The great war, with brilliance in the tragedy, no matter what the reason for participating in the war, by now, it is meaningless.

All you have to do is to hold the knife in your hand, fight to slash the enemy, and then help your teammates to slash the enemy.

This is true of Konoha, the Ninja Alliance, and the same is true of Kinoshita Hibiko.

The dragon soars through the sky, fighting to bite Susanoo. Every time it is cut off, it can quickly recover and join the battlefield again.

Susanoo held the Daitai sword in his hand, blocking the invincibility, and the scars on his body were undiminished in the repair of Chakra.

There is no way back for everyone.

Gale Valley Battlefield.


Jiraiya is also a pioneer, with powerful attacks and superb ninjutsu, and every move can solve many enemies.

The Tsunade beside him turned into a female tyrannosaurus, running strange power techniques, and every punch could tear the earth, splash rubble, and the enemies he found were all beaten into the ground by iron fists.

Uchiha Phalanx.

It is subordinate to the Third Force, and the enemy is Yun Shinobu.

This time, Uchiha dispatched 1,000 ninjas, originally intended to follow in the footsteps of Kinoshita Feiguang, win merits in the battlefield, and make Uchiha famous.

Nowadays, there are traitors in the family, and the way of playing is even worse.

Sharingan with shuriken for precise strikes, fire coverage, and wide-range attacks.

Never face Uchiha one-on-one, this is the consensus of the ninja world.


What if you face the war of the Uchiha clan.

A pair of scarlet chakra eyes, turned into demons, cruelly harvested life, they cooperate skillfully, the family is rich, when they are about to be defeated, the owner of the three-hook jade chakra eye, using forbidden arts, Izanagi.

The price of transforming all adverse results is the loss of light forever in one eye.

But at this time, none of Uchiha was stingy.

Instead, they used Izanagi one after another, killing enemies, saving people, and cooperating with harvesting.

Fame master, Uchiha Fire Core (Dressed in pink and combed with a ponytail. Uchiha Tetsumo, Uchiha Yatsushiro, Uchiha Agni. ....

They held their breath, their faces stained with blood, and they were slightly hideous.


No matter how strong it is, there are times when it is exhausted. The first Uchiha fell.

His eyes darkened and white, and he was using Izanagi.

Casualties appeared, the first, the second.

Uchiha did not flinch, roaring and attacking, heroic and senseless.

Even if you die, you must die on the way to the charge.

This scene. It's playing out all the time in the battlefield.


The reason why people are called people is that they have emotions and are also close and far.

Uchiha, who was carrying the camera, couldn't help but point the camera at Uchiha.

And this scene was also broadcast in real time and put on the big screen of Konoha.

Shimura Danzo was silent, Sarutobi was silent, and the villagers of Konoha were not scolding Niang.

If in the past, there was no live broadcast equipment, then they would not understand the fierceness of the battlefield at all, they may say they understand, but they don't want to think about it.


This scene is really happening in front of them, and a few people can choose to be indifferent.

Compared with Uchiha, isn't it more shameful for them to kowtow melon seeds, drink beer, and stand in front of the big screen to make a taste?

Also at this moment.

The cruelty of war is put in front of the stage, bloody in front of you, so that you can see that war is to die.

"Come on!"

An abrupt voice sounded, and a boy clenched his fists and stared at the screen: "Come on! "

The emotions released resonate with the people around them, and they can't help but join in.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

The voice is getting louder, and more people are joining the ranks.

As soon as they enter the battlefield, they are all warriors of Konoha, guardians who guard them.

They have always believed that justice will prevail, Konoha will win, and the fourth generation will inevitably be able to solve strong enemies and lead Konoha to victory.

"Look, it's a soldier."

The villagers pointed to the screen and shouted, and at a glance they recognized the soldier who belonged to Konoha alone, from the research institute.

Humanoid, 2 meters tall, dark complexion, blood-red eyes without a trace of emotion, arms are two machetes.

Weapons are not needed, the soldiers themselves bring their own weapons.

When colliding, only forward, forward.

The arms were cut off, still forward, and the legs were cut off and still forward.

They don't feel pain, they just know how to complete the task resolutely. Their mission is to destroy all enemies except Konoha.

The senselessness and cruelty of the soldiers made the samurai fearful.

Faced with the demon-like Kinoshita Hiko, the samurai gritted their teeth and resisted, because they also had ninjas.

When faced with ninja slaughter, samurai are not afraid of life and death because they look down on ninjas.

But in the face of this monster, the soldiers who were slashed and continued to attack, the samurai's mentality collapsed.

In particular, a samurai stopped and cut off a soldier, and the soldier crawled with his arms, not saying a word, biting like a samurai's neck.

At this time, a silent fear spread.

In the entire battlefield, only their shouts and roars. The enemy, on the other hand, is silent and concentrates on killing the enemy.

"Monsters, monsters."

The samurai staggered back, then turned and ran.

He would rather be convicted than face these monsters.

Someone starts, and immediately causes a chain reaction, more samurai want to run to the rear, but some bump into oncoming samurai.

It's messy, it's all messed up.

"No retreat, no retreat."

The rear overseers drew their katanas and roared loudly.

The herald blew the trumpet, the desolate trumpet, calming the rioting samurai.

They heard what that meant.

The overseers issued a warning, and those who retreated were killed, disqualifying the samurai. Family members were also subjected to encumbrance and reduced to slavery.

The retreating samurai slowly turned around, their eyes were blood-red, for the sake of their families, they could not retreat.

Grip the long knife again and charge.

The samurai traveled a long mental journey, firmness, hesitation, fear, timidity, determination, determination.

The soldiers have always maintained their original intention and killed the enemy!

The war begins again, and the Rift Valley turns into a meat grinder, mercilessly devouring life.

The earth was dyed red, and blood flowed like rivers.


Luo Sha looked at the commotion that appeared in front of him and frowned slightly.

Looking down at the time, the war has just begun, and the official short encounter is only 2 hours.

And the promise given by the daimyo is three hours.

After three hours, the samurai will slowly retreat, handing the battlefield to the ninjas.

This is the promise and the bottom line.

Withstanding the strongest pressure, and then getting the ninjas, is the result of careful consideration by the daimyo of the Land of Wind.

Even if the chances are slim, there will be heavy losses. But I still want to win.

The iron blood of the daimyo of the Wind Country was not supported by the other two daimyo, and they couldn't bear it.

Now Iwa Shinobu was stunned by the overlord color and lost his combat effectiveness, and only Kumo Shinobu and Konoha officially fought.

Yun Shinobu mixed in the Thunder Country Samurai Phalanx and attacked together. Synergy.

Right now.

Only Sha Shinobu still maintained a high will to fight, ready to go, waiting for Luo Sha's order.

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