Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 102 - Distressed white night

"Also within half a mile of your body, if someone dies, it can automatically collect the escaped soul energy, which can be used to feed back itself."

Huang Quan showed a triumphant posture and continued to show off the other functions of the pendant.

Said Bai Ye's eyes glistened, and he quickly put the pendant directly on his neck.

"By the way, regarding the strength of a person's soul, will it naturally increase?"

Bai Ye suddenly remembered the bottleneck he had encountered. At that time, he almost thought that he really didn't have the talent to become a ninja. Every time he worked hard, he could only strengthen his body.

"Normally, before the average person officially reaches adulthood, the strength of the soul will increase rapidly with age.

And then it will tend to a stable state, if there is no special means, it will be like that for a lifetime. "

Huang Quan savored the soul awakening tea in his hand, and after successfully dragging the opponent onto his black boat, his posture became more comfortable.

Bai Ye glanced at the Zan Poknife in his hand without a trace, and understood that this guy would carry his soul with him every time he evolves. It is estimated that this is why his strength suddenly grows faster and faster.

If Bai Ye had watched the Reaper anime completely, he would understand that the soul is the most important to the Reaper, and his physical transformation is actually incidental.

Bai Ye relied on several transformations in his soul to make his current soul strength far surpass that of his peers. This was one of the reasons Huang Quan and Xiao San were attracted to him."Now you should be able to teach me how to collect items out of thin air."

Bai Ye watched the other party sipping tea with a look of intoxication. He just couldn't enjoy this bitter and astringent thing anyway, and couldn't wait to learn something more practical.

"It's not that I don't want to teach you, it's an exercise of soul power.

If you only use chakras, you need to resort to the usual sealing methods, and there is no need to ask me to learn this very common thing. "

Obviously it was a good thing to say before signing the contract, Huang Quan turned around and began to deny him, and chose a very reasonable excuse.

After all, you can't learn this by yourself, not that I deliberately didn't teach you, so it doesn't violate the first contract.

"Soul energy? Can you see if this works?"

Hearing a movement in Bai Ye's heart here, Da She Wan detected three different energies in his body, maybe one of them is not the soul energy?

The two people are sitting face to face now, and Huang Quan puts forward something about the soul every time, indicating that he may not be able to clearly sense the physical situation.

In order to let Huang Quan feel the specific situation more intuitively, Bai Ye deliberately injected Chakra into the pendant on his chest.

This thing can allow him to contact Huang Quan across the border, indicating that the other party must have left a method of induction in it.(Read more @, he looks even more distressed than the Oshe Maru, and he doesn't know how long he has existed, so he can't tell the difference.

"It is absolutely impossible. Although a living person can influence the soul by special means or even rely on the soul, it is essentially just a means of using Chakra."

Huang Quan waved his hand disapprovingly. He is an expert in this field, how could he make a mistake in his judgment.

"Wait... it's impossible... it must be that I got up too early today... I even perceive this kind of things wrong..."

But when he felt the connection from the pendant, his smile gradually disappeared, and he shook his head fiercely, trying to wake up.

"Yeah, our beloved Lord Grim Reaper, you might have made a mistake in your judgment."

Xiao San, who was nestling on the side, found that Huang Quan's condition was not quite right, and his three mouths opened up mock mode at the same time, which was simply an enhanced version of surround sound.

However, after seeing the other person cast an indifferent look at him, he couldn't help shaking, feeling that the space was frozen at this moment.

He immediately pinched his tail and shrank into a ball, secretly vowing that he must be a dog in the future, and never cheat.

"It's really getting more and more interesting to find that you guy, there are so many unconventional things in him."

Huang Quan turned his head back again, with a smile on his face again, as if he had appeared at that moment, and the extremely terrifying existence was not him."There are actually two opposites of soul power? It seems that Chakra is neutralizing it.

No, this is... there is no mutual influence, the two forces themselves have a perfect balance..."

Huang Quan was fascinated by his eyes, feeling this power carefully, and he was still muttering something in his mouth.

"So, can I learn?"

Bai Ye suddenly felt that this guy seemed very unreliable, and he was always there to cheer himself up, and his mouth still made wretched laughter from time to time.

"Oh, this is easy to handle. I have already stored the method in the pendant. You can discover it by sensing it carefully.

But I have to inform you in advance that because of the interference of Chakra in your body, you may not be able to practice successfully. "

Huang Quan stored the method in the pendant very well, so that Bai Ye would have to continue to instill energy into it.

"Fuck, it feels like practicing ninjutsu, you have to find a way to change it to suit you."

Bai Ye, who was reading the information happily, began to hold his head in pain and scratched his hair in a mess when he heard another sentence from the other party.

He couldn't even find the knack to change the simple ninjutsu. Regarding the power of another system that he hadn't touched at all, let alone say it, and it seemed quite complicated to use.Bai Ye really didn't understand, so the power that Zan Pokang gave him could be used normally, and the power of other systems would have a little problem.

"You mainly want to seal this thing. I'll do it for you directly. When you go back, you can find someone who is good at sealing to unlock it."

Seeing that Bai Ye was about to collapse, Huang Quan kindly took out a small scroll and sealed the cup of tea in a seemingly ordinary way.

"You should also be about the use of soul power, can you open it with Chakra?"

Bai Ye happily accepted the sealed scroll from the other party, but later found that something was wrong.

This is obviously the sealing technique of two different systems. I want to use the technique of another system to unlock the technique of this system. It is a bit unreliable to think about this matter.

"It's great for you to have this idea, but I don't know."

Huang Quan shrugged helplessly. After all, he wouldn't usually appear in the Ninja World, and he really didn't know about this tricky question.

"If it doesn't work, you will have to run back all the way with this cup of tea by yourself."

Huang Quan thought for a while, and in the end he could only give Bai Ye a helpless look.

He has a lot of various sealing methods, but the other party can't learn it in a short time for some reasons, and no matter how many methods are used, it is useless.

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