Ebizo naturally didn't want to see his sister like this, but what could he do?

This matter, just as Ebizo said just now, was no longer under their control.

A few days later, the Third Kazekage, wearing a Kazekage robe, came to the camp with his guards.

As soon as he entered the camp, the Third Kazekage took the main seat.

Then, he looked at Chiyo, who had aged a little in just a few days, and asked,

"Chiyo, what's going on? I can understand that the battle was slow. After all, although Konoha made a mistake, it is still a huge city and it can't collapse so quickly.

However, the battle reports you sent back during this period showed that the losses were so great that it is hard to understand!"

"Lord Kazekage, this is not Lord Chiyo's fault......."

Sitting next to Chiyo, Ebizo wanted to defend his sister. But it was obvious that the angry Kazekage would not pay attention to other people.

"Okay! I will take over the camp from now on. As for you......Elder Chiyo, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation after the war is over!"

The criticism meeting for Chiyo ended quickly.

The camp was now under the command of the Third Kazekage, so Chiyo could no longer stay in that tent.

In the new tent, Ebizo sat opposite Chiyo.

"Sister, why didn't you explain yourself just now?......"


Chiyo shouted, interrupting Ebizo's unfinished words.

"Let's stop here, Ebizo. I don't want to hear any more news!"

Chiyo looked ten years older during this period. There were several more wrinkles on her face.

"By the way, how are Yimu and the others doing?"

After a period of silence, Chiyo seemed to remember something. She turned her head and asked Ebizo

"I have returned to the village. Although I was injured, it was not serious. With Scorpion by my side, I think I will recover quickly!"

Chiyo nodded.

After rescuing Yimu and June last time, Chiyo was a little scared. She was afraid that she would suddenly learn about the death of her son and daughter-in-law in the battle that day, so she took advantage of the fact that they were seriously injured and sent them back to the village along with other wounded people.

""Go out, Ebizo. I need to rest!"

Then, Chiyo ordered them to leave. Ebizo didn't want to stay any longer, so he looked at Chiyo and left.

It didn't take long for the news that the Third Kazekage had come to the front to reach Hatake Sakumo and the others.

Then, a meeting was held, and everyone with some strength in the camp attended the meeting.

"The Third Kazekage actually came out in person, we have to pass this news back!"

As soon as the meeting started, a group of people started arguing fiercely.

However, no matter how much they argued, they had only one goal, which was to pass the news of the Third Kazekage back to Konoha. Then, let the Third Hokage go out and fight against the Third Kazekage.

After all, the Hokage and the Kazekage are the heads of a village, and they cannot sit firmly in this position without some strength.

Shinnosuke Aizen and Tsunade were also present at this meeting. Shinnosuke Aizen, who had no place to sit, stood directly behind Tsunade. At this moment, he was leaning on Tsunade's chair and talking to her in a low voice.

"Sister Tsunade, what are your chances of winning against the Third Kazekage?"

Tsunade didn't know where Aizen Shinnosuke got the madness from that he actually asked her this question?

Not long ago, he needed Jiraiya and Orochimaru to cooperate with him just to fight against a Salamander Hanzo. How long has it been, and he can fight against the Third Kazekage?

Tsunade was surprised, why didn't I know that I was so awesome?

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't wait for Tsunade's answer for a long time, and subconsciously looked down. As a result, he ran into Tsunade's inquiring eyes.

For a moment, Aizen Shinnosuke froze in place.

This matter......He seemed to be wrong.

Tsunade was not himself. He improved quickly because of the system. But Tsunade......At present, she is at most an elite jonin with the strength of half a step to the level of Kage.

Compared with the real Kage-level strongmen, Tsunade is not just a little bit behind.

Moreover, let alone the one who is now facing Aizen Shinnosuke and the others. But he is the third generation Kazekage, who is known as the most powerful in the history of the Wind Country.

Suddenly, Aizen Shinnosuke tapped the back of his head in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Tsunade realized that Aizen Shinnosuke had noticed her mistake.

However, after thinking carefully, Tsunade replied:

"I heard that the Third Kazekage was very good at using Magnetic Escape, although I haven't seen it. But after all, he is famous, so I think he should be good!"

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded, but he subconsciously looked down on the Third Kazekage.

After all, that guy was in the original work. He was killed by Scorpion, who had not yet fully grown, and was made into a puppet in the hands of Scorpion. The title of the strongest Kazekage became a joke.

Aizen Shinnosuke thought, Scorpion could kill the Third Kazekage. Then he should not be bad, right?

After all, compared with Scorpion, he is much stronger now.

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke was fantasizing about himself, the meeting ended with Hatake Sakumo sending ninjas to report the situation here to the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Everyone was in different moods and returned to their resting places in the camp.

After returning to his residence, Aizen Shinnosuke lay on the bed, tossing and turning, like a fried shrimp.

This is not Aizen Shinnosuke's fault. During this period of time. Aizen Shinnosuke took the time to I was looking for the ninjas from the Root Organization, but after such a long time, I still found nothing!

Not to mention searching, I didn't even see the shadow of the ninjas from the Root Organization.

If it wasn't for Uchiha Fugaku who explained the situation to Aizen Shinnosuke, Aizen Shinnosuke would have doubted whether Shimura Danzo had sent out the ninjas from the Root Organization.

Just lying on the bed and thinking about it, it didn't take long for Aizen Shinnosuke to think of the Third Kazekage.

If the Third Kazekage personally led the attack. Then, by then, the ninjas from the Root Organization might appear.

Thinking of this, Aizen Shinnosuke suddenly thought that it was more and more possible.

The next moment, Aizen Shinnosuke sat up suddenly from the bed.

If that's the case, then he has to make more preparations. Otherwise, he might get into trouble.

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke looked at his system.

I saw the exchange points above:

【Exchange points: 15297】

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