Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 198 - The battle begins

"It's a headache. The first one I met was the guy who felt very difficult."

In a slightly gloomy passage, Bai Ye was slowly advancing in it.

From the end of the passage, some noisy sounds kept coming.

As Bai Ye got closer and closer to the dazzling passage, these voices became louder and louder.

As soon as he stepped out, Bai Ye vaguely heard it as if someone was cheering for him.

Bai Ye didn't hear it wrong, and it was Red Bean in the exclusive auditorium that cheered for him.

Because the people in their area are all carefully recording various situations, it makes Red Bean's voice more obvious.

"Why did Konoha send a kid over this year? It's really noisy."

" don't want to die, but the big snake pill is sitting next to the little girl."

However, Hongdou suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, which instantly caused dissatisfaction among the people around him.

However, after seeing the slightly cold Dashewan next to him, a sense of fear entrenched in the depths of his heart all grew up.

Obviously the other party didn't do anything, just a look in his eyes felt like he was swallowed by a giant python.

I couldn't help but let out a wailing in my heart, completely unable to understand what Konoha wanted to do, and actually sent this terrifying existence here."Sure enough, this venue is very similar to Naruto and their Zhongnin exams, but the area has been enlarged a lot."

Bai Ye adjusted slightly to the bright light outside, and then carefully observed the surrounding environment.

Such a large area looks bare, and there are signs of fresh renovation in some places.

Those who left these traces were the children's group who had been fighting earlier, but Bai Ye didn't feel in the mood to come over to watch at that time, and felt that it was better to practice for a while.

"Is this man Shinji? From the outside, it doesn't look like there is any trace of being transformed."

Before long, Bai Ye saw a figure walking out of the passage directly opposite.

He looks neither fat nor thin, with ordinary black hair, and looks very popular.

Bai Ye actually wanted to know if this guy had a deal with the State of Sand, this human body modification technology sounded too much like a puppet technique.

With the referee's concise opening remarks, the battle has officially started.

Bai Ye can vaguely feel the surroundings of the venue, and there are about a dozen rumorous auras hidden.

As if he was afraid that Shinji would also kill someone by mistake on this occasion, he specially transferred a group of masters to stare at.

"I heard that you are very resilient, so you should be able to withstand my attack."

Shinji had a hint of excitement on his little face, completely treating Shiroya as his prey.

"How many parts of yourself have you remodeled? Is this a samurai?"(Read more @ Ye looked at her Zan Po Dao, which was blocked by the palm of the opponent's palm.

At the moment when the opponent rushed over, Bai Ye reflexively swung his knife and slashed away.

As a result, Shinji grabbed it directly with his right palm, and Bai Ye even saw a splash of sparks.

No matter how you look at what he chopped is an iron bump, this is no longer the physical strength that Naruto World should have.

"It seems that you are also in the same group as those old antiques?"

Hearing Shiraya saying that he was not a samurai, Shinji couldn't help but tilted his head, and his tone became more indifferent.

Seeing this, Bai Ye made a bad breath and ran into a child with an abnormal mind in the first scene.

He tried to draw his own Zhanpaku Knife, and found that the opponent was holding it very tightly, and he was not afraid that his hand would be injured.

"Then, I will let you see how beautiful the genre I created."

Shinji turned a blind eye to Shiraya's drawing of the knife, and a wild smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It feels like he's here to win over believers, and it's not like he's here to participate in a game at all.

"Full Moon Slash!"

When Shiraya heard Shinji reciting something like the name of a move, he felt some coolness coming from his neck, and he subconsciously lay down on his back.Immediately there was a blade of light flashing in front of his eyes, cutting a few strands of his hair directly, and falling to the ground with the wind.

At the moment, a very fast blade was ejected directly from Shinji's right arm.

After turning around the position of the palm, he returned to his right arm again.

If Bai Ye had just reacted slowly, his throat would probably be cut open.

But in the same way, Shinji had to temporarily let go of the shackles on Zanpakuto in order to use this trick.

Let Baiye take the opportunity to kick hard and let his body slide backwards, so as to stretch a little distance to adjust his posture.

"Huh~ the intelligence is not right, what era of intelligence is what Run this scam tells me?"

After Bai Ye escaped, she showed a painful expression on her face, and found that she was almost trapped again.

Not long ago, Run also vowed to guarantee that the information obtained this time is definitely the latest version.

As a result, the device on the arm was a thousand miles away from the description. Obviously, I can only rely on my own judgment to fight afterwards.

In the audience, Run yelled at his family's intelligence personnel at this time, making himself ashamed again.

"The reaction is quick, but this trick depends on how you hide."

Although Shinji didn't think that Shiroya could be solved with a single move, the other party was not hurt at all, and he still felt a little bit unsure of his face.

The blade that popped out just now popped out again.But this time it only popped out about 90 degrees, almost completely perpendicular to his arm, and then the direction of the blade also turned 90 degrees.

In the end, the blade began to rotate rapidly around Shinji's wrist, and the audience seemed to have a tingling scalp from a distance, for fear of being cut off accidentally.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye was a little suspicious that this guy was willing to have a py deal with the scorpion, and the effect was too much like the arm developed by the other party.

"With only one hand, isn't it the same with the other hand..."

Seeing Shinji approaching quickly, Bai Ye's focus was instead on the opponent's left hand, wondering what might be hidden in it.

Regarding Shinji's currently spinning blade, the attack range is wider.

But Bai Ye didn't feel any pressure to dodge without being restrained.

No matter how powerful and attacking this move is, as long as it can't directly hit the target, it's just looking at bluffing.

People like Bai Ye who can move at high speeds happen to be the nemesis of such moves.

"Sure enough, your speed is definitely the fastest among your peers, but of course my trick is not only this way."

Shinji was not annoyed when seeing Shiraya easily avoiding his attack, but looked even happier.

Back then, because he accidentally killed his life, he seldom used all his strength in future battles, for fear that another accident would happen.

Therefore, many of the modified parts of the body have not been used, and the strength has always been somewhat underestimated.

After learning that Bai Ye possesses abnormal resilience this time, he wanted to fight with all his strength to show others what he had researched.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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