Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 111 - New identity

"They don't think that you have been tied to that ship."

Bai Ye glanced at Qiuna in surprise, this group of guys left without any confirmation, and it was a bit unprofessional.

After the fog dissipated a little, it was obvious that another ship was leaving.

"This is a good thing, we haven't rushed to take the opportunity to sail and escape."

Although Akuna's vision is not as good as Bai Ye's and they can't see far away, but she really believes Bai Ye's judgment, and her small face is flushed with excitement.

"What do you think of me, I don't know how to sail."

Bai Ye rolled his eyes silently, and when he saw the danger was lifted, he walked into the cabin.

"Why are you two walking in such a hurry, wait for me."

At first, Qiuna saw that Bai Ye didn't want to take the opportunity to run away quickly, and she hated iron and steel.

But when he saw Kazuhiko leave without saying a word, he suddenly felt gloomy around him.

The strong bloody smell kept stimulating her nerves, she instantly threw all her thoughts behind her head, and ran desperately towards the direction where Baiye and them had left with a weeping face.As for the veteran's ship, it will be evacuated directly, of course, not just because he died.

For the evil ghost brothers, it doesn't matter whether he is dead or not, and the two sides are only interested in the relationship.

If the elder dies normally, the evil ghost brothers will definitely continue to kidnap Qiuna in exchange for money.

But he died too bizarre, and the boss of the evil ghost brothers was very confident, thinking that no one in this boat could hide his eyes and kill the elder silently.

The two who usually do too much evil often have nightmares at night and are particularly sensitive to spiritual events.

Seeing the unclear death of the elder, my heart suddenly panicked, and as a result, I frightened myself and ran away.

Thanks to being too neurotic, the evil ghost brothers passed by the true death god. Fortunately, they saved two small lives and can continue to do evil in this area in the future.


"Yeah, this is the first country you arrived in."

On a avenue, there are three figures walking slowly here. These three people are Shiraya, Kazuhiko, and Akina.

Two days ago, Shuji hid in a dark corner for a long time, and only dared to reappear after completely confirming his safety.

And as soon as he appeared, he resumed his arrogant posture, and started to command some of his remaining subordinates.(Read more @ at that time, after learning that Akuna was still on the boat, her face began to change continuously, and she finally decided to take a bunch of people to block the door, wanting to vent all her grievances.

At the same time, he had some careful thoughts, ready to control Qiuna himself, and then he would find a way to contact the elder's family.

After all, if something like this happened today, Shuji couldn't continue to make money from it, so he could change career after he finished the ticket.

But the thoughts are often beautiful, it can be said that they walk in arrogantly, lie out with a blue nose and swollen face, being beaten by Bai Ye so that he can hardly recognize it.

With this plague god on the boat, the Sius never slept peacefully. Although he had let his subordinates row the boat desperately, there was a shortage of manpower, and it was a whole day late to arrive at the destination.

Because of the extra day's sailing time, and Bai Ye rescued Akuna twice in a row, the other party completely put down the guard in his heart.

In addition to small talk on this day, Bai Ye also easily revealed a lot of useful information.

Akina was exactly what he thought, she was indeed the eldest lady of a business family in Wuyin Village, whose full name was Akita Akina.

The Akita family’s main business is similar to international trade, often organizing caravans to resell between countries. In terms of comprehensive financial resources, it can rank in the top ten in Mizuno.

The reason why Akina, the eldest lady, appeared here alone was actually because she sneaked aboard a ship to the Yunokuni trade a month ago, and then she stayed there alone to play.

The main reason for choosing to slip out is that the family rules are too strict, and the rebellious period of Qiuna, who is eager for freedom, is already running away from home.Originally, Akina, who just wanted to play for a few days and went back, ended up tragically encountering a major change in the country of water policy. All merchant ships were forbidden to travel, causing her to stay outside for nearly a month.

The only good news is that she has enough money, plus the scope of her activities has been in the town, and her small life during this period of time is also nourishing.

Qiuna suddenly decided to embark on a black ship to sneak back, mainly because of money. Although she brought enough at the beginning, she couldn't help her casual squandering.

The money that was enough for ordinary people to eat and drink for several years was completely defeated by her within a month. It should be said that she is the legendary rich second generation.

At that time, Bai Ye's eyes were glaring at hearing, and when the other party invited him to go home to be a guest, he agreed without thinking about it.

This time not only has an identity that can reasonably act in Wuyin Village, but also leads a luxurious and corrupt life by the way.

But because of this, Bai Ye discussed with Kazuhiko a new set of identities to prevent any accidents.

After all, Shiraya didn't expect to act with Akuna at first, so he didn't deliberately conceal his name.

It would be too arrogant to sneak into the core area of ​​Wuyin Village directly with his real name.

Who knows if the other party has recorded his own information, they can be perfectly mixed in, and then overturned because of these trivial things, it would be too painful.

Bai Ye's current newly negotiated identity is the only descendant of Baiyueliu, the country of iron, who is currently traveling between countries, practicing swords and heart.

Also derived from this, he is actually a single name for a night, Bai is ready to wait for the future to completely inherit Baiyue before adding it.Then Kazuhiko was the dead man who was arranged to protect, so the whole person looked cold, like a killer with no emotions.

Of course, there are still many loopholes in this rhetoric. For example, the Baiyueliu genre does not exist at all, and the problem can be found by just a little closer inspection.

But the two of them didn't plan to stay longer. When the Qiuna family realized something was wrong, they had already returned to Konoha.

"You know my age is impossible. Yunokuni is my first stop."

Because his new identity is a samurai, Bai Ye put the Zanpaku Sword back to his waist again, so that he can react faster when encountering special circumstances.

"Well, it seems that your knowledge is about the same as mine~"

"Give me three years, I can walk around the entire Ninja World, and then return to the country of iron to participate in the samurai contest.

Bai Ye cast a provocative look at Qiuna, and her eyes were full of small stars, and she looked envious.

"Then can you tell me about the samurai contest~"

Akuna stared longingly at Shiroya, in a posture of crying for you if you disagree.

"Well... let me remember first..."

Bai Ye wanted to cry without tears in her heart, so she just blew it out casually. The ghost knows what the samurai contest is, and it needs to be said whether it exists or not.

When the two of them were chatting, Kazuhiko followed silently, perfectly denoting what is called a dead man of Moder feelings.

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