Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 104 - New visitor

"Tsk, there is also a time bomb in Ren Zhuli's body. It's good for me. There are already two inexplicable two in my body. If you get a tail beast, you can play mahjong.

Bai Ye suddenly discovered that both herself and Ren Zhuli were like thief who could forcefully explode the seeds, and at the same time, she had to prevent her body control from being seized.

If you think about it this way, I feel a little at ease. Since Human Zhu Li has perfect Human Zhu Li, then I should also be able to perfectly integrate the power in the body.

"I think your idea is pretty good. After you seal the tail beast, maybe the three consciousnesses will restrain each other, and then you will profit."

Huang Quan's words are serious, in fact, he just wants to see if there are four different consciousnesses in a person's body at the same time, what wonderful changes will occur at that time.

"Please, let's not say whether my physique is suitable for use as a container. At present, all tail beasts are owned by the owner.

Bai Ye felt that after all, he was different from Naruto, and he was not someone with a particularly strong natural vitality.

The chakras in his body are all cultivated step by step, and the total amount is currently estimated to be far less than Naruto.

In this case, if a large part of Chakra is divided out to provide the seal, specifically to suppress the tail beast.

At that time, it can be said to be half abolished, and it can only really rely on physical skills to fight like Kai.

Moreover, the physical skills are estimated to be a lot worse than it is now. After all, strengthening the speed or attacking strength also requires Chakra for bonuses.Unless the tail beast you encounter is willing to actively cooperate with you, or you have grown to a very high level, you can find a way to try to use the tail beast to make yourself stronger.

"It's up to you, anyway, I can't directly help you seal the tail beast.

I have imported all the secrets of the soul into the pendant. If there is something you can't understand, you can contact me directly. "

Huang Quan was originally not prepared to teach Bai Ye these things at first, after all, he would teach Bai Ye if he couldn't use it.

But now that the other party seems to have the potential to learn, he is not stingy, ready to teach most of his knowledge and insights to the other party.

Of course, I deliberately chose to store it in the pendant, mainly to observe the changes on Bai Ye's body at all times.

"I said... how do these things look like ordinary ninjutsu..."

As soon as Bai Ye heard that it was about the secret technique of the soul, she was immediately excited, but she withered instantly after seeing the actual content.

"It's the right thing. These were originally made by me according to ninjutsu. It would be troublesome to be original."

Huang Quan clasped his nose uncharacteristically, completely disregarding his plagiarism.

"Hey, even the Flying God Thunder has it. Have you seen the second generation after death?"

When Bai Ye found out that they were actually ninjutsu surgery, he glanced at the name directly and quickly, the more rare the ninjutsu after the list went.(Read more @"Who is the second generation? I got the words about Flying God Thunder from the Qianshou Clan. I have some impression of that person. I remember it was called Qianshou Jianma.

This guy has to be said to be a genius. He has developed a lot of weird ninjutsu, and he has made great achievements in the soul. "

Huang Quan's face revealed a look of admiration, and there were not many people who could remember him specifically.

"Can you tell me what the world is like after death?"

Sure enough, as Bai Ye guessed, the other party mainly understood the current situation from the post-mortem population.

When I saw that Dashewan could reincarnate the soul of the first generation back into the world after decades in the white night, I became curious about the world after death.

The original work has never mentioned this aspect, and occasionally mentioned it several times and the description is particularly vague.

I don't know how the people there live, whether it is really a world without disputes, as others have imagined.

I especially want to know if the people inside can live forever in it without saying that there is no reincarnation or rebirth, or the soul also has a lifespan?

"You'll know when you die. If you really want to know, I can take you over and have a look. Don't blame me if you can't come back then."

Huang Quan looked as if he didn't want to talk more, making Bai Ye a little itchy, but he couldn't help it."Little San is ready to see off the guests, are you alright?"

Seeing that the aura had broken through the barrier of magma, Huang Quan didn't plan to stay longer. The most important thing was already given anyway. You can contact the pendant if you have anything.

"Wait, don't worry, you guys will talk for a while, I'll be fine right away."

And Xiao San didn't know what was being fiddled with, half of his body was lying in the bloody whirlpool, only the head of a dog was stretched out and he came back and roared, looking a little anxious.

Bai Ye stared at Huang Quan's face cautiously, and his chill full of smile made him shiver involuntarily.

Sure enough, the opponent disappeared in an instant, and then Xiao San's body rose out of thin air, and was squeezed into a big ball by an unknown force.

"Go ahead, how do you like to die."

You can see Huang Quan sitting on top of the big ball, and sitting underneath his buttocks is one of the heads of Xiao San.

"I didn't forget to call you here this time, so I can't treat me a little better."

The small three who was pinched into a ball, completely recalled the fear of being dominated by the opponent, and only dared to protest in a low voice.

"Why are you still so miserable, Cerberus."

Seeing that Huang Quan was about to hit Xiao San's head with a punch, a milky voice came from the bloody whirlpool."It's not because of you, how come your bastard is so slow."

Xiao San felt wronged in his heart, because the other party was going to die a few seconds earlier, so he didn't have to suffer this beating.

It seems that Cerberus that the voice said is probably the real name of the junior three, but this name doesn't know why, it sounds a bit contradictory.

"Why did you call it here? Why does this sound sound a bit wrong? Are you trying to..."

Huang Quan obviously knew the creature that hadn't fully appeared yet, and at the same time figured out what Xiaosan wanted to do.

"I can't help it, this is the last chance, otherwise the ghost will call you over, and every time I meet, he knows to beat me."

Xiao San rolled his eyes angrily, and secretly vowed not to open that door when he died.

"You should know how much damage this will cause to the other party."

Huang Quan didn't seem to be in any playful mood, and he restored Xiao San to his original state, with a rare trace of worry in his eyes looking at the whirlpool.

"But you should also know that if you do nothing, the end result will only be worse."

Xiao San's eyes revealed firmness. It would break the rules and spare the white night, also for the creatures in the whirlpool.

And the white night in the distance is like listening to the heavenly scriptures, these two guys are extremely obscure in key positions, and they can't analyze any particularly useful information at all.

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