Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen using his status as Hokage to pressure him, Shimura Danzo gritted his teeth in anger.......This happened again!!!

Obviously the position of Hokage should be his, it's his! He was one step slower than Sarutobi Hiruzen at the beginning, which led to him missing the opportunity to become Hokage. Now, is the fourth Hokage going to leave him too?

Although he was unwilling, Danzo Shimura had no other choice.

Just like Sarutobi Hiruzen said, he is still the current Hokage. It is not their place to make decisions about the appointment of the next Hokage.

However, the position of Hokage is not something that can be decided by the Hokage.

Danzo Shimura snorted coldly and turned away alone.

Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En saw this and left one after the other. They both saw through it and realized that this was not something they could stop.

Unless Tsunade committed an unforgivable mistake, the next Hokage would definitely be Tsunade.

After all, whether in terms of birth or status. Tsunade is now at the peak of her career in Konoha.���Existence, among her peers, no one can hold a candle to her.

After leaving the Hokage, Shimura Danzo did not return to his house. Instead, he went straight to the Root base. As soon as he entered the door, dozens of Root members were already there ready.

""Master Danzo!"

Danzo Shimura looked at the ninja standing beside him and asked,"How are the preparations going?"

Hearing Danzo's question, the man lowered his head and replied,"Everything is ready. As long as Master Danzo gives the order, we will set off immediately!"

After listening to the report, Danzo Shimura's face finally changed. Danzo Shimura looked at the dozens of people below and nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Danzo Shimura came to the group of people and said,"This mission cannot be missed! Whether it is Shinnosuke Aizen or Tsunade, I don't want to see them again!"

Under the gaze of Danzo's only remaining eye, these dozens of people quickly set out. Ran towards the border between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire.

On the other side, Tsunade and the others had also returned home. When they entered the door, Shinnosuke Aizen had just finished cooking, but they still had to wait for Jiraiya, so everyone just sat at the dining table and chatted.

"I didn't expect what happened today, Jiraiya would actually stand up and speak for you. It seems that Jiraiya is very strict on weekdays, but he is still a good person!"

Tsunade talked about what happened at the meeting. Until now, she still couldn't believe that Jiraiya would actually stand up at that time and speak for Aizen Shinnosuke.

"In fact, Jiraiya wasn't speaking for me, he was speaking for my identity!"

"What is your identity? What other identity do you have?......"

Tsunade muttered, and suddenly Tsunade seemed to have thought of something

"You mean, the child of prophecy that Jiraiya mentioned? Just for that?"

Tsunade took that as a joke, but Jiraiya actually believed it so firmly?

Tsunade was immediately confused. Should she say Jiraiya was smart or stupid?

"Who knows, but now it seems that Jiraiya really believes it. Otherwise, when have you ever seen Jiraiya speak for others? Especially in this situation!"

Orochimaru on the side also felt quite interesting about this. If possible, he would like to meet the big toad sage.

If possible, he really wants to dissect the big toad sage to find out what the toad's prophetic dream is.

"Brother Jiraiya, you are back?"

Just then, the voice of Rope Tree came.

Everyone looked back and saw Jiraiya coming in.

"Hey? You haven't eaten yet?"

After entering the room, Jiraiya's attention was focused on the food that no one had touched.

"Isn't it waiting for you? Come on!"

Aizen Shinnosuke smiled and waved to Jiraiya.

Jiraiya came back, and the meal started as usual. However, halfway through the meal, Jiraiya suddenly said

"I have advised him, teacher. He also agreed that he would step down as Hokage after the war. By then, Tsunade, you will be the next Hokage!"

Jiraiya's words made everyone present stop eating.

"you......What did you say?"

Tsunade put down her bowl in disbelief and asked Jiraiya

"I said, I have already persuaded the Third Hokage. Besides, he has already agreed. He agrees that you will be the next Hokage, but because it is wartime now, the teacher said that after the war is over, he will nominate you as the next Hokage!"

"Did you tell the Hokage? Did the three elders know?"

When he heard Jiraiya say that he had persuaded the Third Hokage, Aizen Shinnosuke's first thought was the three elders. Especially that guy Shimura Danzo!

"should......Don’t know?"

"What do you mean you shouldn't know?"

Tsunade frowned and looked at Jiraiya. Why was this guy so unwilling to speak?

"The teacher and I talked on the rooftop, and there was no one around. In addition, the teacher also promised in his name as the Hokage that he would not tell anyone about our conversation!"

"Oh, then I know!" Aizen Shinnosuke nodded.

If that's the case, then nothing unexpected happened. Aizen Shinnosuke thought, Shimura Danzo should have known about it. In fact, Shimura Danzo has already made arrangements!

"Why do you say that? Could it be that the teacher will really tell others about our conversation?"

Jiraiya looked at Aizen Shinnosuke puzzledly, not understanding where he got the evidence to say such a thing.

"Are you a fool? Who will give you evidence for this kind of thing?"

Aizen Shinnosuke glanced at Jiraiya, and then said:"Although I don't know what happened, but if Master Jiraiya didn't lie. Then our Elder Danzo should have made arrangements. Sister Tsunade, I'm afraid we won't have peace when we go to the front line this time!"

"No way? Could it be that Shimura Danzo dare to attack us?"

Shinnosuke Aizen had already told Tsunade before that only Shinnosuke Aizen, herself, Minato and the Uchiha family would go to the front line this time.

No matter how stupid Danzo Shimura is, he would not attack his own village like this, right? In that case, would he still be the elder?

Facing Tsunade's inquiry, Shinnosuke Aizen said with a"as it should be" look on his face:"It's hard to say for others, but he is Danzo Shimura. If he doesn't do anything, then he is not Danzo Shimura!

In any case, be more careful this time. Minato, don't go. This time it is not a simple war with other villages."

Minato and the others have been listening. Nawaki and Minato are very surprised. They didn't expect the village to be so dark that they would attack people from their own village.

But looking at Konan and Nagato, they are more calm. After all, both of them crawled out of the pile of dead bodies on the battlefield. It's just darkness, and they have seen it before.

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