The first time, the second time.

Hearing that the eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan was to be tested, Tokigashi immediately became interested and dragged Scorpion to the training ground without saying anything.

Scorpion could not resist Tokigashi and had to follow him obediently.

Of course, he was also a little curious about what would happen after the Sharingan evolved to the level of the Mangekyō.

Danzo, who had the three-magatama Sharingan, was made into a human puppet by him. Although Danzo's strength was not the top among his puppets, having three magatama still gave this human puppet a certain combat power.

If a three-magatama can increase a waste to this extent, wouldn't the Mangekyō be even more powerful?

Shisui stood on the training ground, quietly waiting for the next test.

The first test was the ability of the right eye.

Takenakata, a defensive ninjutsu.

And Shika, who came to watch the fun, was also drafted by Ye Ning and pushed onto the training platform.

Among so many people, only Shika is the most suitable.

Firstly, her ninjutsu is the most lethal among everyone, and secondly, it is because Shika is the easiest to talk.


"Are you ready? I'm going to start."

Shika glanced at the people who were expecting below the stage, and silently calculated which ninjutsu she should use.

For the development of Crystal Release, she can be said to be superb.

A blood limit, she has developed dozens of ninjutsu, of which there are certainly many lethal ninjutsu.


She was full of doubts about whether Shisui could block it.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Shika did not use his killer move right away, but chose a medium-powered ninjutsu.

Crystal escape·God of Gods crossing technique!

A row of straight crystals formed on the ground of the training ground, aiming at Shisui who was standing on the other side of the training ground, and shot out in an instant.

Then, in the expectant eyes of everyone, the five-pointed star windmill in Shisui's right eye quickly rotated.


In front of Shisui, a dark purple light suddenly formed.

The light quickly condensed in the air, wrapping Shisui's body in it.

From the perspective of the audience, it seemed that a solid shield had formed in front of Shisui.

Moreover, this shield has 360 degrees without dead angles!

In other words, no matter which direction the attack comes from, it will only fall on the light shield.

Unless the light shield is broken, Shisui under the light shield will not be hurt at all!

Orochimaru quickly recorded in his notebook, and Ye Ning, who was standing next to Orochimaru, happened to see what Orochimaru had recorded in the notebook.

Shisui Mangekyō: The pupils are a five-pointed star-shaped windmill pattern, and the pupil techniques of both eyes are different. The right eye is Takemakata, a defensive pupil technique that can defend at 360 degrees without dead angles. The defensive power...

Before testing the defensive power, Orochimaru naturally left a space.

A row of crystals pierced into the light shield in front of Shisui, but no ripples appeared.

A purple light lit up on the light shield, and it actually swallowed the crystals directly into it.

Tokiga tilted her head and exclaimed softly.

This was the first time she encountered such a strange ability.

This aroused her fighting spirit, and she didn't need Ye Ning and Orochimaru to remind her, and another ninjutsu was performed from her hands.

Crystal escape·Giant hexagonal shuriken!

However, the large shuriken formed by the crystal escape technique still disappeared without a trace the moment it sank into the light shield.

Orochimaru's eyes lit up in the audience, and he wrote down his guess in the notebook:

This technique can absorb ninjutsu and transform it into a stronger defense.


Ye Ning reacted belatedly.

This technique sounds... a bit outrageous!

It's fine if it can cover 360 degrees without dead angles, but it can also absorb ninjutsu?

In that case, doesn't it mean that only immortal techniques and physical techniques can break the defense of this pupil technique?

Isn't this the ability of Six Paths?


Ye Ning was completely shocked.

He had expected that Shisui's pupil technique would be very strong, but he didn't expect it to be this strong.

And Tokigashi on the stage tilted his head in disbelief, and was stopped by Orochimaru just as he was about to perform his killer move.

"Shisui, can your eye technique absorb ninjutsu?"

Shisui on the stage released his eye technique and nodded gently:

"The ability of the right eye is defense

The function of the eye technique is to absorb ninjutsu and transform it into stronger defense. If you want to break the guard, you can only use physical skills. If you have not absorbed any ninjutsu, the defense is probably... to the extent that it can withstand three strange punches from Tsunade, right? "

Following the memory of Tsunade's power in his mind, Shisui gave his own answer.

Ye Ning and Orochimaru also took a breath of cold air at the right time to show their shock.

Scorpion and Tokika didn't know much about Tsunade's strange power, how could they not know?

Especially after practicing fairy arts, Tsunade's strange power became even more outrageous.

Originally, one punch could break Jiraiya's ribs, but now one punch can probably send Jiraiya to death, right?

The defense that can withstand three punches from Tsunade...


Ye Ning smacked his lips and couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, it's Shisui who awakened the strongest illusion Kotoamatsukami in the original work!

Even if the thoughts, mentality and even the time of opening the eyes have changed, the pupil technique awakened by Shisui is still outrageous.

"What about the ability of the left eye? "

Hearing this, Shisui scratched his head and smiled awkwardly:

"The ability of the left eye, Takemikaze, is more like a sealing technique. It can draw the thunder in the sky, rain down lightning, and have the effect of suppressing the seal. The power is probably... about the same as Kakashi's Lightning Release."

Of course, this is just Shisui's own conservative estimate.

It's still a matter of trying to know which one is stronger than Kakashi's Lightning Release.

Ye Ning suddenly felt that she didn't seem to need to prepare a Patrick Star for Shisui.

With two kinds of pupil techniques, plus Susanoo, Shisui can turn the Hidden Cloud Village upside down by himself.

Of course, before leaving, he had to ask Orochimaru to transplant Hashirama's cells for Shisui.

Ye Ning didn't want Shisui's excellent eyes to suddenly go blind while using them.

Without the ability to continue evolving into the Eternal Mangekyō, Hashirama's cells can solve all the problems.

Shisui will no longer be troubled by blindness.

Moreover, Shisui's success also means that Orochimaru's instrument is feasible!

He can completely rely on that instrument to create a Gundam brigade!

Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Ryu, Uchiha Itachi, including the future Uchiha Sasuke...

Several or even dozens of Susanoo placed in front of Uchiha Madara, I guess Madara would be stunned, right?

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