Aizen Shinnosuke's arrival successfully interrupted the stalemate between Rasa and Kato Dan.

"Shinnosuke, why are you here?"

Kato Dan held a short sword in his hand, which was about the same length as the White Fang that Hatake Sakumo had used before.

Kato Dan looked at Aizen Shinnosuke standing beside him, and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, two against one is always much easier than one against one.

However, Kato Dan was relaxed. But on the opposite side, Luo Sha was very nervous at the moment.

He had noticed that Tsunade and Hatake Sakumo were fighting against their own Kazekage.

Now that Aizen Shinnosuke has come to his side, it means that Rokutai must be gone. As a guard of the Kazekage, Luo Sha knows that Rokutai's strength is not inferior to his. But now, that guy is gone just like that.......

His throat rolled, and Luo Sha felt cold all over, and his hands and feet were out of control.

"Leave this to me, Brother Duan, you go help Lord Shuomao and the others!"

Before the words fell, Aizen Shinnosuke had already rushed forward, rushing straight towards Rasa.

Kato Dan was shocked by Aizen Shinnosuke's decisiveness, then glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke who was fighting with Rasa, and finally rushed towards Hatake Sakumo and the others. Aizen Shinnosuke danced the ancient ingot sword in his hand with great vigor, and Rasa controlled the gold sand and was beaten miserably by Aizen Shinnosuke.

On Hatake Sakumo's side, because of the addition of Tsunade and Kato Dan, the three of them joined forces to deal with the Third Kazekage, and they barely had the strength to fight.

The Third Kazekage controlled the sand iron, and fought with the three of them half-attack and half-defense.

Tsunade and Hatake Sakumo, the two of them attacked the Third Kazekage from different directions. Looking at the two people attacking at the same time, Rasa controlled the sand iron to block Tsunade's attack.

Then he controlled the sand iron and attacked Hatake Sakumo directly.

After this period of trial, the Third Kazekage found that no matter what he erected in front of him, How much defense can be put up.

That White Fang of Konoha can always penetrate his defense and then attack him.

Therefore, when the Third Kazekage faced Hatake Sakumo, he directly gave up defense and launched an attack instead.

The collision of iron sand and the Aoto sword burst out dazzling sparks.

Taking advantage of this time, Tsunade has rushed over from the other side. The Third Kazekage's brows kept frowning, and with a wave of his right hand, he directly placed many ground spikes made of iron sand around himself.

Although it looks simple, it is very effective in blocking Tsunade's charge.

There is no way, Tsunade can only retreat. This is the disadvantage of close combat. Once you can't get close in the first time, you can't do any damage in the subsequent battles.

Unless you can find an opportunity later and get back to the opponent.

But this also requires timing. At least, it seems that I don't have much chance now.

Thinking of this, Tsunade went straight back to Kato Dan's side

""Tsunade-sama! Please protect my body!"

Suddenly, Kato Dan's voice came from behind.

Tsunade hadn't figured out what was going on yet, but in the next second, Kato Dan made a seal with his hands, and the whole person turned into a spiritual light and left the body.

"This is......"The Spiritualization Technique?"

Tsunade was stunned for a moment as she watched the transparent figure rushing towards the Third Kazekage.

This was the first time she had seen the so-called Spiritualization Technique, although this ninjutsu was recorded in the forbidden technique scroll of her second grandfather.

However, Tsunade was just looking at it.

While thinking, Tsunade protected Kato Dan.

After performing the Spiritualization Technique, the caster's body is the most vulnerable thing. At this time, someone needs to protect him.

And Tsunade......To put it bluntly, the person who can get close to her in this world has not appeared yet!

Kato Dan, at an extremely fast speed, passed through many obstacles and flew directly to the side of the Third Kazekage.

Then, Kato Dan rushed directly into the body of the Third Kazekage.

This caused the Third Kazekage, who was originally fighting with Hatake Sakumo, to suddenly pause, and the next moment the Third Kazekage spit out blood from his mouth.

"What? How come?......"

The Third Kazekage covered his chest with his hands, his eyes revealing a look of disbelief.

Subconsciously, the Third Kazekage looked at Hatake Sakumo, because he was injured in the battle with Hatake Sakumo just now, so subconsciously, the Third Kazekage thought that it was Hatake Sakumo who did it.

However, when he saw Hatake Sakumo who was also confused, the Third Kazekage immediately realized that it was not Hatake Sakumo who did it.

So, the Third Kazekage immediately glanced around. Finally, he saw Tsunade not far away, and the Konoha ninja who was protected by Tsunade.

Hatake Sakumo had also seen Kato Dan and Tsunade not far away, and immediately, Hatake Sakumo showed a clear expression.

"So that's it, the art of spiritualization?"

Hatake Sakumo nodded, picked up the Qingguang sword in his hand, and rushed towards the Third Kazekage with force.

"Damn it!"

The Third Kazekage frowned, fighting three people alone was too much of a struggle.

After controlling the iron sand to repel Hatake Sakumo, the Third Kazekage turned around and ran straight towards Tsunade.

Seeing the Third Kazekage rushing towards her, Tsunade took a stance and also rushed towards the Third Kazekage.

""Get out of here!"

The Third Kazekage's roar resounded throughout the battlefield, and many Sand Ninjas turned their heads to look almost subconsciously. Including Rasa, who was being chased by Aizen Shinnosuke, also looked at the Third Kazekage.

Under the control of the Third Kazekage, countless sand iron directly grabbed Tsunade's body. He threw her to the side and pressed her to the ground. At the same time, under the control of the Third Kazekage, the sand iron turned into a sharp blade and stabbed directly at Kato.


Tsunade widened her eyes and tried to break free from the control of the Third Kazekage. But no matter how hard she tried, the iron sand was always firmly pressed on her body.

Seeing that the sharp blade in the hand of the Third Kazekage was about to pierce Kato Dan's body, suddenly a card flew over not far away.

Although the Third Kazekage noticed the card, in the eyes of the Third Kazekage, it was just a card.

The Third Kazekage was going to ignore the card and take the life of the guy in front of him directly.

However, the card appeared next to Kato Dan. In the first second that the Third Kazekage took action, a stone lion actually blocked the Third Kazekage and Kato Dan, directly blocking the attack of the Third Kazekage.

"What is this?"

Looking at the stone lion in front of him, the Third Kazekage was stunned.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kato Dan returned directly to his body and quickly retreated, creating a distance between him and the Third Kazekage.

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