"Heh... I almost forgot, how could you know what feelings are, and you have no feelings."

"Ding, please host face up to the existence of this system, this system is omnipotent."

"Haha..." Chen lay on the bed blankly, staring at the sky blankly, not knowing what he was thinking. He didn't believe all the things the system said. Although the system usually seemed to understand everything, where was the emotional aspect so simple?

Even people don't dare to say that they understand feelings, so how can they dare to say that they understand feelings by what kind of system?

"Emotion is a comprehensive psychological and physical state of various feelings, thoughts, and behaviors in a person's heart. It is a psychological response to external stimuli and an incidental physiological response. Normal people have emotions. Everyone has different personalities and handles feelings differently. The host obviously does not have a good understanding of feelings."

Chen raised his eyebrows and felt a little surprised. It did sound like this: "Go on."

"Emotions are divided into many types, including family, friendship, love, etc. The host is worrying about love now. Unfortunately, the system initially considered that the host might encounter problems in this regard. In this case, the program has already been set up in advance."

Hearing this, he immediately sat up: "There is still this kind of setting? Why didn't you say it earlier!"

System: "The host never asked..."

Chen: "..."

There is a sentence in his heart now that he doesn't know whether to say it or not. If he didn't see Chen, he is already like this now. Should the system say that he doesn't have a point in his heart?

"Say something quickly, let it go if you have a fart!"

The system didn't speak, it just transmitted a combined segment of a relationship to Chen's memory. Chen closed his eyes and felt it carefully. He didn't know how long time had passed. It might be only a moment, or it might be a long time.

Chen only feels that he has experienced emotions time and time again in his memory, successes and failures, consummation and incompleteness. Chen felt that he had experienced countless emotional entanglements like a bystander, but it didn’t seem to be the case, because every relationship was deeply imprinted in his mind, even the name of each of them, each of them. I remember clearly what I have done.

If Chen was just a first-time brother who only experienced relationships once, then he now seems to be a veteran with a long history of love.

For a long time, Chen slowly opened his eyes, and those deep eyes were filled with endless sadness and deepness. If there is a person here at this moment, you will find that Chen's temperament has undergone an earth-shaking change.

If the feeling of Chen before was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, then Chen now feels like a bone-wrenching void. Obviously, what the system gives Chen is not only feelings, but also There are other episodes of experience, the original mentality problem was Chen's shortcoming, but at this moment it is obvious that this shortcoming has been forcibly compensated by the system with this simple and crude method.

Originally Uchiha Mikoto's death was a pain that Chen couldn't let go of in his heart, but after the memory fragments instilled by the system were more, it was no longer as painful as before.

Chapter Four Hundred and One: You are already a weak

Chen Chang let out a sigh of relief. After suddenly receiving so much information before, Chen really couldn't accept it for a while, but fortunately, Chen is no longer the one who only knew to nest in his dark little room to watch it. After all, after living in the world of Hokage for so long, his decadent youth has long been no longer able to bear the psychological endurance of that decadent youth.

"There is still such a thing... wouldn't it be okay for you to take it out earlier!"

"Ding...According to the program setting, this originally required the host to comprehend it by himself. The assistance of the system is only a guide. If the host had not questioned the system before, I would not have opened the auxiliary program so early."

"Oh?" Chen's eyes lit up, and the eyes that looked lifeless had a little more brilliance. This is just the reason why Chen has just gone through the baptism of the system and has not completely settled down. Waiting completely gave him the baptism of the system. It won’t be like this once you have eaten it completely.

"I really underestimated you!" Chen touched his chin and smacked his lips. Originally, he thought that the system was just a simple program, and did not pay much attention to the system, only that the system was a mechanical existence, but he did not expect that the original system had this aspect that he had not thought of.

It seems that Chen still thinks about the origin of the system too simple, so Chen still needs to reconsider his attitude towards the system. After all, now that we have known that the origin of the system is not simple, then the future probing of the system should be mentioned in the process.

After all, like the system, it only moved once, if Chen didn't take the initiative to test, maybe the system would never reveal this function. However, he only needs to know this matter in his heart, and there is no need to tell the system.

In fact, Chen himself doesn't have much confidence in his own heart to fully control the system. It is one aspect, but who knows how many things the system hides?


"Ding, please pay attention to the host's wording. This system will always only analyze things rationally, and the final decision remains with the host."

"Well... good, good." Chen collapsed on the bed again and waved his hands: "I still know this, don't worry." Even so, Chen's deep eyes revealed fullness. Full of profound meaning.

"In short, you have to understand that feelings are just something outside of your body. If you want to become a strong person, you must let go of feelings. The role of this system is to assist the host to become the strongest in the entire world step by step. It doesn’t matter if you let go of those unnecessary emotions. After the host becomes the strongest person, doesn’t the feelings come just as you want?"

Chen Lenghe said that he disagrees with the system, he finally reaped his feelings, so did the system hit him?

"According to what you mean, is it possible for the strong to do this? Feelings are just a plaything of power?" Chen sneered. Is this kind of affection really affection? Feelings based on power and strength are only a means for the weak to be forced to attach to the strong. Such feelings are bound to not be too long. Just like those superficial brothers in reality, they can only be blessed and shared. Difficulties.

"It’s not the case. I am not responsible for the host’s outlook on life and world view system. What kind of person the host will become is the host’s business. This system is only responsible for leading the host’s strength to the top of the pyramid. At that time, all the host’s behaviors They have nothing to do with the system."

"Moreover, what this system says is not to let the host do whatever he wants. The host misinterprets the meaning of the system to a certain extent. This system means that only after possessing the strength can it be free from secular obstacles and restrictions, just like the host With the host's woman, if the host's strength really reaches the level where the world has to compromise, will they continue to resist?"

Chen disagrees with this statement but sneered: "Could it be that my current strength is not enough?" Just because Chen is now able to match the strength of the Six Dao Immortals, can't he make them succumb? Are they drifting or Chen can't lift the knife anymore?

"Does the host think that your strength is very strong now?" The system suddenly reminded: "Don't forget, the host's current strength is barely reaching six levels.

Please don’t think that the host can be complacent after reaching the current strength. You must know that the world of Naruto is only the lowest level of the small thousand world. Above this, there are the middle and big thousand worlds. The host has to become these three. The strongest in a thousand worlds, not a toad sitting on a well and watching the sky. "

"Big Thousand World?" Chen grasped the key words in the system's words at once, and asked the system in a hurry: "What is going on, you can make it clear."

"Answer the host, the plane where the host is now consists of three thousand small worlds, three thousand middle worlds, and three thousand big worlds, and the world of Naruto is only one of the three thousand small worlds. In higher world civilizations, the host needs to continuously cultivate and become stronger, and eventually become the strongest in the three thousand worlds. This is the ultimate task of the host."

"In other words, the world of Naruto is just a start. I will go to other worlds in the future?" Chen originally thought that his journey to the world of Naruto had reached the top, so after he became a ten-tailed man Zhuli The thoughts on cultivation have faded. After all, according to the original book, the final big boss is only at this level. It is almost as difficult to break through, but now I hear the system say that there are other worlds on top of Naruto. Don't let Chen Xinsheng be vigilant.

"Yes, if it is just a pure Naruto World, the strength of the host has barely reached the limit of the Naruto World, and it is not absolute. There are already things in this world that can threaten the host, and in the entire three thousand In the world, the strength of the host is still just a weak ant. The host has a long way to go and should not be constrained by these emotional things."


Chen waved his hand impatiently to interrupt the system. Although he was very disgusted with the system's indifference to feelings, he had already acquiesced to what it said in his heart.

Chapter Four Hundred and Two: An Unexpected Encounter

"Ding! Please take the host seriously, this will involve the path the host should take afterwards."

Chen nodded, indicating that he understood. This is indeed the case. If it is only in the world of Hokage, then Yichen's current strength is basically considered to be the top, and the existence of the system will become a little embarrassing and redundant. Even Chen once worried about whether the system will leave Chen. Even if Chen’s strength is not given by the system, most of the credit is also given to the system. Once the system leaves, it will be brought to Chen. The blow is definitely not a little bit.

The most important thing is that Chen still has so many points in the system that he hasn't used. Isn't he a big loss if the system runs away? Chen Ke still clearly remembered the life that was exhausted every day but still only able to live on the subsistence allowance. During that time, if Chen's strength were not too low, he would not be helpless in the subsequent Uchiha tragedy.

But now Chen has become richer, and the source of points is also broad, but he doesn't want to try again on the day of crying and crying for a point.

And Chen's purpose this time was originally to explore the system here, but he didn't expect that he would actually hear something incredible. Chen now, who had no motivation to cultivate, had already aroused a trace of interest in the worlds said by the system.

"Big Thousand World?" Chen muttered to himself: "Hmph... it's interesting."

"That system, can I go to other worlds now?" Chen couldn't help but asked out loud. Since there is no challenge in the world of Hokage, and there is still a long time before Uchiha Baba Kaguya and the others were born. I want to take advantage of this time to go to other worlds first.

"Answer the host, now that the conditions are not met, the teleportation cannot be started, and the next world cannot be entered."

"Conditions? What are the conditions? How can I enter the next world? What will happen to this world after I enter the next world." Chen asked.

"Ding! Become the strongest player in this world, complete all the main tasks in this world, the world is destroyed, any completion can allow the host to enter the next world. After entering the next world, the host will follow the flow of time in that world. Changes correspondingly change the flow rate of this world. It is possible that you will only have one day in this world after ten years in the new world, and vice versa."

"Is that so?" Chen felt his chin thoughtfully: "Help me see what my current main task is." Thinking about it this way, Chen realized that he hadn't received a task from the system for a long time, and had no points before. The source of's can only get points by doing system tasks, and now a random war can make Chen become full, and he also dispelled the mind of doing tasks, but he did not expect that this would actually restrict him from teleporting to The imprisonment of the next world.

"Ding, the main task of the current host: 1. Obtain the ten-tailed chakra, task status: completed; 2. Defeat and seal the six roads with soil, six spots, the unblocked Kaguya Ji, task status: not completed; 3. Wipe In addition to the ninja profession, the ninja profession is erased from the Naruto world, mission status: unfinished; 4. Become the king of the world and rule the entire Naruto world, status: unfinished..."

Looking at the task list given by the system, the cold sweat on Chen's forehead couldn't help but come out. The previous one is easy to understand, but what the **** is that erasing the ninja career? Could it be that all the ninjas were killed? Wouldn't it be that he himself would be killed?

"This task is explained as letting no one in Naruto World survive as a ninja, whether it is to wipe out everyone by force or to solve it by other means."

Speaking of this, Chen thought of Madara's unlimited monthly reading plan, and hurriedly asked the system a question. After getting an affirmative answer, he smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, which almost understood the meaning of the system.

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