing forehead protectors like me? Do you know where they went?"

The most important thing now is Tsunade and the others. Since Konan said she was looking for food, she may have seen Tsunade and the others.

Sure enough, after listening to Aizen Shinnosuke's question, Konan pointed in a direction.

"They ran in that direction, and one of the white-haired ones seemed injured. Behind them, there were many people chasing them!"

Looking at the direction of Konan's finger, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded. In this way, at least we know where Tsunade and the others went. Moreover, the injured white-haired guy should be Jiraiya.

"Thank you!"

Aizome Shinnosuke nodded to Konan, and then ran in that direction.

Only after seeing Aizen Shinnosuke run away completely did Konan's tense nerves relax completely. Then, the whole person collapsed to the ground uncontrollably.

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