Naruto: The Power Of Shinigami

Chapter 206 - Got pitted

"By the way, what is your liberation language? I will try to liberate you first."

From these Zan Po Dao that didn't respond at all, Bai Ye felt that he should not be able to gain anything from them.

Moreover, Ling Yue looked like his real Zanpaku Sword, he was very curious what his potential abilities would be.

"My real name was not told to you a few years ago, it was Lingyue..."

Ling Yue rolled her eyes anger, feeling that Bai Ye asked a very idiotic question.

Normally, the god of death needs to live together with his own Zanpai Knife, and through accumulation and training, inject the essence of his soul into the shallow fight, so as to create his own Zanpai Dao.

Later, after knowing the real name of Zanpakudao, he can start the solution by calling his real name to liberate more powerful forces to fight.

"Yeah, but I'm just a half-hearted person who is not taught. I don't know that this is normal."

Bai Ye Nuo nodded thoughtfully, feeling as if it was exactly what Ling Yue had said, but he had never noticed these things.

"You wait for me, I'll try it first."

As soon as there was room for manipulation, Bai Ye left a sentence and left immediately.

In his opinion, since he has successfully mastered the method that can sneak into his consciousness space, he doesn't need to be entangled before he can come in again."Really... Why are you in such a hurry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Seeing the figure disappear directly, it might not be the white night, Ling Yue stroked her forehead silently.

The method is that this method is correct, but in fact there are some other minor problems.

"No way, I called you, why there is no response at all."

Bai Ye left here for only ten seconds, and returned as soon as Ling Yue expected. There is no doubt that it was unsuccessful.

"You forgot that I am still incomplete... it simply cannot provide power effectively."

Ling Yue suddenly found that some parts of her master seemed very stupid, not as calm as usual.

"It's a headache, how can I recover you now?"

Bai Ye felt that all the problems were stuck here, and he would not be able to repair himself without evolution, but the lack of memory led to no idea of ​​how to break through the bottleneck.

"Actually, if you test the soul ability absorbed by that pendant, a small part will be used to repair my body."

Ling Yue tilted her head for a moment, and finally said something more practical after so long.

Although she doesn't remember the other methods at all, she still feels that she will feel very comfortable when she absorbs energy in the white night.

"If there is a way, I will apply for permanent residence at the border of Water Country, and the third Ninja War is not far away when the things in here are over."(Read more @ that there is still a way, especially when this method is not difficult, Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

He secretly gave Huang Quan a thumbs-up. Although the other party looked horrible, he still did something good.

" terms of conversion efficiency, I estimate that it will take about 20 years for me to initially condense the entity."

Ling Yue looked a little guilty, and was staring at her little feet with her head down.


Hearing the time it took, Bai Ye was really completely speechless this time, and even four wars could end in twenty years.

Whether or not Lingyue can be repaired at that time is no longer the most important thing.

"Also, I remembered that the energy that you absorbed by the pendant was impure, which caused the repair effect on me to be greatly weakened during the evolution.

Otherwise, judging from the original situation, if you are completely relying on your own cultivation, it should just happen to be repaired simultaneously. "

When mentioning this, Ling Yue remembered something from when Zanpaku Sword evolved.

At that time, she wanted to remind Bai Ye, but she couldn't get in touch at all. After experiencing it several times later, she was a little accustomed to forget it.

"..."The white night was already a bit uncomfortable, but his heart was severely cut twice again.

Because at the speed of normal exercise, Bai Ye is sure to reach its current level within five years, which is much shorter than twenty years.

Thinking about it, Huang Quan was pitted as expected, which inexplicably increased a lot of difficulty.

And more importantly, the Reaper's power system has nothing in common with Naruto World, and I don't know where to find a solution.

"Forget it, let's go one step at a time... By the way, Ling Yue, do you know where the other consciousness in my body is staying?"

Seeing that he had reached the point where he was unable to return to the sky, Bai Ye didn't bother to think about it any more, and asked him another thing that he cared more about.

In theory, another consciousness should also be in this space, and Bai Ye didn't believe that there were other spaces in her body.

But since Bai Ye came here, not a short period of time has passed.

And Ling Yue appeared in an instant, so the other party didn't really want to see him.

"Induction can be sensed. The evil aura in the space is what he exudes, because I feel so annoying that I have never had a face-to-face encounter with him."

For this kind of thing, Ling Yue was still within the scope of Ling Yue's ability, and pointed a direction without any effort on induction.

"If I want to find him, I can also take you directly."

But after saying this, Ling Yue's expression looked obviously a little scared.He hid directly behind Bai Ye, and grabbed the corner of his clothes with a small hand, only revealing a small head looking towards the other side.

"Let's go, it's all here, by the way, see how the guys living in my territory are doing."

Bai Ye stretched out and took Ling Yue's little hand, trying to comfort him.

But Bai Ye actually didn't understand why Ling Yue was afraid of each other. Both of them should be the same.

And all these years have passed safely, even if they meet each other, they shouldn't do anything bad.

After waiting for a few seconds in the white night, the scenery in front of me flashed again, and some different pictures appeared for the first time.

Bai Ye thought that in her inner world, all the places would be a vast expanse of whiteness.

As a result, a large patch of blood-colored soil appeared in front of him, completely isolating this space from the outside space.

"I can only move to the edge, the control of the space inside is not entirely mine."

This is also the first time Ling Yue ran over, and she was looking at her surroundings curiously.

"Sure enough, the evil aura heavier after getting closer, I really want to drive him out and say..."

Seeing Ling Yue frowning and saying, Bai Ye didn't feel any special aura at all, only that the colors here were indeed different.

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