Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 142 - Return to the country of vortex

Above the endless sea, there is a piece of floating ice floating randomly following the ocean current.

Bai Ye was lying lazily on it at this time, holding the back of his head with both hands and looking at the blue sky quietly, without deliberately controlling the direction of the ice floe.

"I don't care, you owe me, five full meat feasts."

Xiao Si also learned the appearance of Bai Ye at this time, lying there also very chicly.

It's just that the position of lying down is on the belly of Bai Ye, because of its special physique, it does not like to touch cold things very much.

"If you want to eat meat, go hunting by yourself. I don't have money to support you anyway."

In response to the request made by the other party, Bai Ye showed a look of disapproval.

"This is too much for you. You have to give me at least three of the good ones!"

Xiao Si was a little panicked now, and had to take a step back willingly.

"If you are really greedy, then go to my teacher, I believe he will be very willing to help you fulfill your wishes."

When Bai Ye was thinking about how to fall back on her account, she suddenly thought of Da She Wan. The other party estimated that she would have a keen interest in Xiao Si.

And Bai Ye also wanted Da She Wan to study by the way to see if the soul bond between herself and Xiao Si could be lifted, otherwise it would be too responsive.Regarding this matter, in this world, it should be possible that only the other party has the ability to solve it.

This sudden incident made Bai Ye suddenly very lucky to be a disciple of Oshe Maru.

Otherwise, with his current ability, he would really not be able to contact the other party, let alone help himself.

Instead, beware of the other person, otherwise the most likely thing is that he suddenly disappeared mysteriously and was then pulled to the operating table for anatomy.

After all, in the future, Da She Maru will have an example of attacking people from the same village, and the main choice is Bai Ye who has no background.

"Will your teacher be so good?"

Xiao Si didn't know why he suddenly felt a chill behind him, and always felt that something bad was waiting for it.

"Don't worry, it's not a problem with your soul, maybe my teacher can think of a solution."

Bai Ye suddenly sat up, and he felt that after so long of rest, the injuries he had suffered before were almost healed.

So I didn't waste too much time, picked up a side of the ice-made oars made in advance, and began to row vigorously towards the direction of the vortex country.

"Don't be funny, well, people in this world don't even know how to use their soul power. How could someone help me."

Xiaosi showed disdain, and if he only talked about strength, he would still believe that someone could surpass its heyday.(Read more @ if it compares the perception of the soul, it really doesn't put anyone in its eyes.

Even when Bai Ye was alive, it was able to use the power of the soul in advance, but it was also not fully recognized by it.

From the perspective of Xiao Si, Bai Ye's use of power is too crude.

It belongs to the complete ignorance of the various changes in one's own power, but only knows that after chanting the Jiefangyu, the shape of the Zanpakudao will automatically change.

Then instill energy into the blade, and all kinds of wonderful changes can happen directly.

Bai Ye only needs to consciously operate these, and does not need to understand the principle of change to achieve the desired goal.

So for Bai Ye, the understanding of the power of death and ninjutsu is actually just a half catty.

It's just that the god of death also has the support of the Zanpaku Sword, which can exert a strong power, and the ninjutsu side is completely blind.

This is also one of the reasons that Shiraya can't transform ninjutsu on its own to make it suitable for him to perform.

After all, if you don't understand the principle at all, then you can only do all kinds of blind trials without purpose.

As for ninjutsu, which requires fine manipulation, the probability of a blind cat encountering a dead mouse can be said to be extremely low.

Baiye didn't understand these truths, but he wanted to become stronger quickly, and time did not allow him to understand these theories.The path of accumulation is only suitable for a stable age, otherwise the enemy will not care how strong your future achievements can be.

Of course, there is another reason. Bai Ye's talent in this area is not very strong, and at the beginning, there was not a strong enough teacher to guide him.

If you are a genius like Kakashi, who can successfully research A-level ninjutsu before the age of twelve, then you can see how you feel.

You must know that Watergate's current strength and insights are also the Helix Pills that researched A-level ninjutsu from scratch, but it took three years.

From this, you can understand how terrifying Kakashi's talent is, and he is one of the few who successfully mastered all the changes in Chakra's attributes in the later period.

"You will know then, anyway, as long as there are no accidents, we will be able to return to the village soon."

Bai Ye didn't argue with Xiao Si either, with a pity on his face, and he had already made up for the tragic picture of the other party in the future.


"It's rare to be calm all the way~ Sure enough, it's still comfortable to step on the land~"

In the evening of the next day, with the White Night's full power on, he finally set foot on the land of the Uzumaki Kingdom again.

In theory, there should be no accidents on the sea, but Bai Ye was cast shadow by those previous experiences, and nothing happened all the way, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"I'll catch some beasts back, you can do it yourself."When Xiao Si reached the shore, he jumped off Bai Ye's head.

After leaving a sentence, he disappeared directly into the jungle.

The small mouth raised by Xiao Si at Akuna's place, after almost two days of no food, got all three brains already a bit devilish.

"Is this guy stupid...Don't say I don't have any seasoning on me, even if I have it, I won't do it..."

Bai Ye, who was just about to stop the opponent, had not had time to open his mouth, Xiao Si was nowhere to be seen, and could only stare at the direction where the opponent was leaving.

"Forget it, let Huang Quan ask something first."

Bai Ye thought about it and decided to ignore the other party. Anyway, there should be no threat on the island. The only hope is that Xiao Si can bring some fruit back by the way.

Then he began to instill energy into the pendant on his chest, and he kept calling Huang Quan's name in his heart at the same time.

Although I went to the space under my feet, I could directly see Huang Quan's body.

However, Bai Ye finally decided to summon the opponent's phantom, because he faintly felt that the frequent opening of the door was not very good.

As for why Bai Ye hadn't summoned Huangquan when he was still in the Water Country, it has been delayed until now.

The main reason is that the energy required for a single summoning is too much. It is very dangerous to not guarantee that one's strength will always be at the peak in that place.

As a result, Bai Ye will have some questions that he wants to ask tomorrow morning, and he has to wait until he is in a sufficiently safe environment to talk about it.

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