Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 117 - arrived safely

If there is no thick fog at this time, you can see a tornado composed of pink petals, which is wrapped in two silhouettes.

At the moment the two sides touched each other, countless wounds were added to the bodies of these two figures.

Although every wound does not look big, the damage to the human body is therefore low.

But when the quantity accumulates to a certain level, the quantitative change successfully caused the qualitative change, and eventually it could easily take the lives of others.

"Why did the fog start to clear? Ye~you solved them all~"

At first, Akuna was a little depressed because he couldn't see anything, but he didn't expect that a minute had passed and his vision became clear again.

Her emotions settled again after the devil's second child fell.

Although I don't know what happened, anyway, I must have nothing to do with Bai Ye.

Only then did I believe that his strength was really strong, and there was no need to worry about not being able to go home safely.

But Bai Ye didn't make a response at this time, and she could only quietly wait for the mist to disperse a little more.

It didn't take long for Akuna to see Bai Ye coming from the woods in the distance.

And the clothes on the opponent looked very neat, as if they had not fought fiercely.

On the path he came back, there were two shocking pools of blood.

An experienced person can definitely determine that every pool of blood stains requires at least half of the blood volume of an adult man to achieve this effect."The two people ran away. I just caught up and couldn't stop them."

After Bai Ye came back, he took the initiative to explain why he would come from there.

"If you run away, you will run away, as long as you are not injured."

Akuna didn't doubt Bai Ye's words at all, but pulled him over and observed it carefully.

After confirming that there was no sign of injury on his body, she relieved her heart. As for whether the two enemies were dead or alive, she had no interest at all anyway.

Bai Ye, who wanted to struggle a bit, finally gave up after seeing Akuna's concerned eyes and let the other party play around.

"Uncle Naoto, you can go now, or you won't be able to catch the next town before dark."

When Bai Ye saw that Naoto was still in the carriage, he couldn't help but urged.

The task process has been slow for several days, and he still wants to check it out early so that he can go back before the new year.


Naoto's heart actually refused at this time, and he wanted to return the money directly, and even give the carriage to the other party.

He has been in business for so many years, and he has been scornful this time. He didn't expect the punishment to come so quickly, and he might really be gone if he continued to drive.

If there is a killer, he will definitely be regarded as the primary target of attack, and he can't expect Bai Ye to save himself every time.

But Bai Ye seemed to be more terrifying than the enemy. If he chooses not to do it, he will be killed directly if he fails.(Read more @ who had no other choice had no choice but to re-command the horse obediently, pretending to be calm on his face, and tears could only flow in his stomach.

As the carriage keeps going away, no one will know that there are two dead bodies sleeping in the dense forest nearby.

The appearance of the corpse looked more miserable than the torture of blood flowing backwards arranged by Wu Yin.

The flesh and blood on the surface has completely disappeared, only some rotten flesh is still attached stubbornly to the bones.

The only thing that is better than a thousand swords and slashes is that the momentary death does not cause too much pain.

Bai Ye also saw that the corpse died in a terrible state, so he threw it into the distance.

If Akuna saw it, she would definitely have nightmares at night.

Regarding the flower tornado, this is the inspiration that Bai Ye was born from the insect tornado of the oil girl clan, and the names he even named are deliberately imitated.

In terms of effect, it is indeed much larger than the ordinary use of Senbonzakura, and of course the consumption has also become larger.

These two similar moves have some differences in the final effect.

The worm tornado can swallow the enemy without leaving any residue, while the flower tornado has nothing to do with the hard bones.

This is also the first official use of Bai Ye after researching it out, and the bloody scene left is actually a bit uncomfortable for him.


One day later, in the evening, several uninvited guests greeted the gate of Wuyin Village."Anyone arrived safely?"

Lifting the curtain to look at the white night at the gate of the misty village, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He set off from the village to the present, and the journey was full of disasters, but he did not expect a rare peace on the last day.

Originally, Bai Ye thought that people who targeted Akuna would choose to continue to send people over to grab people, so that he could continue to brush up on his favorability.

"You, it's not good to be safe."

Akuna rubbed Shiraya's head and said angrily.

There were two interceptions along the way, which made her frightened.

"Yes, Miss Akuna is right."

The straight man sitting outside, with two big dark circles under his eyes, knocked his head forward from time to time.

In order to reach Wuyin Village as soon as possible, he chose to change his original plan. He slept in driving the carriage last night, fearing that he would be blocked by the killer again.

"If you want, you can come to our house to work~"

Seeing Naoto driving the car so desperately, Akina drew a pie on her own when she felt Naoto's heart move, completely unaware that her father was having a headache about layoffs at this time.

And this unreliable sentence directly instilled infinite motivation into the other party, and began to drive the tired horses to speed up.

"If you enter the village, come and register."A slightly lazy voice suddenly reached several people's ears.

Bai Ye glanced at Kazuhiko faintly at the same time, and the other side also nodded slightly.

"I'll go, you just stay on it."

Because of Akuna's words, Naoto seemed particularly active at this time, and ran all the way towards the two guards.

"no problem."

One of them should be a perceptual ninja. After feeling carefully, he didn't seem to notice any problems.

I can see that there are some strange-looking insects attached to the body surface of Shiroye and Kazuhiko at this time, who are constantly waving their wings.

This is a secret weapon that Kazuhiko had prepared in advance before completely approaching Wuyin Village. This special insect can confuse perception with the vibration of its wings.

It is the secret technique of the oily girl clan, the technique of insects and folk tools.

"Ms. Qiunai, I don't know the road in Wuyin Village anymore. I need you to come over and give instructions."

Naoto finished everything smoothly, and immediately ran back and drove on the carriage.

"Just go like this...and then go like this..."

The excitement on Akuna's face also grew stronger. This was the first time he had left home for so long.

With the constant approach, the yearning for home has become stronger and stronger.

At the same time, I felt a little uneasy inside, and I felt that I would be severely reprimanded by my father.

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