As soon as Tiandao’s voice fell, a bald man rushed out of the six until he stopped right in front of the other five. He raised his hand and saw that the man’s arm randomly separated several ten-inch-long tracking rockets. Without the flames from the roots of the rocket, the powerful reaction force made the released rocket go straight in the direction of Kirabi, which looked amazing.

"Such vultures dared to come in front of this uncle, eight ga ya road, ko ya ya road." Although Kirabi behaves strangely and does not seem so reliable, he is not mentally retarded. If the six people in front of him don't have any means, Naturally, I couldn’t find the depths of Leiyun Gorge. During the rap, I saw that the vigilant heart also quietly rose. While speaking, Kirabi turned sideways with his instinctive reaction and good skill, making the count. A rocket almost passed by.

"I said it was just a little bug, didn't it? Right..." However, before Kirabi could finish his rap, he could only hear the whistling behind him hurriedly approaching him, and Kirabi turned his head sharply, only to see that he had already escaped. At this moment, several rockets were turning around and chasing him. In a hurry, he had to raise his hand and drew out a big sword. The tail beast's coat instantly covered his right arm, and he cut several knives. Under the blade, the arm wrapped in the coat of the tail beast naturally received no damage.

"What a good knife technique!" Kiraby just turned around and waved the gunpowder smoke, and suddenly saw a three-headed six-faced guy imprinted in his field of vision, and then only felt his throat tighten, and he was grabbed by an arm around his neck. At this moment, the three-faced six-armed monster's waist, with a plaque-shaped long blade like a scorpion tail, just thought of the black mans under the scorching sun directly thinking of Kirabi's neck.

"Do you want to capture this uncle? Who do you think you are facing?" As Kirabi said, the tailed beast coat on his right hand resurfaced again. Not only that, as the tailed beast coat gradually became rich, strange The rabbi's entire arm turned into a beast-like arm, facing the cut long blade without dodge, and directly opened his palm to grab the long blade in his hand.

"Dang!" Only a crisp sound was heard, and the seemingly tough long blade was directly folded into two pieces by Kirabi. Then he backhanded half of the iron blade in his hand to the chest of the monster in front of him. Due to the close distance, It's another close fight. Even Penn in the form of an asura can hardly dodge, causing the serrated blade to sink deep in his chest. From an ordinary person's point of view, if it causes such damage, it is obviously mortal. However, this guy in front of him has a strange grasp. The hands of the rabbi's neck are indeed undiminished.

"Who the **** is this guy? Not only did he feel no pain in such a deep wound, he didn't even change his expression at all. Isn't this guy unconscious?" Kirabi's expression at the moment also slowly became less arrogant. The six people in front of them are absolutely different from ordinary people, and they all reveal weirdness, which are not so easy to deal with.

"If that's the case, what will happen to this?" As he said, Kirabi raised his fist with a partially tailed beast and slammed it directly towards the face of Penn in the form of an asura.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Kirabi felt that his neck was loosened, and the weird man with a big wound in his chest disappeared out of thin air.

"Is the power of the eight tails?'s kind of interesting." Kirabi looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that the guy just now was clearly standing beside the woman who had just come down from the bird's back. At this time, the woman still maintained the posture of supporting the ground with one hand.

"This is... the reverse psychic technique?" Kiraby was guessing, but another voice rang in his mind, "Bi, these six guys on the opposite side are not so easy to deal with. I learned from these guys. I felt a dangerous aura, and... the six of them actually had a pair of reincarnation eyes, it was incredible!" The eight-tailed bull ghost hidden in Kiraby's body was naturally speaking.

"Reincarnation eyes? Those are the eyes of the six immortals in the legend. Are you takoyaki? Can six guys with reincarnation eyes appear casually at the same time?" Kirabi was obviously unacceptable at the words of Yao.

"Don't say you don't believe it, even me, it will feel incredible, but these eyes make me feel that there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It is definitely the reincarnation eye, but don't be careless." Although Yao was surprised, But he is very sure about the authenticity of the reincarnation eye.

"Understood!" After some exchanges, Kiraby slowly glowed with red light all over his body. A seemingly weak tail beast coat covered him tightly from head to toe, changing from his usual weird posture. Actually also mentioned a rare concentration.

Faced with Kirabi’s changes, Payne seemed disapproving, didn’t care at all, and said indifferently: “It seems that Yao in your body said something to you. It’s just that in front of God, all actions make knowledge vain. ."

"What an arrogant idiot, if that's the case, let's try this uncle's fist! Stupid, bastard!" Chirabi, who has become a tail beast, rose sharply at this time, both in speed and strength. A large part of it was already outrageously shot as soon as the voice fell.

I saw where Kirabi was, and after a gust of sand was raised without warning, Kirabi's figure gradually faded and disappeared in place. It turned out that the afterimage was left because of the speed being too fast.


After only hearing a loud noise, I saw the Shura Dao in the Six Ways of Payne, that is, the bald man who is good at using mechanisms is being bombarded by Kirabi with a punch. The whole body has been distorted and even scattered on the ground. The parts seem to have been scrapped.

Heavenly Dao Penn actually abolished Shura Dao in one round when he saw Kirabi. Although there was no expression on his face, he felt a little surprised in his heart. He couldn't help but secretly said: "It's so fast, and the strength has also improved. A lot of people, who can be so skillful to beasted, deserves to be the most perfect human pillar power!"

Although it was caused by Penn's underestimation of the enemy and the sudden attack by Kirabi, Kirabi did abolish a Penn in one move, which surprised Penn. …

Chapter 269: Battle of Leiyunxia

After smashing Shura Dao with a punch, Kirabi raised his right arm and made a gesture similar to cheering for victory.

"Oye~~ I have already killed one, let Mr. Kirabi beat you all down, bastard, idiot!"

The rest of Payne looked at all this calmly, looking so indifferent.

"Psychic art!"

Just as Kirabi cheered, the beast Dao Payne had already moved, raising his palms and slamming them on the ground, performing psychic techniques.


A cloud of smoke appeared out of thin air, and then there was a roar from the ground. It seemed that there was a huge beast running. After Kirabi felt the shock of the ground, he also put away his cheers, and locked his attention on that group. In the smoke.

In one breathing time, I saw a very large rhinoceros with reincarnation eyes breaking through the smoke, and with unstoppable power, it rushed towards the beastly tailed Kirabi.

"whispering sound!"

In the face of the giant rhino coming up to him with his head lowered, Kiraby was not afraid, his momentum soared, and when the hard rhino horn was about to hit him, he made a bold move, relying on the tail beast's coat. To protect, both hands suddenly grabbed the rhino's long horns, and then with a roar, he actually resisted the rhino's impulse with brute force.

After stopping the momentum of the rhinoceros, Kiraby used his force again, surprisingly pulled the huge rhinoceros, and then hurled it out into the sky.

However, just after Kiraby threw the rhinoceros away, the offensive of the animal road was launched again, and the animal road once again used the psychic technique, but this time the psychic beasts out of the psychic were no longer rhinos, but several. The weird winged dog was pounced from four directions at the same time.

Although these vicious dogs are obviously much smaller than giant rhinos, their speed and dexterity are not comparable to those of giant rhinos, and by looking at their intertwined fangs, you know that these vicious dogs are definitely not easy to provoke. .

"Do you think you can win this grandfather with a large number? It's too small, you idiot, bastard!" Faced with the culling of the vicious dog, Kirabi did not panic. He was still the same rap style. When the dog came to his body, he suddenly waved the blade in his hand and jumped into the air. The swirling figure stirred up the endless wind and sand. When the cold light suddenly appeared, the knife had been shot several times in a short moment, and it was only in one face. All four vicious dogs from the attack had been beheaded, and the corpses were all cut into two pieces and scattered on the ground.

"Oye~~ It's easy to get it done, this uncle is the strongest, you idiot, bastard!" After cutting down the four vicious dogs, Kirabi twisted his body again, jumping with weird movements. , Humming.

However, at this moment, another change took place, and the vicious dog that had been chopped in two by Kiraby turned out to be like an earthworm, split into two, and at this moment actually came back to life again, and The number has changed from four to eight, and it is enclosing Kirabi in the middle, sternly staring at Kirabi.

"Huh? It's really not so easy to deal with, hey Xiaoba, what are these things." Although Kirabi wants to deal with some vicious dogs, it is not difficult, but he always feels that these are just consuming his chakras. .

"The woman in front of me has been using spiritism. If I'm not mistaken, these six guys with reincarnation eyes should each have their own unique abilities. The first to fight us is closer to physical manipulation and body modification. , And the woman in front of me has been using spiritism so far, but it’s incredible that this guy can summon so many powerful psychic beasts at the same time! It seems that if that woman is dealt with, these vicious dogs will continue to split. When Kirabi asked, the eight-tailed bull ghost in his body was also secretly frightened.

"It's going on, Xiao Ba!" As he spoke, Kirabi once again drew a knife from his back, holding a large sword on the left and right, and hurriedly approached the beast. The beast is not enough."

The vicious dog that has divided into eight hesitates to come from hell, without any emotion, no matter how fierce Kirabi’s sword and lightsaber aura is, the vicious dog is still full of hostility, and grinning towards Kirabi. past.

"Boss, my uncle's goal is not you!" Facing the vicious dog that was coming, Kirabi's steps towards the beast did not stop at all, but Kirabi's back waist suddenly appeared. Stretching out the tentacles of eight octopuses, directly enveloping all the vicious dogs that are coming, "Little girl, I will send you to see the big bald man just now."

Kirabi immediately tightened the Taitou in his hand, and the two chakras actually wrapped the Taitou along his arms. Kirabi's whole body was not only wrapped in the coat of the tail beast, but at this moment, the chakra with the thunder attribute was also wrapped. With all coverage, Kirabi's speed increased several times.

"Feel the enthusiasm of Uncle Octopus, Lei Li Hot Knife!"

Seeing that the beast Dao Payne, who was close at hand, was about to die tragically under the sharp blade, the other party did not dodge, "Psychic art!" As soon as the voice fell, the seal was still completed, and he slapped his backhand to the ground, instantly a bloated stone. The wayward doll jumped out from the psychic formation, blocking between the two, and the Kirabi tailed beast's coat form hit it with all its strength, and it was actually difficult to save it.


"Bi! Be careful!" Before Kirabi had time to marvel, an urgent reminder came from his mind.

Kirabi looked back, but saw that the back of an instep had completely blocked his sight, and was sweeping towards his face with fierce wind pressure, unable to dodge, and using the "thunder plow hot knife" impulse throw In order to disintegrate, it was difficult to retreat for a while, so he had to use the octopus that had grown out of his hindquarters to take a shot to resist.

"Boom!" Only a muffled sound was heard, but Kirabi was bounced out under the sweep of another Penn's leg. Before Kirabi could stand firm, he felt his shoulders tightened for a moment, and when he looked at it, he found that he had been locked tightly by a big man behind him, and the Chakra inside had unexpectedly quickly started to drain. …

Chapter 270: Fierce Battle of Thunder Cloud Gorge

Perceiving the strangeness of himself, Kirabi was shocked, as if he wanted to struggle away, but it was only in vain, and Payne behind him had already trapped him like a yoke.

"Bi, leave quickly, this guy is able to absorb my Chakra. If you continue like this, you will be exhausted!" Yao also felt the threat from this Penn in Kirabi's body, and hurriedly reminded him. .

"I also know, but this guy is pestering me like an octopus, so I can't make it, what a idiot, bastard!" Kirabi said angrily, even in such a dangerous situation, Kirabi's tone was still That kind of weird tone, it seems that no matter what happens, it can't be changed.

"How about it, do you want to try that trick? Than!"

"OK! But before the battle, my chakras were exhausted, so give me your chakra points, Oye!"

"Huh! Without my assistance, you would have been killed a long time ago."

"Arrogant statement, but I am still grateful for your assistance!"

One person and one beast completed the communication instantly in Kirabi’s mind. At the same time, Kirabi crossed his arms in front of his chest and made a peculiar knot in the fingers of both hands. At this moment, Kirabi’s whole body began to burst. A burst of bubbles resembling magma came out, and the eight tails behind him collectively moved forward, wrapping Kirabi like a cocoon. The next moment, with a muffled sound, Kirabi himself could still be seen before. It has completely disappeared, replaced by a monster with eight tails, where there is still a half-human form.

"Is the tail beast transformed? No, it turns out that the power of the tail beast is imprinted in the human form. The Chakra who controls such a rage can still maintain normal sanity. It is indeed a perfect human pillar power." Just in Payne's Between the amazement, the Kirabi who showed the second form continued to change. On top of the crimson violent chakra coat, bones grew. Not too long, strong skulls, sharp skulls, and smooth The spine that extends along the skull is fully grown. From a distance, it looks like a half cow and half fox.

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