Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 134 - Start tracking

"I heard that this person has lived in your house during this period of time."

Early the next morning, Ao and Terumi appeared in the Akita mansion.

Originally speaking, he shouldn't deal with these trivial matters on his own.

However, regarding the portrait of Bai Ye, Qing had just asked someone to distribute it, and someone immediately responded that he had seen each other near Akita's home.

Then Terumi Ming immediately took the initiative to apply to go there in person. Some uneasy Qing, seeing that it was still early, decided to accompany the other party to have a look.

Since Shiroya didn't intend to hide himself at the beginning, the two people who rushed to Akita's home quickly got some information they wanted.

"Master Qing, I don't know what happened, can I tell the old man first."

When Shengming saw the portrait of Bai Ye, he was a little surprised and asked calmly.

If it is not a major event, he intends to try his best to help the other party take it down.

But if it is particularly serious, then he is also ready to find a way to notify Bai Ye and let him escape secretly.

It's not that Shengming doesn't love his village, but a series of recent events that made him hate the ninjas in his village.

If this kind of thing happened before, he might have to think carefully about whether he should help.

"Then I'll tell you directly, this person may be a spy sent by another country, so you'd better not conceal something. We have found out some information before coming."

Qing also didn't plan to go around the corner with the other party, but directly pointed out his own purpose.To be honest, this kind of ordinary person with no talent, he actually didn't care at all.

After all, the other party could never have the opportunity to threaten him. At best, he could only guarantee that he would not bully ordinary people at will.

"Father...sir, do you know where they went at night? I just went to wake them up and found that there was no one in the room."

Akina, who was rushing over, suddenly saw that there were outsiders around, so she changed her words to honorifics.

Shengming had some headaches. How to delay time, but Akuna brought him good news.

"Master Qing, it's not that I deliberately embarrassed you, you also heard my little girl's words, the other party seems to have left silently."

The corners of Shengming's mouth rose unconsciously, and he immediately felt very comfortable in his heart.

"It's okay, can you take us to where the other party sleeps?"

Qing didn't expect that the other party had already slipped away. These things were made temporarily by him, and it was impossible for the father and daughter to discuss them in advance to lie to him.

However, he was not unprepared, he had planned for the current situation a long time ago.

When Shengming saw this, although he felt something was wrong, he couldn't think of how to reject the other party.

I had to take the initiative to get up and lead the way, thinking that Bai Ye had already left anyway, there should be no problem.

"Miss sister, that guy's name is Ye~"

Terumi Mei, who was lagging behind, began to sell her cute to Akuna, trying to deceive some information about Shiraya.(Read more @ entering here, she only knew that Bai Ye was Akuna's savior.

Other detailed information, it is impossible for passers-by to know about it.

"Yes, I told you that at that time..."

Qiuna, who was not sure about the situation, couldn't help but talk excitedly when the other party asked about Shiraya's topic.

Of course she was not that stupid yet, and the incident that they came back smuggled together has been selectively forgotten.

"It turns out that he is a samurai from the country of iron..."

Terumi Ming judged by his instinct that Akina should have not lied to herself.

Then Fang Guang repelled Zhong Ren with the sword technique, indicating that the identity of the Iron Kingdom was relatively reliable.

But in terms of purpose, it is certainly not that simple to travel the world, otherwise it would not appear in that place last night.

Moreover, it was also not that there was no big greeting, and he left directly like running away.

"Is it here? Then this pajama is from that night, right."

As soon as Qing came in, he saw the still messy bedding, and threw a set of pajamas on it.

He deliberately stepped forward and squatted down and touched it, confirming that the other party did not leave in a short time, so this incident should not have been secretly notified by the Akita family.

"Master Qing, I don't know what else you want to know?"There was a smile on Shengming's face, and there was sarcasm hidden in his words.

However, Qing ignored him. After standing up, he used his right hand to blow a loud whistle, and the voice came directly from the mansion.

When Shengming saw this, he couldn't help but jump in his heart. He didn't know that everyone had already left, and what the other party was going to do.

Not long afterwards, there was a Shinobu receiving the signal, rushing towards where they were.

This ninja dog is not a blue psychic beast, otherwise it would not be possible to call it over this way.

This is what he asked someone to borrow before the action in the morning.

Just to prevent someone from covering up, it is easy to find if there is a Shinobu nearby.

Yesterday's non-stop light snow stopped as early as the night, so the remaining smell is also enough for tracking.

The Ninja dog who was called over smelled the clothes on Qing's hands with the tip of his nose, turned around and ran out in the direction of the smell.

Qing and Terumi Mei didn't stay too much, and left the Akita mansion quickly along with them.

"What the hell is going on, what are these people doing looking for Ye? There is also Ye, how can they leave without saying hello."

As expected, Qiu Na was pouting her little mouth angrily, worrying about it.

"The other party has his own pursuit. We can't let him stay at our house forever... As for the ninja, we don't care too much."

Katsumi didn't choose to tell Akuna about this. After all, saying too much would only make the other party too worried, and it didn't make much sense.After praying for Bai Ye in his heart, he completely left the matter behind. There are still a lot of things waiting for him to deal with today.

"Master Qing, that night should be the samurai of the Iron Kingdom, that's right, they have been neutral all the time, maybe we made a mistake."

Terumi Mei, who was running nonstop behind the ninja dog, thought for a while and said this to the green one on the side.

No matter what Bai Ye was for, she had saved her once after all.

If possible, Terumi Ming really didn't want to catch the other party back.

Be prepared to let each other go at least this time, so that the two people will be cleaned up.

If the two sides can meet again in the future, she will definitely not be soft.

"Do you know why I have to act with you? You said you are still not what a ninja should be?"

Qing is very optimistic about Terumi Ming's potential, but doesn't want the other party to develop the habit of making mistakes at this age.

"I know, but..."

"Don't be it, if the other party brings back any important information, it will eventually cause the death of your relatives and partners?"

Qing violently interrupted Terumi Ming's words, trying to completely cut off the thoughts that Absolute Fang should not have.

"It seems that I have successfully left the village. It is really troublesome. I still have a lot of things to deal with.

After the two ran a long distance in silence, a high wall at the border of the Wuyin Village appeared in front of them.

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