Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 125 - Nearly annihilated spies

"You messed up, I just saved her."

The unconscious Terumi leaned against Bai Ye's arms, and Xiao Si, who was also on Bai Ye's chest, stretched out three small mouths and bit Terumi Ming's neck at the same time.

"I'm thinking about you, right, such a dangerous enemy ninja should be resolved as soon as possible."

Xiao Si released the middle mouth in response to Bai Ye, and the other two of it continued to bite and didn't want to let go.

"I think you are simply staring at her soul. You will think of me unless the sun comes out from the west."

Bai Ye freed up a hand to grab Xiao Si's tail and lifted it up, so that it could no longer do evil.

"It's up to you, let me remind you that the movement you made just now is a bit too big, and many people are already rushing over here."

Xiao Si curled his mouth, struggled hard, and squeezed back into Bai Ye's arms.

The situation just didn't look right in the white night, and for the first time he liberated the fierce blades.

And a huge flame like a palm was released from the blade of the blade, enclosing all the magic mirror ice crystals in it.

The temperature of the flames released by Liubianruohuo is as high as 6000 degrees Celsius.

In an instant, due to the excessive temperature difference, all the ice mirrors directly sublimated together, and the time between dissipating between the sky and the earth was less than one second.

In addition, a lot of snow in the surrounding area of ​​nearly 100 meters began to melt away quickly.

The flames rising into the sky and the scorching temperature successfully attracted the attention of everyone nearby."What should this guy do..."

Bai Ye looked at Terumi Ming who was unconscious, and she started to have a headache, so she couldn't run around with her.

"That's why I said just kill it directly."

Xiao Si obviously hadn't completely given up its plan, showing an expression of eagerness.

"so troublesome..."

After thinking about it, Bai Ye decided to leave quickly with Terumi Ming, and was about to find a corner where no one was going to throw the corpse directly.

After pulling out the Qianben all plugged into the opponent's body, Xiao Si confirmed the direction, and the two quickly left the incident center.

"People have already left."

It didn't take long for a figure to appear in front of the flame made by Bai Ye.

He is carrying a large hammer in his left hand and a machete in his right hand. The two weapons are connected by a rope.

This person is the user of the blunt knife and stalker.


Then two guys with strange weapons appeared.

They are the watermelon mountain blowfish ghost, the user of the sword and the shark muscle, and the loquat Juzo, the user of the broken sword and the behead sword.(Read more @"Bait people, you made this??"

The newly-appearing Shizang only saw the bait man staying here, while the puffer fish ghost arrived at the same time as himself.

"Stop it, you don't know if I can make this thing."

The bait who arrived first were a bit speechless, let alone they tolerate the swords of the seven people, he didn't know anyone in the Wuyin Village who could be proficient at this level.

The scorching sensation produced by this large circle of flames feels the strongest he has ever been in contact with in his life.

"No one continues to output chakras, and can still maintain this intensity. This person is very strong."

"Who is it that sneaked into the village? What is the purpose of this guy?"

"Who knows, I chose this opportunity to appear."

The three of them stood here to communicate with each other, forgetting their current primary task for a while.

Some people in the village will come in to inquire about the news, and they will not be surprised.

But there are people who are so strong, they have to wonder if the other party has any special purpose.

Of course, more than the three of them were attracted by this special flame.

The people of the Shui Wuyue clan turned around and ran after seeing these three people. Instead of going to death in vain, it was better to find a way to kill a few more people.

The other ninjas also did not choose to approach after coming over. After all, neither of them were of the same level, and they had no right to interject in the past.And they don't dare to be lazy and open, and they are looking for targets everywhere.

In a dark corner, Bai Ye was sneaking around.

Without knowing his casual blow, Wuyin Village imagined a terrifying enemy.

"I always feel a little uncomfortable in my body, am I struggling with my soul?"

At present, there is only a small fourth left beside Bai Ye, and Terumi Ming really doesn't know where he left the corpse.

"Can you have a little bit of common sense, how can your soul eat to support it? Is it because you eat too much at noon."

"Stop making trouble, I haven't eaten anything at noon. It's definitely a problem with things."

Bai Ye stretched out his hand and took out the pendant and shook it. The original warm feeling has disappeared, but now he only feels a little painful and uncomfortable in his body.

One person and one dog didn't notice at all, and a bloody color flashed through Bai Ye's pupils from time to time.


In the water shadow building in the distance, there was a strong smell of blood, and the ground and walls were stained with blood.

Mutilated corpses can be seen everywhere, and blood is still flowing out of the wounds, indicating that they have just died not long ago.

If misty ninjas come here, they will find the water shadow building that they were originally familiar with, whose interior has been completely remodeled at some point.

The ceiling between each floor has been forcibly opened with a huge hole, and many load-bearing walls have been broken.Therefore, on the edges of all the openings, there are thick tree trunks to prevent the wall from collapsing completely.

It was specially transformed into this because there was a huge golem right in the middle at this time.

The golem is in the form of a huge human with nine eyes, the color and body are like dead wood, and there are ten pillars on the back.

"Really, I just made a little movement and got out so many small fish."

There was a figure sitting under the golem, his back connected with the golem behind him.

This person looked very old, with long stray hair, and the left eye that was exposed was a three-gou jade writing wheel eye.

"Tomorrow I will send someone to clean up the village to get rid of all the bugs that come in."

In front of him stood respectfully a figure that looked like a child.

This man has green hair and purple pupils, and under his left eye there is a scar that looks like a suture mark.

A stick-shaped weapon with a front hook and green flowers adorned on the back is tied.

These two people are Uchiha Madara, and the four generations of Mizukage Tachibana Tachibana Yakura controlled by him.

Not long ago, there were many ninjas from other countries lurking in when there was a shortage of people around.

Most people were stunned directly after seeing the outgoing golem behind Madara, and Yakura took the opportunity to take care of them easily.

Some vigilant existences were also killed by him after a little effort.

Among the dozens of figures lying here, four of them belonged to Konoha.

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