Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 190 - Counter move

"It's really troublesome..."

Bai Ye temporarily switched to his left hand and tried the knife. After slashing twice at random, he found a sense of jerky from it.

If it can be solved at first, then for Bai Ye, whether it is left hand or right hand, there will not be too much difference in using it.

But what he learned during this period of time requires a high level of sensitivity in his opponents, and a slight mistake may have the opposite effect.

The right-handed time that I used to exercise was not enough, and I didn't exercise at all for the left-handed white night.

To get the left hand to catch up with the right hand, Bai Ye estimates that the time required should be much shorter than starting from scratch, but no matter how short it is, there is nothing to expect in this game.

On the surface, the injury on Bai Ye's right hand didn't seem to be very serious, and he didn't even shed much blood.

But that was because Eiji's left hand knife was fast enough and sharp enough. Although the surface wound was not big, it had actually cut to the bone.

To return to the point where it can be used normally, Bai Ye estimates that it will take at least three minutes or so.

In this short period of time, he has to find a way to survive. He is not stronger than the opponent in the first place, so he can't even think about winning with his unaccustomed left hand.

When Bai Ye can take the initiative to control the speeding regeneration one day, this kind of small wound can theoretically heal instantly.

The current passive repair speed has been maintained at the same state as the virtual power recovery speed, which is equivalent to the overflow part being used by waste."What's the point of you sticking to it?"

Eiji wanted to wait for Shiroya to surrender directly, but when he saw that he was trying to hold the knife with his left hand, he didn't plan to give him time to adjust.

While Shiroya was still wielding a knife to find feelings, Eiji brought up a piece of smoke, exerted the greatest force under his feet, and approached the opponent at the fastest speed.

After Bai Ye saw Eiji rushing towards him, he also started to escape at a faster speed.

Keep both sides within a safe distance, as if mocking each other in the process, and from time to time he moved his left hand and waved a few swords.

The eyebrows are also tight and loose, constantly thinking about how to use the left hand and how to make the angle of the knife better.

"Why did I give birth to an illusion that Shiraya does not put Eiji in his eyes at all..."

After Bai Ye's right hand was abolished for a long time, everyone thought that the opponent had lost.

As a result, Shiroya is currently leading the way easily and freely, and put his mind on the left-handed knife, seemingly not afraid of being killed by Eiji.

"I don't care about the others. I have to say that Baiye still has great potential in terms of speed. There is definitely a chance to become the fastest man in the history of our iron country."

"It is estimated that Eiji has never been so aggrieved before. His opponent obviously can't beat him, but he can't catch up with his opponent."

"Look at it, it seems that Bai Ye has been moving at a high speed, and his body has begun to be a little unable to hold it."

With the exception of the Yanagida family and Mitsui family, everyone at the scene looked like a good show.(Read more @ some people who still have the opportunity to challenge, hope that Bai Ye can persist for as long as possible.

In this way they have the opportunity to pick up the leaks and easily replace the exhausted Eiji.

After Bai Ye fled for a certain distance, he didn't forget to do those daily operations.

Secretly exploded the blood bag hidden under the bandage and slowed down a little.

Xiuyang, Bai Ye's original referee, couldn't help but turn his head after seeing this scene. He was about to see the devil in this scene.

As for Eiji, seeing this scene was completely another reaction. His face was extremely excited, and his eyes flashed brightly.

He is willing to chase desperately behind him, the main purpose is this, and Bai Ye's broken intelligence in this area is already rotten on the street.

"It's all like this, are you still going to keep going?"

When Eiji saw Bai Ye's speed drop sharply, he had hope to catch up.

But after the distance between the two sides was almost three meters, Bai Ye's feet seemed to be suddenly equipped with springs, and the distance was stretched again instantly.

After repeating this several times, Eiji felt that he was about to collapse, and couldn't help but open his mouth again to persuade him to surrender.

"Don't be funny, why do you think I keep insisting on not giving up? I'm still waiting to see you get killed by someone else next time."When the distance between the two sides was the closest, Bai Ye turned his head to respond to Eiji, with a deliberate smile on his face.

After the remaining challengers heard these words, the corners of their mouths showed good-will smiles, which made Eiji chills behind him.

"Huh? Finally can't help it..."

Bai Ye realized that Eiji, who had been following him, suddenly stopped, and couldn't help but look back again.

I saw Ying Er with a chill on his face, staring at Bai Ye's back.

Bai Ye guessed it directly from Eiji's behavior and expression, knowing that the other party's mentality had reached its limit, and he was not ready to go shopping like this with himself.

It is worth mentioning that even if both sides lose if there is a tie, the next challenger can directly get a top 32 position.

"It is said that Bai Ye's knife was directly cut off last time. I don't know if I have thought of any countermeasures after so long."

"Should have it, otherwise there is no confidence in picking the opponent to be the opponent."

After Eiji stopped, the audience outside the field also concentrated their attention, for fear that they might have missed any details.

At the same time, I was curious as to how Bai Ye would deal with it. Many people felt a bit of a headache for this ultimate speed.

"What does this guy want to do, why does he perform similar actions to Eiji?"

"I've heard of this before. Bai Ye seems to have developed a trick called Starburst. It is said that it is also a secret technique mainly to increase his speed.""But isn't his right hand useless... Is it possible to use it successfully after changing another hand?"

And Bai Ye's subsequent actions left many people at a loss.

Secret skills are inherently very demanding in detail. In their eyes, Bai Ye will know what it is, but it is too arrogant to use a hand that is not good at it.

Eiji was also very annoyed after watching it.

"Secret Skill·Chasing Stars!"

"Secret Skill·Starburst!"

I don't know if the two have discussed it, and at the same time, they have used very similar secret skills at the same time.

But at the same time for comparison, many people still find that there are many differences between the two moves.

Although the speed of both sides is very fast, Bai Ye will cause a sonic boom when it moves.

And Eiji was more like being integrated into the space, the surrounding air did not form resistance to him, and there was no sound at all in the process of moving.

The two passed by in an instant, and appeared at each other's position just now.

The two people who were back to back were so motionless, so that the sound of communication on the scene suddenly disappeared.

All subconsciously lowered their breath, looking forward to how the battle would go.

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