At this time, Konoha's civilians ran to the refuge one after another under the command of some Zhongren. However, Chen did not follow the civilians to the refuge. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time, how could he hide!

"Humph! The show has begun!" Chen looked at the giant snakes raging in the village of Konoha in the distance, and said with a little excitement.

"Ding! The system releases a war mission. Please select a camp for the host. Guardian: Konoha. Attacker: Ninja Alliance. Mission conditions: kill the enemy camp ninjas, upper ninja: 5, middle ninja: 10, Ninja: 20. Mission reward: 50,000 points, penalty for mission failure: 50,000 points deducted. Accept it?"

"If the mission fails, 50,000 points will be deducted? What should I do if I don't have that many points? Wouldn't it be to obliterate the host?" Chen asked with some worry. In the novels read in the previous life, the protagonist’s golden finger threatened the protagonist by obliterating the host at every turn. . If the strong system is the same, Chen Ke must carefully consider whether to accept the task.

"Host, please rest assured that the problem that the host is worried about will not happen. The strong system exists because of the host. The host has the highest command. If the host dies, the system will disappear, so the system does not have the power to obliterate the host. The host cannot complete it. For tasks, the system will deduct the same amount of points. If the host’s points are not enough to deduct, the system will default to the host’s points being in a negative state, and the host will not be able to exchange any points. The points obtained afterwards will give priority to filling the host’s lack of points. negative number."

"That's it! Then there is no problem, accept the task!" Chen felt relieved when he heard the explanation of the system.

"Please choose a camp for the host, the guardian: Konoha, the offensive team: the Ninja Alliance of Sandatone."

"Well, let's choose Konoha!" Chen thought for a while, and didn't worry too much. After all, Konoha was his hometown.

"Ding! The host has selected the Konoha camp to trigger a hidden mission: Kill the leader of the enemy camp "Oshemaru". Mission reward: 100,000 points, and a system lottery! Mission failure penalty: None, please join the battlefield to perform the mission."

"I'm going, cheating, let me kill Uncle Snake? The system, you want to kill me! Fortunately, there is no penalty for mission failure. In short, this mission is ignored." Chen heard the follow-up mission said by the system. Was taken aback.

"No matter how much it is, the system will first redeem an Anbu costume for me."

"Anbu costume: item level: E-level, item type: props, points required: 100, do you want to redeem it?"


After Chen Chen put on the costume of Anbe, he activated the instantaneous technique, left the house, and rushed towards the chaotic place outside.

On the other side, Kakashi and Kay sent Sakura Naruto Shikamaru away and told them to catch up with Sasuke and deal with Gaara together. And they were also surrounded by a group of ninjas from Sand Ninja Village.

"Kakashi! Come to our XXXth match! Burn! My youth! Ah!" Kai excitedly shouted at Kakashi beside him, and then rushed towards the enemy in front.

"Really!" Kakashi also rushed over! The two instantly fought with Otonin.

Kakashi and Kai are worthy of being elites, like wolves into a flock, no one in Sands is an enemy of one.

"Too...too strong, we, we will all be killed!" The remaining Sanda shuddered and wanted to turn around and escape. Suddenly a cold light flashed, and a small figure flashed out behind them. The man dressed as Konoha's dark part. He was doing a movement at this time, that is, slowly putting the knife in his hand on his back. In the scabbard.

"Fa...what happened?" The few people in Sha Yin haven't figured out the situation. Immediately after that, without exception, those few sandy shadows sprayed a blood mist from the neck!

"Ding! The host kills five Zhongren, reward points: 5000."

"Quite soon! Before those Sand Ninja hadn't reacted, they all had their throats cut in an instant." Kai looked at the dark part in front of him, thinking in shock.

Kakashi looked at the little man in front of him and thought, "Anbe?"

"Sorry! I took your prey!" At this moment, the little Anbu spoke! Hearing sounds seems to be young! This person is Chen who just arrived. (I don't need to say that I didn't dare to kill someone for the first time. You have to adapt to things like that. Anyway, Hokage is necessary to kill people. I won't waste time talking about those useless.)

" are Anbu?" Kai said in surprise after hearing the little man's voice: "You should be a kid! You actually joined Anbu."

"Well! Don’t look surprised! Don’t Kakashi-senpai joined Anbu at my age. I have heard about the deeds of Kakashi-senpai. Although the information of senior Kakashi is confidential, senior Kakashi’s reputation is so loud, our Anbe often mentions seniors in private, but I have always been full of respect for seniors. Compared to Kakashi seniors, I am nothing at all!" For Kakashi and Kay’s Said calmly.

"Well, if you don't have time to delay the gossip, let's talk less, let's go first!" Chen said and ignored Kakashi and Kai's reaction, and directly activated the instantaneous technique and disappeared in front of the two.

"Kakashi..." Kay wanted to say something to Kakashi.

"Yeah! He is right. Ninjas cannot despise their opponents just because they are young, otherwise they will pay the price. Okay, now that this is resolved, let's go elsewhere!"

"Yes! Our game is not over yet, and I have killed 17 enemies, Kakashi!"

"Oh! I'm 18!" Kakashi just said silently.

"Ah! Really worthy of being the rival of my life, Kakashi! But I won't admit defeat."

On the other side, Chen came to the top of a building and looked at the chaos under Konoha. The giant snake in the distance was roaring and raging all the way, but Konoha's ninjas could not hurt it at all.

"Erha, I found a good opponent for you, thank me!" As he said, he jumped off the building, and quickly completed the seal after biting his thumb in mid-air.

"Psychic art!"

PS: Seeking flowers, asking for rewards! …

Chapter 29: Killing the Giant Serpent

Chen jumped off the building and quickly completed the seal after biting his thumb in midair.

"Psychic art!"

"Boom!" A burst of smoke appeared out of thin air. Then a giant monster jumped from the smoke to the ground, and a gust of wind and sand was raised, and the ground under the giant monster's feet produced cracks. It's the poodle that is sluggish! And Chen also fell on Liu Daowang's head.

At this time, Liudaowang was even bigger than before. He was a dozen meters tall, but now he has grown to almost thirty meters, and he is already a veritable monster!

"Huh? That is... a psychic beast?" Kakashi, who was planning to go elsewhere to rescue with Kai, saw this scene after hearing the loud noise.

"Is this... that kid made it out?" Kai also found Chen standing on Liu Daowang's head and said in surprise.

"Kay, let's go over there too, our ninjas can't stop them!" Kakashi saw the giant snakes raging over there, and Konoha's ninjas were desperately blocking them, but they couldn't deal with the giant snakes. Caused harm, he said to Kai.

"Yo Xi! A cough!" Kai exclaimed, and rushed in the direction of the giant snake.

On the other hand, Chen looked at it in surprise after bringing Liudao Wang Tongling out. "This... is Erhu? It's just been three years. Has this Erhu grown to this point? This psychic beast grows too fast, right!"

"Burst your little chrysanthemum!" The six Wangs shouted a loud slogan as soon as they appeared, and then they looked around.

"Little devil, what did you call this uncle out again for this time? If you still ask me to dig a hole, you will be dead!"

"Yo! Erha, it's been a long time since I saw you, I didn't expect you to grow up so big!" Chen said to Liu Daowang at his feet. "Of course it's a good thing to call you out. Now there is a war here. Konoha is being attacked by Sain and Otonin. I want to get rid of the people from Sain and Otonin. I need your help!"

"Oh! War? That would make me have a good fight today! Hey~~~ I'm already boiling! Little devil, you've finally got one thing right, as for the scum of Sha Yin Yin Ninja you said , Leave it to me!"

"Hmph! Tonight, have a good hunt!" Liu Daowang yelled excitedly, planning to find someone to fight, but Chen stopped him.

"Erha, let's talk about it first! You can only do it to Sain and Otobirth, and don't hurt Konoha's people. I don't want to be enemies with Konoha, it will be very troublesome. At least for now, I can't afford to provoke Konoha. Ye, do you understand? Otherwise, I won't call you if there is a fight in the future!" Chen was really afraid that Liu Daowang would be frantic in the battle and would chop everyone off, so he reminded Liu Daowang.

"Got it! Got it! What a wordy kid!" Liudaowang replied impatiently.

Just when Tatsun was about to let Erha find Otonin and Sain's troubles, a howling suddenly came from a distance, Tatsumi looked past the voice, and happened to see a Konoha ninja swallowed by the giant snake over there. Lose. And after the giant snake swallowed a person, he raised his head and let out a burst of arrogant roars.

"Beast!" Chen gritted his teeth and looked at the arrogant giant snakes and said to Liu Daowang. "Erha, those bugs are too arrogant, get rid of them!"

"Hmph! Just to my liking, I always wanted a belt! Now I have leather boots." Liu Daowang said and rushed in the direction of the giant snakes.

At this time, Konoha's ninjas were desperately trying to stop the giant snake. "Stop them, absolutely can't let them enter the village." A Konoha ninja threw kunai at the giant snake and said to his companion beside him.

Kuwu hit the giant snake, but it seemed to hit a steel plate, and sparks spattered. Kuwu was directly bounced away, and it couldn't hurt the snake at all.

"Damn it! Attack them with ninjutsu!"

Seeing that both kunai and shuriken were ineffective in "Fireball. Fireball", the ninja immediately used a ninjutsu attack, but it was also unable to cause damage to the giant snake. The fireball hit the giant snake and dissipated, but the giant snake remained unscathed. But this ninja attracted the attention of the giant snake. The giant snake opened its mouth wide, and rushed to him in an instant. Before the ninja could react, it was swallowed by the giant snake!

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