Aizen Shinnosuke shrugged again and said,"Don't get excited, they are just excuses. The result is the most important!"

Looking at the stubborn Aizen Shinnosuke, Uchiha Fugaku really had no place to vent his anger. In the end, he could only cross his arms and sulk alone. Aizen

Shinnosuke looked at the angry Uchiha Fugaku, curled his lips and walked aside tactfully.

"You are Aizen Shinnosuke, right? Hello!"He hadn't taken a few steps when he was stopped by someone.

Aizen Shinnosuke turned his head and saw two boys who looked the same and had white crystal pupils standing beside him.

"Yes, I am Aizen Shinnosuke, you are from Hyuga, right?"

"That's right, my name is Hinata Hiashi, and this is my brother Hinata Hizashi. I hope you can take care of me when I go to the front line this time!"

The boy who called himself Hinata Hiashi nodded slightly to Aizen Shinnosuke, and then said

"It's not about taking care of them, everyone is working for Konoha. I think no matter who it is, they will be indifferent when they see their companions in trouble!"

Hearing what Aizen Shinnosuke said, Hinata Hiashi smiled and said

"That's natural. I don't think anyone would do that!"

At this point, Aizen Shinnosuke and Hyuga Hiashi had nothing to say. So, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded to Hyuga Hiashi and walked to Tsunade's side.

"You are very popular, Uchiha people, Hyuga people. People from the two major eye-jutsu families of Konoha actually came to see you?"

Tsunade leaned back on the carriage where the supplies were stored, glanced in the direction of Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Hiashi, then smiled and said to Aizen Shinnosuke

"I guess they got some news. I don't believe that family members like them would come to see a mere Genin like me!"

"What's wrong with Genin? Who isn't a Genin?"

Tsunade rolled her eyes at Aizen Shinnosuke, then pouted at Aizen Shinnosuke.

"If I remember correctly, those two Hyuga clan guys seem to be in the same class as you, right? Have they graduated too?"

If they were in school normally, Aizen Shinnosuke and the others would actually only be in the fifth grade. They should graduate next year, but now, except for him and Minato, everyone else from the Hyuga clan has graduated.

"Ah, it seems he graduated not long ago. I remember hearing Minato say that he had a good relationship with those two brothers!"

"Really amazing, you guys this year......Aren't they all geniuses?"

Tsunade's eyes sparkled. In the class of Aizen Shinnosuke, there are already two geniuses, Aizen Shinnosuke and Minato.

Needless to say, Aizen Shinnosuke has a special skill of no-mark ninjutsu and his current strength is not even weaker than Tsunade and the others. In fact, he is stronger than Tsunade and the others. As for

Minato, that guy is a pure genius"himself".

During the time when Tsunade and the others went to the Rain Country, Namikaze Minato learned the sealing technique from Uzumaki Kushina. No matter what kind of sealing technique it is, Minato learns it very quickly.

Moreover, according to Orochimaru's attention, Minato seems to be He has a little talent in time and space. So just a few days ago, Orochimaru used his past contributions to exchange the Flying Thunder God Technique of his second grandfather, the Second Hokage, from the Book of Seals, and let Minato learn it.

Aizen Shinnosuke and Tsunade were talking, and Kato Dan had already called for them to set off.

So, hundreds of Konoha ninjas, escorting supplies to the front line, lined up in a long team and set off.

Tsunade and Aizen Shinnosuke were both sitting in the carriage in the middle of the team. Except for the two of them, everyone else was following the supply vehicle.

Only the two siblings were unique.

"Sister Tsunade, do you think the people of Sand Village are really stupid enough to come here to rob Konoha's supplies?"

Aizome Shinnosuke looked at the woods on both sides of the road. He thought that the people of Sand Village were not that stupid, right? They actually crossed the front line and came to the rear to attack their supply team? Are there such brave guys in Sand Village? Or, are there any powerful guys in Sand Village? Unless Chiyo comes here herself?

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke was thinking that this mission would be easily completed. Suddenly, several explosions were heard, and Aizen Shinnosuke subconsciously turned his head to look.

At the end of the team, more than a dozen Sand Village ninjas rushed out from both sides after the explosion. And the leader was a man and a woman.

"Oh my god, it can't be such a coincidence, right?"

Shinnosuke Aizen looked at the two people, and suddenly he had a bad feeling in his heart.

In the original work, it was not Chiyo, the elder of Sand Village, who led the attack on Konoha. It was Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law, but they were both killed by Hatake Sakumo.

The elderly Chiyo directly lost his son and daughter-in-law. And Scorpion, who was just born not long ago, lost his parents!

But now, the team that attacked Konoha was led by Chiyo. Moreover, they came under the excuse of the name of the great master. Therefore, Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law naturally did not encounter the attack of Hatake Sakumo.

However, Shinnosuke Aizen looked at the Sand Village ninja rushing towards them from behind. Shinnosuke Aizen sighed in his heart that all this was fate.

It's a pity that he, Shinnosuke Aizen, didn't believe in fate the most. Shinnosuke Aizen took out the ancient ingot sword with his backhand, and rushed straight to the Sand Village behind him under the gaze of Tsunade.


Aizen Shinnosuke was very fast, and his goal was clear.

Aizen Shinnosuke rushed straight to the man in the lead, and chopped down fiercely with the ancient ingot knife in his hand. However, he was blocked by the man's puppet.


The Sand Village man obviously didn't expect that the first person to come to him was actually a child in his teens.

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't say anything, but increased the strength of his hands. For a moment, the Sand Village man was actually suppressed by Aizen Shinnosuke.


Seeing that a child could actually stop their leader, the female ninja on the side was stunned. After shouting, the other party immediately controlled the puppet in her hand to attack Aizen Shinnosuke. Aizen Shinnosuke, who noticed the movement, retreated suddenly and narrowly avoided the attack of the woman.

"Shinnosuke, are you okay?

Tsunade behind him stood up suddenly and rushed over subconsciously.

However, she was stopped by Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Don't worry, I can still handle it!"

Speaking of this, Aizen Shinnosuke focused his attention on the system that he had not seen for a long time.

【Exchange points: 13759]

Since the last attack on Iwagakure, Aizen Shinnosuke can be said to have become rich overnight. For so long, he has not used it, just to wait until the critical moment

"System, redeem all the cards for me!"

With Aizen Shinnosuke's order, the system immediately started to work.

【Congratulations, you got......】

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