"This...this is... Uchiha, Madara! Where did you get this bastard!" At this time, the dirt under the mask was shocked, and even the tone of speech revealed With an unbelievable tone, it can be said that since putting on this mask with the soil belt, there have been very few emotional fluctuations, but at this time, seeing the people in the coffin, the stormy sea turned up in his heart.

"It seems... the effect of my exhibits is pretty good, yes... you can't refuse me now. As for its origin, I think this should not be a question we should discuss at this time."

While the pharmacist was so complacent with his exhibits, bringing the soil was thinking about something else at the moment: "It seems that this guy is really different. I didn't expect that someone could get Uchiha Madara's body. , But the point is... I’m now shocked by the name Uchiha Madara, forcing the five powers to form the Ninja Allied Forces to start the fourth Ninja War. At this time, if this guy releases it to make trouble, then my My identity will definitely be questioned, so... my plan will be affected."

I saw that Tai Tu hasn't spoken for a long time, and the medicine master seems to have guessed the scruples of Tai Tu, "Don't worry, I haven't told anyone about your identity."

"Ha, ha ha... Pharmacist pocket, you can achieve this. I never thought that fighting with you now will only reduce our combat effectiveness. I came here at the right time and I was really well prepared." Arrogant, naturally there is no turn for the Pharmacist to take a traitor from the Xiaoxiao organization to give himself some reassurance, but the matter is already here, after the anger is extremely angry, he has some ability to admit it.

"So?" Doudou hurriedly asked with surprise and a little doubt.

"Well, I promised your request to join forces, but if you dare to privately act on Sasuke before I allow it, trust me, you will definitely be able to regret it!"

"make a deal!"…

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Eight: Reunion

The sky was stained blood red by the setting sun, and pink clouds were reflected on the surface of the river, and the entire surface of the river was completely new. At this moment, the sky seemed to be igniting a raging fire.

Sasuke looked at the place in front of him that had been abandoned for a long time, with a complicated look in his eyes.

This place was originally a stronghold of the Uchiha clan. Tatsumi told him this place himself. The Uchiha clan was also one of the largest families in the Ninja world at the beginning. During the Warring States period, it was very powerful. After Ye, it was also extremely strong.

Therefore, there are many former strongholds of the Uchiha family in the land of fire, and this place in front of Sasuke's eyes is not known for how long it has been abandoned. Looking at the desolation in front of him, Sasuke's mind is complicated... Jaechen did not tell him the truth. Before, he had imagined the arrival of this moment countless times, but now, when this moment really came, he felt a bit bitter in his heart.

After a long time, Sasuke put away his thoughts, his gaze changed, and his previous indifference was restored. Although he had learned the so-called truth from Chen, he still wanted to get confirmation from Itachi.

In the end, Sasuke walked toward the stronghold firmly!


Step... step... step...

Slight footsteps sounded in the dilapidated corridors of the base. Sasuke walked in the corridors, his steps were unhurried, and he seemed to be surprisingly quiet, but the complex expressions that flashed in his eyes from time to time all explained the situation at this time. He was not so indifferent on the surface.

The corridor that wasn't very long came to an end very quickly. At this time, Sasuke stopped outside a door at the end of the corridor, slowly closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened, his eyes have been transformed into a writing wheel eye. , The blood red in the pupils made Sasuke even more hideous. After that, Sasuke didn't stop and walked into the gate without any delay!

In this spacious room, or a hall, the surrounding walls are already dilapidated. It seems to have been abandoned for a long time. On the wall at the end of the hall is written the word "fox" and a few calligraphy and paintings of Gouyu. Hanging on it, and in front of the wall is a stone seat. A figure wearing a black-bottomed red cloud robe is sitting on the seat and his eyes are slightly closed. It seems that it has been waiting for a long time.

Sasuke walked slowly in front of this person. After stopping, he looked at the person in front of him with complicated eyes. He didn't say anything, just watched quietly. At this time, the person in front of Sasuke was originally closed. His eyes opened slowly, and he looked at Sasuke blankly without feeling the slightest surprise.

Similar faces, the same blood-red writing wheel eyes, and the same calm expression. The only difference is that there are two more deep law lines on the other's face. This person is the target of Sasuke's trip. Sasuke has always been there before. The man who wanted to kill, Itachi Uchiha!

"Long time no see, Sasuke!"

Itachi took the lead to break the tranquility. He couldn't hear the emotions in his indifferent tone, and there was no emotion on his face. The scarlet three-hook jade in his eyes was as calm as ever.

However, Itachi's heart is obviously not as calm as on the surface. Compared to Sasuke, who asked him and even attacked him without hesitation when I saw him before, the coldness at this time is a sign of Sasuke's growth, but Itachi's heart is I feel relieved.

"Yes, long time no see, I used to dream about the arrival of this day all the time!" Sasuke's indifferent voice sounded, his face still has an indifferent expression, but at this time his writing wheel eyes have involuntarily entered the kaleidoscope. Form, this is only the emotional fluctuations that are difficult to suppress will have such a reflection.

Seeing Sasuke's already formed kaleidoscope writing round eyes, Itachi couldn't help but be silent for a while. He clearly knew the conditions under which the kaleidoscope opened his eyes and had experienced that kind of pain. If he could, he would rather Sasuke never have to suffer that sin.

Although he felt bitter in his heart, Itachi did not show it. He still looked indifferent, and said coldly: "Kaleidoscope writing round eyes... Your eyes seem to have grown a lot! But... your eyes How far can you see?"

Now that it’s up, when seeing Itachi still looks like nothing happened, Sasuke can’t help but feel a little angry when he thinks of the truth that has been concealed over the years, and when he thinks about the physical condition of Itachi before Tatsun, Sasuke feels angry. Leng Ran said: "Hmph~ What my eyes see is the appearance of your death!"

Hearing this familiar answer, Itachi couldn't help but feel stunned, because Chen had already said this sentence to Chen when he first saw Chen, and now he heard it from another brother, such a coincidence. , And they are the two younger brothers he loves most, even Uchiha Itachi, who has always been indifferent, couldn't help feeling a smile in his heart.

Ignoring what Itachi thought, Sasuke had his own purpose in this trip. Although he had learned the truth from Chen and confirmed it at Danzo, he still wanted Itachi to answer him himself.

"Tell me, what is the truth back then, is everything Chen said true?"

Facing Sasuke’s questioning, Itachi was not surprised. When Sasuke was willing to go to Konoha with Tatsun and also killed Danzo, he understood what Sasuke already knew. Now Sasuke asks him this way. Not surprising.

Itachi was silent for a while, calmed the emotions in his heart, and looked at Sasuke calmly and said: "Is it the truth? Who knows this kind of thing? Everyone will rely on their own knowledge and understanding, and will be locked by these things, and also these things. Call it reality...but knowledge and understanding are rather ambiguous things. That reality may be just an illusion. People live in the world they think of. Don't you think?"

Sasuke was obviously unable to restrain his emotions. There was a hint of urgency in his eyes. He was obviously very concerned about Itachi's answer, and said anxiously: "I didn't come here to listen to your nonsense. Tell me quickly, Danzo and Tatsun said. , Is it true?"

There was no emotional fluctuation on Itachi's face, he looked at Sasuke quietly, and finally said calmly, "What if I say no!"

Hearing Itachi's casual answer, Sasuke couldn't help but feel irritation. He could no longer suppress his emotions on his face. He was obviously not satisfied with the answer at all. He shouted at Itachi, "Impossible, you lied! The guy Danzo has already admitted. You were forced to kill mom and dad!"

Seeing Sasuke whose emotions were a little out of control, Itachi frowned slightly, and sighed inwardly, but his face remained expressionless, as if nothing could change him, he said calmly: "You have already believed in Chen wishfully. If I say, you won’t be able to listen to what I’m talking about now, that’s all. Now that I’ve reached this point, I’ll tell you, but... Before answering your question, let me see if you have the qualifications. !"

After speaking, Itachi slowly closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened them. The original three-hook jade-shaped writing wheel eyes have been transformed into a shuriken-like figure. This is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes of Itachi!

At the same time, Itachi's body exuded a bitter killing intent, and he locked Sasuke in front of him, without the slightest pity. Judging from Itachi's performance, it seemed that he wanted to put Sasuke to death. …

Chapter 299: Conclusion

Feeling Itachi's killing intent and the cold eyes, Sasuke's heart calmed down slowly, remembering what Chen had said to him before leaving, and he had made up his mind, with the same eyes, staring at the person in front of him. After taking a deep breath, he said coldly: "Really? That being the case... Then, let you see the power I gained for revenge!"

"The power of revenge..."

Itachi's voice sounded indifferently. Along with the voice, a strong wind suddenly blew up. After another glance, Itachi had disappeared in place, and appeared behind Sasuke in the blink of an eye. The two turned their backs to each other without any movement. As if time stood still... "Then show it to me!"


As Itachi's indifferent voice just fell, the corners of Sasuke's mouth sketched out a faint sneer. At this moment, the two moved!

As if receiving some kind of signal, Sasuke and Itachi shot almost at the same time. Both of them had their right hands in the shape of a knife. They suddenly turned around and slashed towards each other behind them... At the same time, the same action seemed to be copied and pasted!


The arms of the two slammed together in an instant, and they all went all out, without the slightest remaining hands, the powerful vigor caused the air around the two to burst instantly, forming a strong wind, centering on the two of them It spreads to the surroundings, causing the dust and debris under the feet to fly.

A fateful battle also unfolded!

Abandoned Uchiha family stronghold, a fateful duel, a kaleidoscope writing round eye contest, is being staged.

Both Sasuke and Itachi have super strengths. Although Sasuke's strength has indeed improved rapidly over the years, with the ability to write round eyes, it is by no means weaker than any of the five shadows today, and Itachi is already famous. The powerful ninja for a long time opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel at an early age. The use of writing wheel and the combat experience are much better than Sasuke. However, this is also the fatal injury of Itachi, and the ability of the kaleidoscope is excessively used. , Itachi's body has long been overwhelmed, and now it is just lingering. Maybe there is nothing unusual in the beginning, but after a long period of fighting, the disadvantages gradually emerged.


At this time, after a bitter battle, the battle between the two has come to an end. This broken stronghold cannot withstand the damage caused by the battle between the two. It has already formed a ruin, and there is no outline of the building. And the black flames that can be seen everywhere are constantly burning, exuding scorching heat.

In the ruins, Itachi was on his knees. At this time, he looked extremely weak. He was panting violently, and his body was shaking greatly with his breathing. The exhaustion of this battle was already for him. It’s almost the limit, my right eye is closed tightly, blood is flowing from the slit of the eye, the half of the face under the right eye has been dyed red with blood, and the remaining left eye is staring at the front not far away. Sasuke of the office.

Although his body is almost at its limit, Itachi also knows that his time is running out, but Itachi did not feel sad because of it. Looking at Sasuke ahead, seeing Sasuke's growth, he felt more relaxed in his heart. What he has experienced over the years is finally It's over, but...before that, he must do one more thing.

The situation of Sasuke on the other side looks similar to Itachi. The left eye is also slightly closed, and blood is flowing from the left eye. The only difference is that Sasuke can still stand at this time. This is due to the effect of pulsation, which makes Sasuke's recovery ability. It's already different from ordinary people.

Seeing Itachi, who seemed to have reached his limit, Sasuke's face showed a smile of relief. The knot he had always had was about to be solved, but when he thought of Itachi's condition, he couldn't help but feel a bit of bitterness in his heart. .

Throwing away other thoughts in his mind, after a short period of recovery, Sasuke has already recovered a lot of strength, but his body is still very tired, but this is not worth mentioning for Sasuke. At this time, he just wants to hear Itachi's answer.

I saw Sasuke walking slowly towards Itachi. Although his physical condition made his footsteps stagger a bit, his firm footsteps never stopped.

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