Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 137 - White Night VS Blue

Feeling the killing intent emanating from Qing's body, Bai Ye's hand holding Zan Po Dao couldn't help tightening.

The state of the opponent at this time was completely different from the beginning, giving Bai Ye the illusion that he might die in the next second.

"Water Escape·Water Turbulence!"

After thinking about it for a while, Qing made a plan for the battle. With the completion of the knotting movement of his hands, a waterfall-like water flow from his mouth rushed towards the white night.

The spread of these currents is very wide, completely sealing off all the evading paths around the white night.

Originally thinking of disturbing Shiraya in Aokiyin with a shuriken, Terumi Mei, who was watching from the side, also intercepted it with the shuriken.

When he wanted to do something again, there was already a big stream of water oncoming him, and he was forced to jump onto the sea behind him.

After stepping on the water, Bai Ye continued to slide backward in a semi-squatting posture.

The tip of the ice wheel pill that he held in his right hand was also dropped into the water at will.

The cold air naturally emitted from above left a long ice-bound path on the water.

Bai Ye, who had been on his hind legs, saw that the momentum of the water in front of him had been unabated, so he turned his right wrist and threw the blade of Hailunmaru out of the water.

As the tip of the knife quickly slid upward, a layer of ice began to condense in front of his eyes simultaneously.Until Bai Ye stopped his hand movements, an ice wall about 5 meters in height and width completely appeared in front of him, covering him perfectly behind him.

With a "bang", the fierce water hit the ice wall.

Because the impact was not as great as imagined, only tiny cracks appeared on the surface of the ice wall.

In addition, Bai Ye deliberately caused the condensed ice wall to produce a slight curvature, and the water flow was deliberately directed to the left and right.

However, because it is above the water surface, this ice wall cannot be firmly rooted here, so it is still moving backwards continuously by the current.

Behind the ice wall, Bai Ye was using the tip of Binglunmaru's knife against the wall to prevent it from collapsing on the face.

"Water Escape·Water Dragon Bomb!"

Before the turbulent water flow was completely calm, Qing also dodged and came to the surface of the sea.

And inject the chakra into the sea water, let the sea water quickly condense into the form of a giant dragon.

After Qing felt that the size of the water dragon was about the same, he controlled it to dive from high above the sky, facing the white night behind the ice wall below.

He used the turbulent waves to force the opponent to the sea first, so that he could use the sea water to release ninjutsu more conveniently.

Therefore, there is no need to deliberately use your own chakras to generate water, which not only reduces consumption, but also slightly increases the release speed of ninjutsu.

Hiding behind the ice wall and still thinking of strategies, Bai Ye suddenly felt the strength from the tip of the knife suddenly increase.(Read more @ whole person was retreated backwards at a faster speed, and the ears also caught the very slight ice cracking sound in this noisy environment.

Obviously, with the strength of this ice wall, it cannot withstand the attack of this water dragon bomb, and it is estimated that it will be completely shattered in a few seconds.

"I think you should hurry and run away. If you are a boat, you can do it yourself with ice cubes."

Before the white night, Xiao Si had been silent all the time after cutting the green water in the middle.

There is clearly an idea in its little head, but it is only a little bit before it can be completely sprayed out.

It wasn't until I saw this ice wall that the thoughts in my mind became one piece in an instant, and now I feel much more refreshed after I say it.

"Damn, why didn't you say such a great idea earlier, do you think I still have a chance to escape now?"

Bai Ye's heart was moved by Xiao Si first, but after feeling Qing's killing intent on him, he always felt that it didn't make much sense.

No matter what the other party thinks, it is impossible to give him a chance to turn around and escape. It is only suitable to do this at the very beginning.

Exposing the back to the enemy itself is a very stupid thing, not to mention this enemy is much stronger than himself.

"I gave you such a constructive opinion, you are not happy anymore, you are really too much."

Xiao Si stretched out his little paw, and wanted to scratch Bai Ye's head.But in the end, after thinking about it, I gave up. After all, if you play off, your life will be finished.

"Thirty-nine of Bound Dao·Round Gate Fan!"

Bai Ye didn't have time to talk to the other party again, and directly abandoned the chant and used the round gate fan, and a spherical light curtain appeared vaguely around his body.

At the same time, with the sound of "bang", the ice wall in front of me finally reached the limit that it could bear, and pieces of broken ice shot towards the surroundings.

This huge dragon head, after successfully penetrating the ice layer, swallowed the white night completely in one bite.

Then the tail, which was several tens of meters long, slapped the dragon head on the water. The whole process lasted more than ten seconds before it ended.

"This guy shouldn't die so easily..."

Terumi, who was still standing on the shore, was muttering to herself, she felt that she couldn't bear it anyway.

From her perspective, she could only see Bai Yeyou with the help of an ice wall to block it, and she didn't notice the flashing spherical shield.

Ever since Terumi Mei saw Bai Ye resort to Bing Dun, she knew that Qing would no longer release water because of her face, thus leading to a very low escape incident.

But she didn't want the other party to die just like that, otherwise she would definitely become a knot in her life.

If it were captured alive, Terumi Mei would be ready to try her best to save Shiraya's life. She felt that it would be better to live in jail than to die.

"Ahem..."As the water column of several tens of meters penetrated into the water completely, a picture of Bai Ye supporting the water surface with his hands appeared on the sea.

A lot of blood overflowed from the corner of the mouth with the sound of coughing, dripping down into the sea water and quickly dissipating and invisible.

At first, Bai Ye wanted to dodge and avoid, but the fast approaching ice wall must be held by him with the tip of a knife.

Otherwise, if you are directly hit by the ice wall, you will also suffer a lot of damage.

After that, Bai Ye also tried to seal the water dragon with ice round pills, but he didn't know why it failed.

Bai Ye, who was too late to think about it, pinched a round gate fan at the last moment, trying to reduce the impact on his body.

Originally, when he first came into contact with the water dragon bomb, Bai Ye felt quite good about himself, and did not feel the power of this trick, but was forced to follow it and fall towards the sea.

However, after successfully contacting the sea water behind him, he immediately felt a strong pressure, and the spherical shield could not hold on for even a second.

As the shield shattered, Bai Ye only felt that his body was under tremendous water pressure in all directions, and his internal organs were directly traumatized.

Chakra, who was originally condensed by instinct to support his body on the surface of the water, was also confused, causing his body to sink directly under the water.

As a result, Bai Ye found that the pressure he was under was much less, so he suffocated and hid underneath, until the water dragon bomb was completely dissipated, and then resurfaced to change his breath.

Bai Ye couldn't help but feel very lucky. Fortunately, he and the other party were fighting on the water. After all, if they were on the road, they might lose their combat effectiveness.

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