Where had Shinnosuke Aizen seen such a scene before? He subconsciously covered his body.

But under Tsunade's force suppression, even Shinnosuke Aizen couldn't resist. Tsunade directly pulled his hands apart, and then Tsunade looked him over. After looking Shinnosuke Aizen up and down and confirming that he was not hurt, Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief, and then she immediately showed a funny expression on her face and looked at Shinnosuke Aizen's body.

"I didn't expect you to have such a good body!"

Shinnosuke Aizen put on his clothes with a sad face while Tsunade was teasing him.

Then, Shinnosuke Aizen looked at Tsunade and asked,"Sister Tsunade, what's the matter with you? Why are you in my tent?"

Shinnosuke Aizen thought that he had reasons. No matter what, Tsunade had to put away her arrogant attitude, right?

As a result, facing Shinnosuke Aizen's question.

Tsunade slammed the table with her hand:"How dare you ask me? I haven't asked you yet!

What was the situation with the thunder in the sky just now? You can fight with others, but why make such a big noise?" Shinnosuke Aizen scratched the back of his head very embarrassedly in response to Tsunade's question.

He smiled and said,"The opponent is not weak either, and he wanted to run away at that time.

In order not to reveal my ninjutsu, I could only use some tricks!



Aizen Shinnosuke originally wanted to explain to Tsunade, but he didn't expect that as soon as he finished explaining, Tsunade punched Aizen Shinnosuke on the head.

"Are you still afraid that the other party will reveal your ninjutsu? Just look at the noise just now, go out and ask who doesn't know about it now?"

Tsunade was furious.

On the other hand, Aizen Shinnosuke just touched the place where he was hit by Tsunade. He explained:"The ninjutsu just now was also my first time using it, so it is inevitable that the power is a little out of control.

Moreover, that ninjutsu is just one of the abilities of my new card. It doesn't matter if others know it. The important thing is that other things cannot be known to others!"

After listening to Aizen Shinnosuke's explanation, Tsunade's face looked much better.

Just when Tsunade was about to warn Aizen Shinnosuke about what to do next time he made trouble, suddenly a voice came from outside the tent.

"Tsunade, are you there? Lord Sakumo has called us to a meeting!"

Aizen Shinnosuke could tell that the person outside was that guy Kato Dan.

However, Aizen Shinnosuke didn't know why, but he could tell that Tsunade and Kato Dan were still strangers.

Could it be because Rope Tree hadn't died yet? So, Tsunade's peach blossom didn't come?

"I know!"

It was too late, Tsunade could only silently warn Aizen Shinnosuke.

Aizen Shinnosuke could only smile awkwardly. Seeing this, Tsunade followed Kato Dan and left Aizen Shinnosuke's tent. Seeing Tsunade leave, Aizen

Shinnosuke was just about to lie down on his bed to rest.

But the next second, a figure rushed into Aizen Shinnosuke's tent.

""Shit? Who?"

Aizen Shinnosuke suddenly sat up from the bed. When he saw who was coming, he subconsciously wanted to curse.

But before he could say anything, Aizen Shinnosuke keenly discovered that the other party seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Fugaku? What happened?"

Aizen Shinnosuke sat up from the bed. It was at this time that Aizen Shinnosuke saw clearly that Fugaku's two eyes were actually Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Shinnosuke, I......"

Uchiha Fugaku opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

"Come and sit down!"

Aizen Shinnosuke thought about it, and gave up half of his seat to Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fugaku was not polite and sat directly next to Aizen Shinnosuke.

After sitting down, Uchiha Fugaku seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and after taking a deep breath. Uchiha Fugaku then said to Aizen Shinnosuke:"I was still joking with Mingma just now!"

"We are the same age, and he has someone he likes.......I just told him......If we have children in the future, we will be in-laws......."

After just a few words, Uchiha Fugaku burst into tears.

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't know what to say. He could only pat Uchiha Fugaku's shoulder and accompany him silently, which was also a kind of comfort.

After a long while, Uchiha Fugaku adjusted his state. He continued to say to Aizen Shinnosuke:"Shinnosuke, it should be me who died! I was too anxious at the time, and I was only thinking about killing the enemy. I didn't notice it at all.......

It was Mingjian, he pushed me away......."

"this......There is no way, Fugaku, this is a battlefield. No one can predict what will happen in the next second. The Sand Village night attack was indeed beyond our expectations! In fact, it's not just you, I just saved someone, he was the only one left in their entire team!"


Aizen Shinnosuke was still trying to persuade Uchiha Fugaku, but unexpectedly, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly spoke and shook his head at Aizen Shinnosuke.


Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Uchiha Fugaku in confusion, not understanding what he meant by that.

"The one who attacked me was not a ninja from the Sand Village!"

After hearing what Uchiha Fugaku said, Aizen Shinnosuke stood up suddenly. At the same time, a bad idea appeared in Aizen Shinnosuke's head.

"What you just said......What do you mean?"

Aizen Shinnosuke stared at Uchiha Fugaku, his whole face solemn.

"Although the group of ninjas appeared with the Sunagakure ninjas, they wore strange masks with different patterns on their faces. Moreover, they seemed to have a clear goal and immediately���It was coming for me!

That’s why I didn’t notice it for a moment.......Give me the light room......"

After listening to Uchiha Fugaku's words, Aizen Shinnosuke pressed Uchiha Fugaku's shoulders and said,"Are you sure you didn't see it wrong? They are wearing masks with different patterns on their faces?"

The kaleidoscope in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes was spinning because of his excitement:"I swear on the reputation of the Uchiha family, I am definitely not mistaken!"

"I would recognize those guys even if they turned into ashes!"

Seeing Uchiha Fugaku gritting his teeth, Aizen Shinnosuke's heart finally died.

It seems that this trip to the front line is really not that simple.

Shimura Danzo, that son of a bitch, actually sent out his roots. And right from the start, he targeted Uchiha Fugaku!

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