The two of them were very close.

"Ye Ning?"

Jiraiya frowned, his eyes revealing clear stupidity.

Jiraiya, who had just returned from the Rain Country, was like a primitive man who was blocked from information. He had no idea what had happened in Konoha recently, and naturally did not understand why the son of the daimyo would appear in Konoha.

"Why are you in Konoha?"

"Why can't I be in Konoha?"

Ye Ning asked back, but it stumped Jiraiya.

Yes, he is the son of the daimyo of the Fire Country. With this identity, can't he go anywhere he wants in the Fire Country?

Jiraiya, who realized that he had asked a stupid question, rubbed the place where Ye Ning had just hit him and grinned.

Although he had been beaten since childhood and had developed a tough body, this punch still hurt a little.

In addition, being pointed at and scolded by such a little kid, Jiraiya instantly lost the desire to continue the conversation and left with a gloomy face.

Seeing Jiraiya running away without looking back, Uchiha Fugaku felt nervous and also planned to pack up and run away.


"Captain Fugaku."

Ye Ning called Uchiha Fugaku and smiled softly, "I want to talk to you alone."

Uchiha Fugaku's face changed, and he was inexplicably uneasy in his heart.

In his mind, Ye Ning had become the image of a "killing god".

Wherever he went, he would kill.

Danzo and Jiraiya, both became souls under his sword.

Now, he pointed the spearhead at Uchiha?

Uchiha Fugaku cursed in his heart and wanted to ignore Ye Ning's words and leave directly, but after thinking it over, he turned around and forced a smile.

Because he was always serious, this smile seemed a little stiff.


"Captain Fugaku, it's not too much to treat me to a bowl of ramen, right?"

Passing by Ichiraku Ramen, which had just opened not long ago, Ye Ning suddenly became interested and wanted to try this ramen that had stood in Konoha for decades and was becoming more and more popular.

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't figure out what Ye Ning was thinking, so he had to respond:

"Of course no problem."

As the successor to the next clan leader and the captain of the security team, Fugaku still had the money to treat people to a bowl of ramen.

"Thank you very much. Please give me a bowl of miso ramen, thank you."

Ye Ning smiled at the still very young hand, and at the same time motioned Uchiha Fugaku to sit down with him.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Uchiha Fugaku finally asked:

"Your Highness Ye Ning, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"The Uchiha not in a good situation in Konoha?"

Ye Ning smiled and broke off his chopsticks, as if he was chatting about family matters, his expression was normal.

But as soon as he said this, Uchiha Fugaku's face changed instantly.

In a short moment, Ye Ning actually saw a pie-shaped statistical chart in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes.

There was confusion, resentment, rejection, and a bit of panic.

"I don't know what His Highness Ye Ning means."

"You don't have to rush to show your loyalty. The Third Generation should not be in the mood to take you into consideration at this time."

Ye Ning smiled: "As the young patriarch of the Uchiha clan, you should be able to feel that the Uchiha clan is not welcome in Konoha. The villagers are afraid of you, the ninja families dare not provoke you, and the high-level officials of Konoha are also afraid of you."

"Could it be that you don't realize that the Uchiha clan is gradually moving away from the power center of Konoha?"

Uchiha Fugaku fell silent.

Of course, he knew what Ye Ning said.

Or in other words, most of the elders in the clan could see it clearly.

They were just a little emotional and a little reckless. They were not fools. How could they not feel the fear of others?

Despite this, Uchiha Fugaku still said stubbornly: "My Uchiha clan is powerful. Whether others are afraid of us or not has nothing to do with us?"

Alas, it tastes right!

That's the feeling.

When Uchiha Fugaku said this, his expression was unconsciously arrogant, instead of the cautiousness he showed when talking to Ye Ning before.

This arrogant look was the Uchiha clan he was familiar with.

Ye Ning said while eating ramen:

"This is not something that a young clan leader of a clan can say.

"Uchiha Fugaku took a deep breath and frowned. "Always guarding the pride in your bones will only make the people in the village more and more afraid of you and hate you. In addition to your Uchiha clan, are there other ninja clans that are feared by the villagers?" "A clan that is feared by the villagers, do you think you have really integrated into Konoha?" "Moreover, do you really not realize that the position of the Security Department is actually a very offensive thing? "

Ye Ning was very curious. For such a large Uchiha clan, didn't anyone realize that the Security Department was not a reward to the Uchiha clan, but a subtle exclusion?

The villagers were already afraid of the Uchiha clan in their hearts. The Uchiha clan was also responsible for such an offensive job, which would make the villagers more afraid. The villagers and ninjas who were arrested by the Security Department would hate the Uchiha clan, forming a vicious circle.

Perhaps someone in the Uchiha clan could realize this problem, or with their temperament, they would not care about such things at all.

But the Uchiha clan was excluded and suppressed step by step.

Continuously offending people, constantly deepening other people's inherent impression of the Uchiha clan.

Just as Ye Ning said just now.

A family that is deeply excluded and feared cannot be integrated into Konoha.

Uchiha Fugaku's face fell instantly, and Ye Ning's words hit him directly.

He could see the harm of the Security Department.

But he was powerless to change it.

Because the current Uchiha clan has completely lost its voice in the top management of Konoha and has no power.

The short-sighted elders of the clan only know to hold on to the Security Department and grasp the only remaining power.

The Uchiha has fallen into the quagmire, but everyone in the clan is unaware of it.

This makes Uchiha Fugaku feel powerless.

But he also realized that what Ye Ning said to him today was definitely not aimless.

Perhaps he can help Uchiha?

"Does Your Highness Ye Ning have a solution?"

"There is a solution, but I'm afraid you can't do it. "

Ye Ning slowly finished the last bowl of ramen and burped with satisfaction:

"Who doesn't know how to disgust others? If someone disgusts you, why don't you just disgust them back?"

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