"Don't look at me like that, I'll be embarrassed!"

As he said that, the river chief licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue in a disgusting manner.

Very good, this state is in line with what the previous companion said. The river chief likes men, and will torture men to death.

Aizen Shinnosuke shook the weapon in his hand and sighed in his heart.

No wonder Aizen Shinnosuke always felt that something was missing before. Now it seems......

Aizen Shinnosuke's sight fell on the"river chief" from before, and he saw that the other party had picked up his head that had fallen to the ground and had now reinstalled it.

"He actually used a puppet to disguise himself? What a despicable guy!"

Aizome Shinnosuke looked at the river chief below. This was when he was prepared. But he was hit just now. If he was not prepared, he would have died in the hands of the river chief below.


The river chief put away the puppet behind him and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke opposite with a grim smile.

"Only children pursue so-called fairness!"

As he spoke, Aizen Shinnosuke felt the ground shaking where he was standing. The next second, he saw a huge puppet breaking out of the ground and directly trapped him.


Aizome Shinnosuke subconsciously reached out and slapped the puppet that trapped him. What was wrong with this puppet? He was completely unaware of it.

Outside, the river chief came to the puppet and reached out to knock on it.

""Little devil! You want fairness! Maybe in your next life!"

As he said that, the river chief took out a scroll from behind him. As a puff of smoke passed by, more than a dozen long swords appeared in front of the river chief.

The river chief picked up one of them and inserted it into the special hole on the puppet without saying a word.

Inside the puppet, Aizen Shinnosuke lowered his head to avoid the first knife. However, the second knife had already been inserted from the outside.

Because the river chief inserted the knife from top to bottom, Aizen Shinnosuke was squatting inside the puppet and was still fine. But if this continues, it is estimated that it will not be long before Aizen Shinnosuke will be pierced through the body and finally die here.

However......Drinking hatred here......I guess it's just what the river chief below is dreaming about!

Aizen Shinnosuke took out a new card with his backhand. At this time, the river chief below was already inserting the fourth knife.



With a long roar, a huge mammoth broke through the puppet and appeared in front of the river chief with Aizen Shinnosuke. The river chief was holding the fifth knife and preparing to insert it into the puppet, but he heard a roar and then a huge elephant appeared in front of him.

Moreover, he was pressing the other elephant's leg.......

"Spiritism......Damn it!"

The river chief knew that he couldn't deal with this guy today. So, taking advantage of the fact that the other party had no sight, the river chief quickly began to escape.

"Shinnosuke, it's you calling me again!"


Hearing the sound of the mammoth under his feet, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded.

"Help me take out that ninja down there!"

""The ninja below?"

After hearing the voice of Aizen Shinnosuke, the mammoth lowered its head and looked around. But where was the ninja below it?

The mammoth thought that maybe it had stepped on the ninja that Aizen Shinnosuke mentioned, and was about to lift its foot to have a look. As a result, Aizen Shinnosuke just saw the river chief running away from above.

So, Aizen Shinnosuke quickly patted the mammoth's big head. He said to the mammoth:"Where is he! Throw me over there!"

Following the direction of Aizen Shinnosuke's finger, the mammoth also saw a figure not far away jumping up and down and jumping towards the distance.


The mammoth stretched out its trunk and rolled up Aizen Shinnosuke directly. However, it did not throw Aizen Shinnosuke out immediately.

Instead, it grabbed Aizen Shinnosuke in front of itself and said to Aizen Shinnosuke:"Remember! My name is Manny! Be polite to me next time!"

After speaking to Aizen Shinnosuke, Manny rolled up his nose and threw Aizen Shinnosuke directly towards the figure in the distance.

After throwing Aizen Shinnosuke out, Manny turned into smoke with a"bang" and disappeared directly on the spot.

As for Aizen Shinnosuke, he looked at the disappearing mammoth. After holding it back for a long time, he finally held back his inner complaints.

Manny......Isn't that the name of the mammoth in Ice Age? Could that guy be from Ice Age?

Aizen Shinnosuke flew in the air, chasing after the river chief at a very fast speed.

The river chief was so focused on escaping that he didn't notice it at all. There was a figure in the sky, flying towards him.

However, he did notice that the giant elephant disappeared. The river chief subconsciously thought that it was the summoning technique that was cancelled by the Konoha ninja.

"Oh, he is still too young! However, this guy's ninjutsu is really weird. We must tell this news to Elder Chiyo and the others!"

""Hey! Where are you going!"

Just as the river chief was thinking about telling Chiyo and the others about Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu after returning to the village, a voice suddenly came from the sky. The river chief subconsciously looked up and saw a figure flying towards him in the sky.


The river chief's eyes almost popped out.

In the sky, Aizen Shinnosuke took out a card that he had not used before in order to prevent the river chief from using a puppet to replace his injury.

With a turn of his wrist, a card with a lightning image appeared in Aizen Shinnosuke's hand.


As Aizen Shinnosuke threw the lightning card in his hand, he almost lost his stability in the air and fell to the ground.

At that moment, Aizen Shinnosuke felt that all the chakra in his body disappeared. Aizen Shinnosuke didn't expect that this card would require so much chakra. Even now, the chakra in his body is not enough for this card.

That's right.......

Even though Aizen Shinnosuke's chakra was drained at the moment, he could only barely activate this card.

You know, since the battle with the river chief below, Aizen Shinnosuke's chakra has always been full. Even if he used the summoning technique not long ago, it was just a drop in the bucket for Aizen Shinnosuke.

But......This lightning......

Aizen Shinnosuke urgently used the"Create Something Out of Nothing" skill on himself to restore his chakra to a full state. Aizen Shinnosuke used several consecutive instants and jumped to the ground.

At this time, endless thunder roared in the sky. The huge sound was heard even by Hatake Sakumo and others who were far away from here.

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