The red beast itself kicked the fist formed by the gathering of Chakra in front of it, turning into wisps of Chakra and dissipating into the air.

A punch slammed heavily on the Dao Seeking Jade that Dao Kaguya was protecting in front of her, and the huge momentum knocked herself down from the sky.

But he was just halfway through the flight, and he was flown in the air by a punch, and the big tube of wood Kaguya in it looked at him coldly, and the red steam fluttered on the Seeking Dao Jade, but it still couldn't break this layer of defense.

The faces of Kakashi and Jiraiya below, even if McKay, who opened the eight doors, seemed to have suppressed Kaguya for a while, but he couldn't break the black shield at all.

Moreover, he also runs out of time.

And Kakashi's eyes seemed to flicker with something, staring at the situation in the sky, and the next moment, he said something to the radio on his lips.

McKay, who was attacking in the air, paused slightly, and was caught by Kaguya Otsuki and punched directly.

But was dodged by himself, and McKay's speed at this time was much faster than her Chakra's speed.

The next moment, McKay jumped into the air, and his hideous face looked at the protective shell formed by the seeking jade in front of him, and then leaped away again.

Another kick kicked her to less than a few hundred meters above the ground.

It flickered and came to the ground, his feet stepped heavily on the ground, and the cracks around him spread, and Mike Kay gritted his teeth tightly, inhaled a heavy breath of heat, and flowed in from the gap between his teeth, and was filled with burning chest for a while.

The muscles of both feet were tense to the limit at this moment.


With a sound explosion, a red beam of light shot up into the sky, and a huge beast opened its mouth and bit fiercely towards the large tube of wood Kaguya in the air.


A flash of surprise flashed in Kaguya's eyes, and the space in front of McKay was distorted, and the golden-blue flames on his body jumped, but he didn't have time to do other defenses.

In an instant, Kakashi's left eye also turned wildly at this moment, the pattern of the kaleidoscope chakra eye was revealed, and the space above the Dao-seeking jade in front of Datuki Kaguya was distorted like a whirlpool, and then it seemed to be swallowed by something, leaking out some of the stunned Datuki Kaguya.

McKay's figure had also appeared in front of her, and the hot red steam permeated his side, and he slammed on her body without hesitation. At the same moment, a faint black and white mist did indeed permeate the blue reincarnation eyes of her eyes, merging into the surrounding golden-blue flames, which was the breath of origin that had been assimilated when Hinata was still in these eyes.

McKay's eyes were a little stunned, and a gentle force slashed through her shoulders like a force.

The two figures were misplaced, but the next moment, Datumu Kaguya's eyes turned into panic, but the kick just now made her a little confused for a while, and she didn't have time to react, everything was in an instant.

After McKay's figure staggered with her, he didn't mean to stop at all, and still kicked towards the sky.

Kakashi's left eye had begun to become a little foggy, and blood was dripping from his socket, but the kaleidoscope was still spinning.

At this time, McKay's goal, the sphere formed by the divine tree protected by the Dao Seeking Jade in the sky, the distorted space constantly broke through at that point, and the entire three layers of Seeking Dao Jade were completely opened, which was an overdrawn kaleidoscope at all costs.


With a muffled sound bursting from the seeking jade, McKay's body has reached its limit, the red steam around him dissipated, and the qi and blood on his body gradually dissipated, like the leaves after the autumn, falling towards the earth.

A toad on the left of Zilaiya on the ground quickly extended its tongue and quickly rolled Mike Kay in the air to the side, and at this time, McKay's physical condition was extremely bad, and many parts of the body surface were overloaded and burned.

It looked extremely miserable, but his breathing was relatively steady.

(The setting here is because Hinata Ming originally instructed Mike Kay to practice, so that his body can survive to a certain extent when opening the eighth table, but there will also be irreversible sequelae.)

Kakashi quickly twitched his ear to the location of his heart.

Kurama Yakumo quickly poured the healing potion in his hand gently into his mouth, emitting a faint green light that melted into his body.

At this time, the big tube of wood Kaguya stared blankly at the debris of the divine tree that was flying in the sky and still burning, and the pure life force was diffused in the air because of the destruction of the container.

For a time, under the surrounding snow, everything revived, and countless small grasses and trees quickly broke through the thick snow layer.

Originally, all the surrounding snow was covered with turquoise plants at this moment, and Datuki Kaguya did not speak in the air, and his eyes were full of godless sluggishness in the air.

Kakashi and Jiraiya glanced at each other, carrying McKay and Kurama Yakumo on their backs and quietly withdrawing into the distance.

At this moment, there was chaos in Kaguya's brain, and he muttered in his mouth.

"What have you done, you, what have you done..." The

staccato words kept whispering from her mouth, and her pupils were unfocused.

"You, you, this is in. This is forcing me...

.."I don't know how long has passed, her soft voice echoed around, Datumu Kaguya slowly turned his head, there was no half of emotion in his eyes at this time, looking at the few people who had disappeared in the distance, the clothes on his body were turbulent.

This heaven and earth are all mourning, and the invisible momentum slowly spreads out to the surroundings, and everything is very slow together.

She fell from the sky and lightly touched the earth,


A sharp sound flashed, and several mountains in the distance seemed to be squeezed by something, turning themselves into boulders.

As Datumu Kaguya took a step forward in a daze, all the plants that had just appeared were completely disappeared in the cold wind at this moment.


A thunder slashed, but in the next moment, a golden-blue light rose up into the sky, turning into ripples one after another, and the sky was clear....

"You guys.... All of them..... It's all ..... At.... Find dead !!!!!! "


Ready to finish the plan

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