Naruto: The Peak of Ninja

Chapter 105 - : Konoha Destruction IV

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"Fire escape big flame bullet!"

A huge ball of fire flew towards Naruto, the temperature was extremely high, and many houses that flew over couldn't stand the high temperature and burned.

Naruto's eyes condensed, the power of this fire escape ninjutsu is not bad, there is even a faint trend of A-level, I am afraid that even more effort will be able to enter the list of A-level ninjutsu!

The ninjas of Fire Nation are basically good at fire escape, but there are very few who are really proficient in using fire escape. A-level fire escape has never appeared before, except for Uchiha Madara.

Since then, there has never been an A-level fire escape, let alone an s-level above the A level. It can be said that it is the sorrow of the fire escape!

"The technique of water escape from the great waterfall!"

Naruto also unambiguously performed a water escape ninjutsu. The cheapest place in this water escape is that there is enough water flow, and it is more than enough to extinguish a big flame bomb!


The water overcame the fire, and the big flame bomb was extinguished in an instant, but Ito Ichiro's expression remained unchanged. It was a wishful thinking to kill Naruto with this level of ninjutsu.

As for Naruto's good at water escape, he had already learned from Danzo, but he never thought that Naruto's water escape was so skillful.

Even Qianshoujian, I am afraid that it is not as good as the current Naruto, and Ito Ichiro had to admire Naruto for being able to display such a powerful water escape from a land without water.

"Using a ninjutsu, you can't deal with him carelessly!" Ito Ichiro said to his two brothers.

It is a pity that Naruto and the others will not let them join forces. Three generations of Tuying and Ulchioraziqi stepped forward, blocking the way of one person each.

Ito Ichiro's face suddenly changed. If his three brothers were separated, their strength would be greatly reduced, and they would definitely not be separated!

That way, I'm afraid it will be broken one by one in the end!

"Second brother, third brother, come here! Never be separated!" Itoichiro shouted after his face changed.

Both Ito Jiro and Ito Saburo knew the consequences of this, so they directly cast their instantaneous technique and came to Ito Ichiro's side. The three gathered together to form a triangle and face Naruto.

"Use that trick!" Itoichiro said.

"I see, brother!" Erlang and Saburo said at the same time.

The three brothers have been together for so many years, and the cooperation has long been seamless. One eye and one movement can understand each other's meaning.

"Fire escape big flame bullet!" Itoichiro shouted.

"Fire escape fire dragon bullet!" Ito Jiro shouted.

"Fire escape hero dragon bullet!" Ito Saburo shouted.(Read more @

"Fit Ninjutsu Dragon Flame Bomb!"

The three shouted loudly at the same time, and a huge fire dragon nearly ten meters tall rose into the sky, with a huge dragon mouth open, spraying high-temperature fireballs at Naruto.

"Unexpectedly, these three people can use Huo Dang so skillfully!" Naruto exclaimed.

The combined ninjutsu of the three of them has surpassed the scope of A-level fire escape, and is close to s-level. I am afraid that it is really difficult for ordinary shadow-level powerhouses to avoid it.

Fast speed, strong power and high temperature!

However, this ninjutsu has one of the most fatal weaknesses, that is, this ninjutsu must be performed by three people. If there is only one person, it is not to be afraid at all!

"Shoot him, sharp spear!" Naruto shouted, and the sharp spear extended suddenly. All Naruto had to do was to completely separate the three of them, and then let Ulquiola and the three generations of Tuying hold one each for a short time.

You can trap one person directly with the enchantment, and then concentrate on dealing with one of them! With the strength of the three generations of Tuying, it can't be delayed for long. This is the safest way!

Seeing the sharp spear that flew up suddenly, the three brothers of Ito changed their expressions slightly. Unfortunately, they didn't pay attention to this speed. They just moved a small step and easily avoided!

"Oh! I almost forgot, how can I just use Hajime for you, I'm really embarrassed!" Naruto slapped his head and said embarrassedly.

But no matter how I heard it, I felt that this was a boastful meaning, which made the three brothers Ito look ugly.

They also heard Danzo say that he has a stretchable sword, which is probably the one in front of him, but he is just a little wondering why he doesn't use the mirror.

After the three of them learned of Jinghua Shuiyue's ability, they were also very careful to guard, just for fear that Naruto would suddenly use it and let their five senses be controlled.

"Swastika..." Naruto's face turned serious and said, "Shoot him, kill him!"

The speed of the sharp gun was faster, and it was almost too late for the three of them to reflect. In the end, at the cost of bruising, the three of them avoided Naruto's bursts of fire.

However, Naruto's goal has also been achieved. The positions of the three have been separated, and Ulchiola has been blocked in front of one of them. Even if they use the instant technique, they never want to come to Itoichiro again.

But Naruto is ready, how can he make the same mistake?

"No, this is a barrier!"

Itoichiro's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly discovered that the enchantment surrounding himself was sacrificed. With the existence of the enchantment, his two brothers wanted to come in, but it was extremely difficult!

"Brother!" The expressions of Jiro and Saburo suddenly changed. They wanted to help Ito Ichiro, but the reality told them that it was impossible!

"Don't be nervous, just stay in the barrier obediently!" Naruto said lightly.

What Naruto uses is naturally the phantom barrier, this barrier that can only be entered and exited with the consent of the owner, trapping Ito Ichiro is the best!

What Naruto has to do now is to get rid of one of the two brothers, and finally get Ito Ichiro.

Three generations of Tuying saw Naruto walking towards him, and smiled slightly: "Did you solve it there?"

"How is it possible! He is a super shadow-level powerhouse anyway, I just trapped him! Leave this to me!" Naruto said.

Three generations of Tukage did not pretend, and directly gave up his seat and handed Ito Saburo to Naruto.

"Go and help your Yannin, leave it to me here! Don't let me see the old immortal Danzo, absolutely can't let him run away!" Naruto said to the third generation Dokage.

"Don't worry, that old bastard can't run! I'll show it to you!" Three generations of Tuying said with a big smile.

Being able to wipe out Konoha with no effort, the three generations of Tuying are naturally happy, this kind of trivial matter is best for him!

"You bastard!" Ito Saburo's face was very ugly. Almost all of their tricks were combined tricks. They lost one person, and they are not very good at fighting alone!

But don't underestimate them because of this, it is very likely that your underestimation will cost you your life.

Every super shadow level powerhouse will have its own hole cards, and you must not be careless!

"Let's get started!" Naruto smiled faintly.


Saburo Ito yelled and attacked Naruto as soon as his body moved, and the battle between the two was triggered.


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