After a while, Aizen Shinnosuke finally came out of the tent.

It was a pity that even though Aizen Shinnosuke's scorpion threatened them, they were still as stubborn as ever. In this case, it would be better to leave professional matters to professionals.

Just after Aizen Shinnosuke walked out of the tent, the interrogation team who had been waiting outside rushed into the tent one after another.

"Young man, you are great. You learn very quickly. Are you interested in joining our interrogation team?"

Yuanshan Yiping looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with admiration and asked him:

"Okay!" Aizen Shinnosuke did not refuse directly, but said to Yuanshan Yiping:"As long as you can convince my teacher and sister Tsunade, I can go anywhere!"

Hearing what Aizen Shinnosuke said, Yuanshan Yiping glared at Aizen Shinnosuke unhappily.

Let such an old man tell the new Tsunade and Orochimaru that Aizen Shinnosuke should join the interrogation team? Isn't this asking him to die?


Yuanshan Yiping snorted at Aizen Shinnosuke, then turned and left.

Seeing this, Aizen Shinnosuke just smiled and said nothing. After confirming that everything was fine, Aizen Shinnosuke moved and left the Konoha camp directly.

Unlike the harmony on the Konoha side, at this time, the mood of the Sand Village camp was very low.

In the main tent, Chiyo, the commander of this battle, was slumped in her seat. In her hand, she was holding a photo of her son and daughter-in-law.

When she thought that she had given up her son, Chiyo's heart was so painful that it seemed to be bleeding.

"elder sister......Are you okay?"

At this time, only Ebizo, the younger brother, dared to come in and talk to Chiyo.

"It is you......I'm fine......"

Chiyo looked up at the person coming and when she found out it was her brother, she shrank back a little further into her chair.

"Sister, it's okay. Konoha doesn't dare to really kill Imu and the others......."

"Are you really afraid? This is war time, what is there to be afraid of?"

Seeing Chiyo saying this, what else could Ebizo say?

After an unknown amount of time, Chiyo sighed and sat up straight again.

"Tell me, what orders did the Kazekage give?"

Speaking of business, Ebizo was no longer timid. Instead, he spoke directly to Chiyo:"The Kazekage ordered us to attack Konoha with all our strength. Last time we used a lot of poison, and now there is news from Konoha that Tsunade has arrived at the front line."

"If she has time to detoxify the ninjas of Konoha, we will be at a disadvantage. So the Kazekage ordered us to launch an attack while Tsunade is just coming to the front line."

Chiyo took the scroll with the order from Ebizo, read it word by word, snorted coldly, and threw it directly on the table in front of him.

"He felt at ease sitting in the back!......It's really our good wind shadow......"

Even so, Chiyo couldn't refuse the order from the Kazekage. Not to mention, from a tactical point of view, there was nothing wrong with the order from the Kazekage.

So Chiyo immediately gave the order to Ebizo:

"Go, gather the team, and wait until late at night to surprise attack the Konoha camp! This is a good opportunity......Save Yimu and the others!"

At the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, Aizen Shinnosuke stood on a tree, looking at the yellow sand across the sky.

It is really hard to imagine that living in such a desert for many years would be like this.

Speaking of which, the people in this world are also fools. They obviously have powerful power, but they don't know how to use it to change the world. They only know to start wars and plunder other countries' resources.

"You deserve to live in an environment full of yellow sand all your life, you brainless idiots!"

After sighing, Aizen Shinnosuke turned around and went back. Aizen Shinnosuke had just taken a rough look. If we talk about the land area, the area of the Wind Country is definitely the best in the entire ninja world.

However, because 90% of the land of the Wind Country is desert. Therefore, it is so difficult for people to live here.

But Aizen Shinnosuke thought that as long as he used the power of chakra, it would not be a big problem to recreate an oasis.

"What a pity, there is a treasure but no one knows it!"

After returning to the camp, Aizen Shinnosuke went straight back to his tent to rest.

Thanks to his previous deeds of saving many Konoha ninjas, Aizen Shinnosuke also had his own exclusive tent. He finally didn't have to share a tent with others.

Lying on the bed, Aizen Shinnosuke, who had nothing to do, subconsciously looked at his system

【Name: Aizen Shinnosuke

Overall strength: Elite Jonin

Cards: Kill, Flash, Thunder Kill, Fire Kill, Snatch, Demolish the Bridge, Peach, Forget Home, Invulnerable, Out of Nothing, Southern Barbarian Invasion, Ten Thousand Arrows, Cut off from Food and Bread, Eight Diagrams Formation, Ancient Ingot Blade, Nioh Shield, Lightning, Absolute Shadow, Duel, Fire Attack, Wine, Chain Iron Chain, Male and Female Double-edged Sword, Dilu, Dayuan, Qingguang Sword, Borrow a Knife to Kill, Good Harvest, Peach Garden Oath, Silver Lion, Rattan Armor, Ice Sword, Zhangba Snake Spear

Exchange Points: 759]

Aizen Shinnosuke calculated it carefully, and it seemed that he didn't have many cards left to unlock. So after all his cards were unlocked, what could he do with his exchange points?

Thinking of this, Aizen Shinnosuke looked at his system in confusion. After hesitating for a while, Aizen Shinnosuke immediately spoke to the system

"System, after I unlock all the cards in my hand, what can I use the redemption points for?"

【Ding! Redemption points minus���In addition to being able to exchange hand cards, it can also be used for upgrades. It can be used on skill cards to upgrade and reduce the cooldown time required after the skill cards are used.

When used on weapon cards, it can be learned to help the host master various weapons! 】

Shinnosuke Aizen did not expect that his inquiry would really get a response from the system. You know, at the beginning, Shinnosuke Aizen did think about communicating with the system.

But the system at that time, did not respond at all.

But that doesn’t matter anymore. Now that I know the new role of the exchange points, and I know that hand cards can be upgraded, this is the most important thing for Shinnosuke Aizen.

"but......This weapon card......Isn't it just a weapon?"

Aizome Shinnosuke recalled that when he used the Male and Female Double Blade to fight June, he glanced at the Male and Female Double Blade card and found that it also had skills.

However, he had used the Ancient Ingot Blade for a long time, why didn't he find anything different?

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