Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 185 - Pre-selection for the second stage

"You pervert, your strength has increased so fast."

In the field of the game, Bowen was being held by Bai Ye with a knife around his neck.

He also took a few steps forward indifferently, and after clenching his fist, he punched Bai Ye in the chest.

"I told you earlier that my goal is to advance first, and then squeeze into the top 32."

Bai Ye shrugged helplessly, and didn't know what to say about the complaints of the blog.

The preliminary pre-selection was officially over for him just now.

Bai Ye didn't expect that Bowen would be her last opponent, which caused no pleasure in the fight.

After the opponent had solved several existences stronger than him in Bai Ye, he knew that his own strength was estimated to be surpassed.

Therefore, after Bai Ye really defeated the blog post, the face of the opponent did not show the expression he expected.

"Seriously, where did you freak come from? He was a beginner who knew nothing about sword art at first."

This is the most incredible part of the blog post, I feel that I have learned from dogs for so many years.

Down the road of White Night, Mengxin quickly advanced from a young age to become a big boss, and only lost one game in the qualifier.

Luck is also good and a bit perverted. In the early stage, he perfectly missed a lot of existence when he was not an opponent."Okay, let's go and celebrate~"

Bai Ye didn't want to talk more about this topic for the time being, so he grabbed the blog and hurried out.

Regarding the question of his own identity, Bai Ye plans to tell the other party before everything is over.

Now he still doesn't want to go too far, and he has reached the most critical point, and it will be very hard to fall short of success.


"This time, all the top sixty-four candidates are determined, right?"

In a large conference room, there are probably hundreds of powerful people sitting.

The people who can sit here are almost the top group of existence in the Iron Nation.

And the person who was sitting in the main seat and making a sound was Sanchuan who was still at its peak.

"Most of them are the same as predicted, and almost as usual, there are still very few dark horses."

The adjutant sitting on the right hand side of Sanchuan quickly glanced at the information in his hand to make the final confirmation.

"But one of them is strange. He is the kind of person who has never participated in the competition and has suddenly risen this year."

The adjutant got this information in front, and after reading it once, he was already a little concerned about one person.

At this time, after deliberation, he still chose to say it.(Read more @, it stands to reason that it is not suitable to talk about these small issues in this arrangement of specific matters for the next competition.

"Strange? It's not that the little guy called the "Undead God of War" suddenly spread recently."

Mifune didn't express any dissatisfaction with his adjutant's proposal. Instead, with a smile on his face, he took the stubbornness and motioned the other party to continue.

The fact that Bai Ye was called the Undead God of War was widely spread in the Iron Kingdom.

First of all, Bai Ye is an existence that suddenly appeared out of thin air. No one knew about the past experience, which successfully attracted the interest of many people.

Relying on the body that was obviously seriously injured in the back, but still insisted on participating in the competition, and every time he won dangerously and dangerously.

This kind of deed is very in line with the appetite of teenagers, so it has become a household name in a short period of time.

"Mifune-sama, it is true. Even many people in the Mitsui family don't know Bai Ye's identity.

It seems that only Lieutenant General Kenichiro and his successors know the specific situation. "

For this matter, the adjutant devoted some energy to investigating, but in the end he found nothing.

"Well... Xiuyang, I remember you should be the person in charge of the group of Baiye, what do you think about this?"

Although Mifune didn't have the time to investigate Shiraito specifically, he still heard a little bit about the other party's group.

"Yes, Mifune-sama! How to say it, I feel that the other party should be a very talented and very smart existence.I have a feeling that every battle in the white night is learning the strengths of the opponent, and the strength should be improved a lot from the beginning. "

Xiuyang, who was called, stood up in shock, never expected that there would be a chance for him to speak.

Don't look at so many people sitting on the court at the same time, but it is the small group of people near the three ships that really have the right to decide.

The rest is mainly to wait for the other party to issue the order, and then the meeting can be carried out.

"A person with such a high-sightedness would actually praise others. It seems that this little guy named Bai Ye is eligible to be included in the key observation target."

Mifune stared at Xiuyang in surprise, while the other party scratched his head in embarrassment.

As mentioned earlier, as long as you have the ability to enter the top thirty-two, you can get a special reward.

But even if it fails, there are also special places. Those who are included in the key observation target will still have the opportunity to get a free reward according to the specific situation.

"Okay, next I will arrange the precautions for the big match after the New Year. I remember that I can't make a mistake, but I can't lose face in front of people from other countries."

After Mifune paid a little attention to this little incident, his face returned to a serious state.

This three-year competition is not only a matter of their country, but also a way to show muscles to the outside world.

Most Ninja villages are in the invitation list, and the invited village will definitely send someone there.

This is not only a situation of giving or not giving face, but being able to understand the strength of other countries with integrity, few decision makers will refuse.

......"Teacher Oshemaru, I'm really fed up, isn't the thing you faked is completely useless?"

In the open space outside the base, Hongdou was holding the imitation Zanpaku knife that Dashewan gave her.

At first, the red bean was very excited when he got it, and he believed in the abilities of Dashewan.

I feel that my strength might also be able to increase by leaps and bounds, even if she doesn't like to use this kind of long knife, she can change it specifically for this.

It turned out that this broken thing was almost four months old, and Hongdou found that it was an ordinary Shinobi sword.

It's totally impossible to do what Bai Ye did, using this as a medium to use all kinds of abilities.

The most shameful thing is that Hongdou was also asked to shout various Jiefang languages ​​every day. This was nothing at all. When Bai Ye shouted, she even felt a little handsome.

But Hongdou herself shouted "Shoot him, sharp spear" to the knife every day, but she didn't react at all. It made her feel like a mentally retarded person.

Had it not been for no one else around, she would have quit her job.

"Okay, I'll take you to a good place, maybe it will be done then."

Da She Wan reached out and rubbed Adzuki bean's head, and didn't plan to let her try any more.

Originally, Oshemaru thought it was a pronunciation problem, just like Podo's kind of special singing rhythm.

But in the past four months of continuous failure, even a great scientist with his kind of spirit and determination began to be somewhat unsupported.

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