Tsunade and Jiraiya beside him also turned around and left.

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other two, then followed Orochimaru and the other two and left the Hokage building.

When he came out of the building, Orochimaru and the other two were still waiting for him at the door.

"Teacher, when did that old guy Mitomon Yan start to talk?"

When I came to Tsunade, as expected, Tsunade was mumbling to Orochimaru and the others.

"Let's go home! Let's go buy some groceries first. Shinnosuke, you haven't cooked for a long time. I'm so hungry!"

Aizome Shinnosuke came to the three of them. Tsunade saw Aizen Shinnosuke coming over, reached out and hugged Tsunade, and then said


Back home.

Minato Namikaze and the others had been waiting for a long time. They were sitting in the living room, concentrating on listening to what Nawaki was telling them about the battlefield.

When Minato Namikaze heard that Aizen Shinnosuke had actually killed Hanzo with one knife, Minato Namikaze's eyes sparkled.


As he was talking, Nawaki turned around and saw Tsunade and the others coming back. When Namikaze Minato and the others saw the vegetables in Tsunade's hands, Namikaze Minato and the other two couldn't help but shine in their eyes.

"I'll do it, I'll do it."

Nawaki ran to Aizen Shinnosuke's side and took the vegetables from Aizen Shinnosuke.

"You didn't help your sister?"

Tsunade looked at the rope tree that passed directly over her and snorted in annoyance.

""Tsunade-sama, leave it to me!"

As he was speaking, Minato Namikaze walked up to Tsunade and took the food from her.

Nagato and Konan walked up to Orochimaru and Jiraiya respectively and took their things.

"You guys take a rest!"

After saying that, Aizen Shinnosuke led a few people into the kitchen. Just as Kushina was about to leave, Tsunade reached out and pulled her back.

"Tsunade's sister......"

Looking at Tsunade, Kushina sat back beside her obediently.

"You are now the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki......Are you okay?"

Faced with Tsunade's question, Kushina shook her head.

"I'm fine, Minato is with me!"

Seeing that Kushina mentioned Minato in the first sentence, Tsunade immediately showed a look of astonishment.

"What's the situation between you and Minato?"


Kushina never expected Tsunade to ask this, and her face turned red for a moment.

"Tsunade, they are still children!"

On the other side, Orochimaru couldn't stand it anymore and reminded Tsunade

"Oh, I know! But some people, when they were their age, their love letters were already scattered all over Konoha.

"No? How can I be involved in this?"

Jiraiya was just thinking about how to tell Aizen Shinnosuke to take him to see the Great Toad Sage. As a result, he heard Tsunade mention his deeds. For a moment, even Jiraiya, who had been shameless since childhood, felt a little shy.

"Yo, yo, are you still shy?"

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya, who was embarrassed, with a look of disgust on her face.

In the kitchen, Namikaze Minato looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who was washing vegetables, as if he wanted to say something but hesitated.

"If you have something to say, just say it. Who pinched your neck?"

Seeing that Aizen Shinnosuke said this, Namikaze Minato immediately looked at Aizen Shinnosuke and said

"Um, are you guys going to the frontline of Wind Country next? Can I go with you?"

Upon hearing Minato Namikaze's voice, Aizen Shinnosuke paused while washing vegetables. Then, Aizen Shinnosuke turned his head and looked at Minato Namikaze.

"You're going to the front line?"

"That's right!"

Namikaze Minato nodded, then glanced at Nawaki and then turned to look at Aizen Shinnosuke.

"You and Nawaki have been there once, why don't you take me with you this time?"

Hearing this, Aizen Shinnosuke turned his head and looked at Nawaki who was peeling potatoes, and thought carefully.


Hearing that Aizen Shinnosuke agreed, Namikaze Minato's face suddenly showed joy.

"Then in exchange, Nawaki, you should stay this time. It's just right, take care of Konan and Nagato!"

"Ah? I stay?"

Nawaki had no objection to Namikaze Minato's going to the deadline to visit his grandmother, but when he heard Aizen Shinnosuke ask him to stay, Nawaki felt a little unwilling.

"Not only you, if we really go to the front line of the Wind Country this time, then only you will go with us. Teacher Orochimaru will stay, and it is a good opportunity for you, Konan and Nagato, the three of you to learn more under him.

Especially you, Nawaki, your current strength is still too weak! In the Rain Country, if no one had taken care of you many times, what would have happened to you, you know it yourself."

Hearing what Aizen Shinnosuke said, Nawaki stopped talking.

Because he knew that what Aizen Shinnosuke said was true. When in the Rain Country, not only Aizen Shinnosuke, but also his master, sister, brother Jiraiya, and even other companions helped him a lot.

After this time, Nawaki already knew the gap between himself and other ninjas. In this case, Nawaki nodded directly and said to Aizen Shinnosuke

"I understand, I will pay more attention to it!"

After seeing Rope Tree agree, Aizen Shinnosuke turned his head to look at Nagato and Konan beside him.

He had decided to let Orochimaru teach these two people. Needless to say, Konan's own paper secret technique was all figured out by herself in the anime.

However, Nagato's Samsara Eye, I think with the help of Orochimaru this time, Nagato should be greatly improved. At the very least, Orochimaru will not be like Jiraiya, who only knows that these eyes are the eyes of the Six Paths Sage, and then knows nothing.

While eating, Aizen Shinnosuke told Tsunade and the other two about this matter.

Hearing that Aizen Shinnosuke and the others were going to the front line of the Wind Country, Jiraiya immediately raised his hand.

"Why did you mention Orochimaru and Tsunade but not me? What about my plan?

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Jiraiya with a strange expression and said

"Master Jiraiya, you are not a child anymore. What do you need me to do for you?"

After taking a bite of rice, Aizen Shinnosuke said directly

"It just so happens that you are going to look for the child of prophecy? Then you can set off?"

"Child of prophecy? Jiraiya, what child of prophecy are you looking for?"

This was the first time that Orochimaru and Tsunade had heard of the so-called child of prophecy. Suddenly, whether it was Orochimaru, Tsunade, or Rope Tree, they all looked at Jiraiya curiously.

In response, Jiraiya simply waved his hand and said

"We'll talk about this later!"

Then he looked at Aizen Shinnosuke and said

"In that case, Aizen Shinnosuke, the Great Toad Sage wants to see you, can you spare some time to go to Myoboku Mountain with me?"

Since Aizen Shinnosuke had mentioned the child of prophecy, Jiraiya simply didn't bother to find a chance to talk to Aizen Shinnosuke later, and took the opportunity to directly decide to meet the Great Toad Sage now.

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