Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 151 - The first person to return

"Why don't you directly ask me for this kind of thing."

Huang Quan was still a little curious about what Bai Ye would ask for, but he didn't expect that his request would be so simple.

"So you still have these, why didn't you give it to me directly, so I thought you wouldn't."

Bai Ye knew that this request was not a big deal to Yuyi, so he felt that there was a high possibility that he would agree, so he specifically mentioned this.

Although that kind of messy ninjutsu didn't help them much, it was of great value to Bai Ye.

Because Bai Ye had seen the ninjutsu that Huang Quan gave him, but there were many secret techniques unique to other villages, and there were also many lost secret techniques.

Although most of the techniques in Baiye are somewhat unattractive, it is still very good if you find a way to take it slowly and secretly hand it over to the village.

In this way, he can improve his position in Konoha invisibly and make a lot of money by the way.

The only trouble is that although the principles of these techniques are similar to the original ones, they are not for living people.

He needs to think of a way to reverse it, otherwise he won't be able to explain why there are so many errors in the details.

Originally, Bai Ye gave up a bit in this regard, but suddenly he had the opportunity to obtain the genuine product directly, so he must find a way to fight for it.

"Are you stupid? Most of the techniques I gave you were modified by me personally. How could there be no original version on hand."Huang Quan replied with some speechlessness. He originally thought that Bai Ye was a witty person. He didn't expect that he would be stupid in some places because he felt too young.

As for Huang Quan's failure to give the original version to Bai Ye by the way, he simply felt that anyway, neither of the other parties could learn directly, so he didn't have to spend extra energy.

"It doesn't matter, anyone can do it. Just give me a copy of the information."

Bai Ye selectively filtered Huang Quan's ridicule. At this time, it didn't matter what it was, it was more reliable to get things first.

"Come and give it, anyway, Bai Ye already has one in his hand, and it won't be a violation of the rules for you to give another similar one."

Seeing Yuyi looking at him, Huang Quan immediately pushed this alive.

Not only is he not here, but the source of his power has been cut off by the opponent for the most part, so he is unwilling to waste a lot of energy to do this kind of thing.

"All right, I'll do it if I come."

Yui originally thought that Huang Quan could do the same, so he didn't really want to take it personally, but the other party showed a posture of not looking at me, so he finally responded.

In this regard, Bai Ye has signed a contract with Huang Quan, and in the future will have to pay for the help he gets.

But if Yuyi personally took the initiative to promote this, no matter what, there is some suspicion of violation, which is ambiguous.

"Then I'll go back first, Bai Ye remember not to forget to ponder about the sword and Zen."(Read more @ Huang Quan picked up the tin stick in Yuyi and tapped it towards Bai Ye's chest, he was no longer ready to stay in this world.

Without waiting for Bai Ye to say something, he swiftly got back into the pendant and completely cut off the connection with this side.

Just now Huang Quan had consumed a lot of energy to fight Yuyi, not to mention that the other clone as the main body was completely wiped out.

In addition, Yuyi also cut off the source of strength, which made Huang Quan weak, and he wanted to return to the Pure Land a long time ago.

Therefore, the speed of slipping away was faster than Yuyi, and after seeing that everything had been dealt with almost, he didn't wait for a moment.

"This scam, just forcibly took me to the sea, and I didn't know that I was going to send me back before I left."

Bai Ye also seemed a bit distressed at this time, although he had not fought a battle like Huang Quan.

But because after doing all kinds of things, the body has also reached its limit, and there is no energy to go back to the country of the vortex on his own.

"Then I will give you a ride."

Seeing Bai Ye staring at her pitifully, Yuyi didn't feel embarrassed to wave his hand and leave for a while.

He could also see that Bai Ye's current state was very poor, and for himself it was just a small effort, and he kindly took Bai Ye to the Uzumaki Kingdom.

"Well, Six Dao Immortals, do you have time to send me back to Konoha by the way."Bai Ye originally tried it, but he never thought that Yuyi would really agree to it.

And after the other party really agreed, Bai Ye started to get a little better again.

If Yuyi can agree with one, then he should be the fastest of the four to return to the village.

"I'm still in some urgency, so you should think of a solution for the rest of the journey."

Yuyi quickly brought Bai Ye back to the place where he had landed before, and after putting it down, he found an insincere excuse and slipped away.

"Obviously I have been idle since I died, this reason is a bit too fake..."

Looking at the direction Yuyi left, Bai Ye only felt a little pain in his head. The other party might as well just say that he didn't want to help.

"My barbecue..."

Little Si, who was lying on Bai Ye's head, looked at the barbecue that had been roasted into coke, showing a look that was about to shed tears.

If it had known that it would come back, it would definitely put out the fire first, and all the work it had done before was wasted.


"What happened, how come you are the only one to come back?"A few days later, at Danzo's office, Kazuhiko was kneeling halfway there, receiving Danzo's question.

Originally, according to the progress, it should be the fastest to use Xiao Si to rush to the white night of the country of the vortex.

However, because he was not familiar with the next distance, Bai Ye chose the wrong direction to move forward, and finally let Kazuhiko, who has the best detection ability, succeed in overtaking.

But after a while, he was looking for Danzo, and he didn't report to the third generation of Hokage.

Needless to say, seeing this picture, Kazuhiko was really pulled into the roots by the Danzang people.

After all, Danzo is Konoha's real power elder anyway, and there are many people from the oil girl clan who work in the roots.

So Kazuhiko had weighed it up, and he didn't refuse the appointment.

Among the people sent to Wuyin Village this time was Kazuhiko, a member of the root, and it was only after Oshemaru recommended Shiroya that Danzo temporarily voluntarily added him.

Of course, the main purpose is not to monitor or anything. With Bai Ye's current strength and identity, it doesn't take Danzo to spend so much time and effort.

But because of Bai Ye's special physique, Danzo wanted to collect more useful information.

And some of the cells in Bai Ye's body have also been secretly stolen by Kazuhiko to prevent Da She Wan's conscience from discovering that he will not continue to cooperate with him.

As a result, only Kazuhiko came back for this mission, which made Danzo a little nervous.

After all, the progress of the experiment so far is still far behind. If the main participant is dead, it will be funny. I don't know how much work it takes.

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