Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 121 - Eve of extermination

Time passed day by day, and it has been exactly one week since Bai Ye and a group of people came to Wuyin Village.

The environment is getting colder and colder, and Wuyin Village also ushered in the first snowfall after the winter this morning, which dyed the surrounding scenery white.

"Are you sure that Wuyin Village will launch an action against the Shui Wuyue clan tonight?"

Baiye and Kazuhiko were hiding on a big tree covered by snow, which was about half a kilometer away from the family land of the Shuiwuyue clan.

On the other side of the street, next to Akina are two clones of Kazuhiko, one of whom is vividly pretending to be a white night.

"It is impossible to completely confirm, after all, it is information intercepted from other villages.

However, judging from the recent reaction of the Mizuno Yue family, the reliability is still very high. "

When Kazu Yan was inquiring about information, he discovered that the Shui Wuyue clan had secretly sent a small group of people out of the clan.

No matter how you think about it, you should hear some wind, and want to preserve some blood for the clan as much as possible.

It is estimated that Bai's mother was among this small group of people, and successfully survived for many years, until Baixue Jijie suddenly awakened and ushered in death.

At the same time, Bai Ye also understood why Bai's father was so afraid of the mother and daughter after he learned the truth, so he could hardly hurt the killer.

In the hearts of most ordinary people, the Shui Wuyue clan is now probably regarded as a demon clan, not to mention that the Wuyin high-level will definitely try their best to smear it afterwards."In fact, when they will do it, it has nothing to do with us. Why do you have to come over and observe it closely?

Kazuhiko was really puzzled, and Bai Ye seemed to be a little too concerned about this matter.

In particular, he also knew that the other party would escape, and his unkind mind made up a drama of bitter feelings.

"You should know that I also know a little bit about Bing Dun, so I want to come over and see if I can learn something from it."

Bai Ye had already figured out the fake reason, and it was used to fool Kazuhiko. As for whether the other party believes it or not, it doesn't matter to him.

And he was still thinking about what method should be used to get to the core area.

The current distance is still a bit too far, and the pendant can't absorb the soul energy that escapes.

At this time, Xiao Si, who was hidden in the pendant, did not continue to sleep, and all three small faces were filled with excitement, which was also one of its main purposes for following Bai Ye.

"It's up to you, but if we are discovered, we are absolutely dead, and there will be no chance of escape."

Kazuhiko shrugged helplessly, because he couldn't persuade Bai Ye, he had to follow him to help hide his figure.

As the sky slowly dimmed, the number of ninjas hiding in the surroundings gradually increased.

The timing of the extermination seems to be correct, otherwise these ninjas should not come over to conduct exercises.(Read more @"By the way, how far is the release range of your Insect Evil Folk Artifact?"

As the surrounding atmosphere gradually suppressed, Bai Ye was also ready to find an opportunity to move forward.

And he didn't want Kazu Yan to continue to accompany him deep, because the other party can help him hide here for so long, it's already benevolent.

If the range of the Chongxie Folk Artifact cannot be too far, Bai Ye will still choose to move on, but the level of danger will increase sharply at that time.

"You are really...I can only guarantee that the effect will not be weakened within 500 meters, and the farther away will start to be greatly reduced. The limit range is about 750 meters."

Kazuhiko wanted to persuade him a few more words, but after seeing Bai Ye's firm eyes, he finally couldn't say it, so he had to tell the other party the specific scope.

"Five hundred meters... I feel pretty good."

However, this range is still somewhat insufficient, and the area occupied by the Shuiwuyue clan is definitely no less than one mile.

But now it can only support the distance that Bai Ye reaches the extreme edge, and if you want to achieve the best results, you must continue to move forward.

"There are ninjas you have marked in other villages. How many are there now?"

Since he couldn't guarantee his own safety, Bai Ye wanted to muddy the water a little bit, and planned to pull the other people who had come close to him into the water.

"Only six came, and two came from the other three big ninja villages. The people in the other small ninja villages probably didn't dare to come or did not find out the news.Kazuhiko deliberately closed his eyes and felt it carefully, confirming that only so many people had come.

Regarding the other three teams in Konoha Village, he had tried to secretly contact them before, so he didn't come here to collect information.

Instead, during the turmoil in Wuyin Village, I wanted to see if I could get some information about the interior of the Water Shadow Building.

Originally, Kazuhiko was more inclined to this plan, but he didn't know what was wrong with Bai Ye, so he had to come with him.

"Brother, I'll rely on you later~"

Shiraya stretched out his hand and patted Kazuhiko on the shoulder, showing a look that would take you to a spicy drink after returning home, and of course Akuna would pay for the money.

"So don't you really need me to go with you?"

"Don't worry, I didn't mess up in the past, and I will be back after a while."

Bai Ye resolutely rejected the other party's proposal again.

Then he took a deep breath, and used Shunbu to its extreme, moving through the woods as fast as he could when he could not open eight doors.

Regarding the specific location of the staff in Wuyin Village, Kazuhiko informed Bai Ye in detail before and calculated the most secure route.

Coupled with Bai Ye's ultra-high-speed movement regardless of consumption, as long as no one pays attention to him in advance, it is basically difficult to be found."Hey...what happened to Master Shuiying? Not only did he decide so many weird policies, but now he is also preparing to annihilate the Shui Wuyue clan because of such a small matter.

" don't want to die, dare to talk about this kind of thing at will."

Under a big tree, a ninja who looked a little fatter, saw his companion so unobstructed, a lot of cold sweat was directly on his forehead.

"It's okay. There are only two of us around. You are afraid that you have forgotten what I am best at."

The other ninja, who seemed a little thinner, shook his head indifferently, but he was always aware of the surrounding situation.

Little did he know that right above his head, Mimi had just touched a figure, and this position just happened to be able to barely hear the conversation between the two.

"Who can say no? In the past few years, Master Shuiying was so kind, how could he suddenly become so tyrannical? Is he deceived by some treacherous man?"

After the fat ninja heard the assurance from the other party, he was relieved, and at the same time he said the question deeply buried in his heart.

"To be honest, if I hadn't been lucky enough to meet Master Shuiying once during this period, I almost thought it was not him who gave the order."

"You will have a chance to see it once... I can't even get near the Water Shadow Building..."

"Let me tell you, Master Shuiying looks a little cold now, it's almost like a different person."


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