"What is this?"

Aizen Shinnosuke curiously reached out to touch it.

As a result, Tsunade suddenly dodged it. At the same time, she slapped Aizen Shinnosuke on the back of his hand.

"You don't know anything and you dare to reach out?"

Aizen Shinnosuke covered the place where he was hit by Tsunade and curled his lips.

"This is the poison extracted by Tsunade-sama from Chiyo of Sand Village. After all, we can't always rely on your ninjutsu, Shinnosuke, so it is necessary to prepare some antidotes for everyone!"

Seeing this, the pharmacist Nono smiled and explained to Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Is that so?"

After hearing that it was Chiyo's poison, Aizen Shinnosuke also lost his curiosity about that thing.

However, looking at the pharmacist Nono standing next to Tsunade, Aizen Shinnosuke was curious.

"By the way, why are you following Sister Tsunade?"

"Her medical ninjutsu is quite good!"

As for this matter, Yakushi Nono was just about to explain. As a result, Tsunade took the lead and spoke to Aizen Shinnosuke

"I thought about training a medical ninja for Konoha. It just so happens that her level is not bad, so let her learn from me!"

Tsunade put away the small bottle of poison in her hand and said to Aizen Shinnosuke.

The medical level of Yakushi Nono is really good in the anime.

Yakushi Kabuto's medical skills were taught by Yakushi Nono, so it can be seen from Kabuto that Yakushi Nono is good in both medical level and medical knowledge.

But the only thing to worry about is Yakushi Nono's identity.

In the anime, Yakushi Nono is a spy trained by Konoha. That's right, Yakushi Nono is a spy of Konoha, not a spy who works specifically for Danzo as others guess.

It's just that Nono's spy level is very strong, and she even got the name of"walking priestess". It is because of this name that Nono was targeted by Shimura Danzo.

Now, it seems that Yakushi Nono should not be a spy yet. But this matter cannot be guaranteed. So......Have to test it out.

Looking at Yakushi Nono who was walking away, Aizen Shinnosuke saw that no one noticed him, so he chose to catch up quickly.

When Yakushi Nono passed a deserted place, Aizen Shinnosuke took out a card and threw it to Yakushi Nono.

The effect of Lebusishu took effect, and Yakushi Nono's eyes suddenly became dull. Obviously, she had fallen into the illusion.

After seeing her fall into the illusion, Aizen Shinnosuke came out from the dark.

As the caster, the illusions of Lebusishu were all set by Aizen Shinnosuke. Moreover, Aizen Shinnosuke could also"see" the situation of the people in the illusion.

In the illusion at this moment, Yakushi Nono was still walking towards her tent according to her previous actions.

Suddenly, many ninjas wearing patterned masks jumped out from the side. And the leader was none other than Shimura Danzo with a bandage on his face.

""Master Danzo? Why are you here?"

Yakushi Nono thought he was surrounded by ninjas from some other country, but now it seems that they are actually his own people.

"I'm here to see you, Nono!"

Shimura Danzo walked out of the team and came straight to the front of the pharmacist Nono.

"Looking for me? Is there a ninja injured somewhere?"

Yakushi Nono subconsciously took the ninja bag from his waist and took out a bandage from it.


In the illusion, Tuan shook his head.

"I need someone to find out about the situation in Iwagakure Village, if I remember correctly. Nono, you have received spy training before, right? This mission is up to you!"

"Iwagakure Village? Spy?"

Suddenly, the lens on Yakushi Nono's face reflected a light. The bandage in Nono's hand suddenly opened, and countless scalpels and other things flew out of it, shooting straight at Shimura Danzo and the others.

After seeing the scalpels actually pass through people, Yakushi Nono immediately showed an expression of"as expected".

"Is this an illusion? Who cast this illusion on me?......You actually know my identity as a spy?"

Yakushi Nono's heart sank. Not many people knew that he was a spy. But the other party immediately revealed his identity as a spy.......

Could it be that his identity as a spy has been exposed? The spy in the village......Already know your identity?

Suddenly, the pharmacist Nono found that the world in front of him began to become blurry. Nono found that this was the collapse of the illusion world.

However, he had not yet solved the illusion. So there was only one possibility.......

The caster had already gotten what he wanted.

After the illusion disappeared, Yakushi Nono looked around alertly. Finally, Yakushi Nono saw an unexpected figure behind him.

"Shinnosuke? The illusion just now......Could it be you?......"

Nono was stunned for a moment.

She had thought of many people, but she had never thought of Aizen Shinnosuke. This child whom she had only met twice,......

"You really are a spy!"

Hearing what Aizen Shinnosuke said, Yakushi Nono put away the scalpel in his hand.

As long as they are people from the village, then this matter is not a big deal.

"How did you know my identity?"

Faced with the question of Yakushi Nono, Aizen Shinnosuke did not respond directly.

"I don't understand. Since you are a spy, you should be an important person. But why?......Will you be allowed to come to the front line?"

Facing Aizen Shinnosuke's question, Yakushi Nono smiled first, then said

"Because of my medical ninjutsu!"

"Is that so?"

After hearing what Yakushi Nono said, Aizen Shinnosuke understood.

Before Tsunade showed up, this battle line needed a guy with strong medical ninjutsu skills to take charge. Obviously, Yakushi Nono was that person.

"In other words, what Tsunade-sama said just now, that you are learning from her, is this a lie? You are just trying to cover up your identity......."


Pharmacist Nono shook his head.

"I sincerely want to learn from Master Tsunade. And, I have indeed learned a lot from Master Tsunade!"

"Is that so?"

Aizome Shinnosuke walked straight to the front of Yakushi Nono

"How can I trust you? How can I trust someone......Carefully cultivated......Spy?"

Faced with Aizen Shinnosuke's pressure, Nono still smiled gently.

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