"Let you see, "Black Secret Skill. Funny three people" give it to me!" The puppet master roared, controlling the puppet to rush towards Chen.

"Hey!" Chen saw the puppet rushing over, and Chen gritted his teeth to greet him. Fight with the bullhead puppet in an instant. And the smaller puppet always sneaked at Chen from time to time. The last puppet with long arms made long-range attacks from a distance, not only could shoot Qianben towards Chen, but also the arm could stretch to contain Chen.

"The three puppets cooperated so tacitly. The larger bull-headed puppet attacked the opponent from the front, while the long-armed puppet made a long-range attack to contain the opponent. The short puppet is very agile and always in the most suitable position. When it appears, it will give a fatal attack to the opponent, and it will flee away if it misses it. It is equivalent to an assassin. It is really tricky, is the work of the Red Sand Scorpion? It is indeed a genius to be able to make such an excellent puppet!" Chen While avoiding the attacks of the puppets, thinking about countermeasures, "These puppets are controlled by the puppet masters with chakra lines. Attacking them is of no use, unless they can be broken by one blow. It seems to find a chance. Just get close to the puppet master and kill him!"

"Haha! Very good at hiding! I see how long you can hide!" The puppet master said arrogantly while watching Chen Zheng avoiding the attack of the puppet in embarrassment.

"Hey! A few puppets even dared to be arrogant. If the tiger doesn't show off your power, will you treat me as a sick cat? The system, give me a strange force punch!"

"Physique. Strange power, item type: talent, item level: A-level, need to exchange points: 5000, do you want to exchange it?"


"Successful redemption, deduction of points: 5000, remaining points of the host: 36,843."

It was still a warm current, melted into Chen's body, and a message appeared in his mind.

"Physique. Strange power requires precise chakra control techniques to concentrate chakra on any part of the body, and then burst out, forming super destructive power."

At this time, the assassin's puppet took advantage of Chen to read the information in his brain, and attacked Chen again, but this time Chen did not evade any more, but threw a fist against the puppet.

"Get out of here!" With a roar, he hit the assassin's puppet with a punch.

"Kacha!" The assassin puppet was directly crushed by Chen and scattered on the ground.

"Nani! How could it be..." the puppet master shouted in disbelief as he looked at the puppet that was crushed by a punch.

"Huh!" Chen didn't care about the puppet master's mood, and rushed to the puppet master directly.

"Damn! Do you want to attack me? I won't let you succeed!" The puppet master saw Chen Zheng rushing towards him, and he could see through Chen's intention at a glance. He didn't feel sorry for the shattered puppet anymore. The bullhead puppet pulled back to protect himself, and controlled the long-armed puppet to shoot Qianben to stop Chen.

Chen dodged his thoughts of Qianben, and at the same time used the shark's snake hand. The transformed giant snake flexibly captured the long-armed puppet, dragged it directly in front of Chen, and was beaten by Chen with a punch. NS.

"But... Damn it!" The puppet master panicked a bit. At this time, he was only left with a melee bullhead puppet. After seeing Chen attacked, he could only control the bullhead puppet to defend, but was again Chen exploded with a punch.

"Hey~~ It's your turn next, is there any Red Secret Skill, White Secret Skill?" Chen grinned and walked slowly towards the puppet master.

PS: I originally wanted to write about the scene of the fight with the puppet master, but I also went to watch the duel between Chiyo and the Red Sand Scorpion, and found that the puppets were all broken by one punch. There is nothing to look at. I couldn't write it out, so I had to take it over! Don't worry about it, everyone! In addition, I have no face to beg you for rewards, just flowers! Seeking collection! …

Chapter Thirty-Three: Taking the Head of Maoyue Xiyan

"Ding! The host kills a Shangnin, rewards 5000 points, all host points: 41,843."

"Hey! To the careless, Surely Shinobu is much stronger than Super Shinobi. I didn't expect it could cause me harm before I was dying. If it weren't for the systematic detoxification pills, I would be a corpse now. Chen looked at the wound on his arm that was stabbed by Kuwu, and said with a little fear. "It seems that I have to exchange for some more powerful ninjutsu. Now I only have Lei Dun, Shulker Snakeman and finger spears that can be used as attack moves, too few."

"System, how many points does Kaleidoscope write round eyes need to redeem?"

"Kaleidoscope writing round eyes, item level: S grade, need to redeem points: 100000, this exchange must first have three gou jade writing round eyes. Host points are insufficient, can not be exchanged!"

"Is it that expensive? It is clearly an S-level item like Fei Lei Shen, but the price is ten times higher." Chen thought depressed after hearing the system's answer. "Why is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye so expensive? Because the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has more potential and more practicality than the flying god. And the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is a combination item, which contains multiple S-level skills."

"Is it the power of a kaleidoscope?"

"Yes, but the ability of the kaleidoscope exchanged by the system will be defaulted to reading the Amaterasu of the left eye and the right eye, and both eyes must be no more."

"Isn't this the ability of Itachi's kaleidoscope in the original book? In this case, can it be exchanged for other kaleidoscope abilities?"

"Yes, the host can have multiple kaleidoscope writing round eyes at the same time."

"That's good! Then take advantage of this opportunity to save more points, plus the 50,000 points rewards you get after this task is completed, you should be able to redeem the kaleidoscope! At that time, you don't have to be so cautiously pretending to be stupid. I'm so stunned, I don't need to be afraid that Danzang will come to him anymore."

"The system, help me restore my strength and Chakra." After the system helped Chen recover, Chen immediately ran to another battlefield. After that, Chen's figure has been active in every corner of Konoha. Wherever there is an enemy, he will appear there, always leaving immediately after killing the enemy to find new enemies. Relying on the function of the system to restore Chakra, Chen seems to be like a machine that never knows that he is tired. There are countless Otonin and Sand in his hands, but most of them are middle and lower ninjas, and high-level ninjas. Four of them were already beheaded by him, and none of the Otonin and Sandamen who were met by him were spared, all turned into his points, and Chen's body also suffered several injuries. Although Chen has mastered a lot of powerful ninjutsu, but because it is the first actual combat, so the actual combat experience is insufficient, there is no pressure to deal with Xia Ren and Zhong Ren, but if you deal with Shang Ren, Chen will feel very difficult, and Chen is also She suffered a loss in the duel with several Shangren, and the injuries on her body were also left by the opponent desperately when dealing with Shangren.

"System, check how many points I have!" Chen was sitting on a corpse of Otonin at this time, and said slightly exhausted. Obviously, he had just gone through a battle, and there were corpses scattered around him. , Are all people from Sand Shinobu and Otonin.

"The amount of all points of the host: 86043, whether to open the redemption interface."

"No, help me restore my chakra and stamina first."

"Ding! Successful redemption, deducted 2000 points, remaining points: 84043. ""Ah~~ cool!" After the system recovered Chakra and physical strength, Chen felt relaxed, as if she had just woke up, and she stretched out comfortably. A lazy waist.

"You have to kill another Shangren to complete the mission. Fortunately, there is a system that can restore Chakra and physical strength. After such a long battle, it is really overwhelming! I really don’t know the people who fight for days and nights at every turn. What kind of monster it was! That three-generation Raikage used his own power to forcibly block 10,000 enemy ninjas, and he died of exhaustion after fighting for three days and three nights. It was a personal beast. Forget it, don’t forget about this, the most important thing is to finish the task quickly!"

Then he stood up and continued to search for the enemy. However, when passing the Zhongnin selection field, Chen ran over after discovering some conditions. It turned out that there were two groups of people holding each other. One of them was Konoha's Kakasi, Kai, and Shiranui Genma, the examiner of the Zhongnin trials. There are only two people on the other side, one is Ninja Maki from Sand Ninja Village, and the other is in Konoha's Anbe costume, with a mask on his face, I can't tell who it is!

Kakashi and the others also discovered Chen. Kai said to Chen: "Oh! I'm seeing you again, brother!" "Yeah!" Chen said without speaking, and nodded. Then he looked at Mackey and another mysterious person on the opposite side.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Another enemy has come, it seems that I have to retreat!" At this moment, the mysterious man dressed up as Anbe spoke with a relaxed tone. Although he was facing the four ninjas of Konoha, he didn't hear the nervousness in his tone.

Kakashi was about to say something, but something happened to the huge Four Purple Flame Formation behind him, the barrier was lifted, and then two Otoninja ninjas were leaving with Osamaru, followed by two other ninjas. Mingyin forbearance. There were three Konoha's Anbe who planned to pursue them, but they were trapped by a spider web released by Otonin.

"Kakashi, they have already acted, are they chasing?"

"No, wait a minute."

"Yeah, if you chase after you before you can figure out the above situation, you will be caught in the enemy's trap!" At this moment, the mysterious person dressed up in Anbe spoke to him.

"You don't need to say that I also know that no matter whether the enemy has set a trap or not, you can't let the enemy go now. This is Konoha's ninja!" Kai retorted the mysterious man on the opposite side.

"They'll leave it to you, I'm going to catch up!" Chen dropped a word, and ignoring Kakashi's reaction, he chased up in the direction of Oshe Maru.

"Then... Have you been on the sidelines as a result? Pocket!" After Chen left, Kakashi stepped forward and looked at the mysterious person on the opposite side.

"Sure enough, I was seen through!" The mysterious man took off the mask from his face, and it was the pharmacist's pocket!

"Hey! What should we do now?" Maji whispered to the pharmacist beside him.

"We should retreat too!"

Kakashi saw that the pharmacist wanted to retreat, and immediately said, "Do you want to run away from me again?"

"It's true. If I do, you will copy my moves. In other words, you seem to be unable to give full play to the writing round eyes like the Uchiha clan!" Tou looked at the three Kaminin in front of him with a relaxed tone . No nervousness at all.

"Then, goodbye!" Pharmacist smiled weirdly, and then made a seal with Maji at the same time.

"Boom!" The two of them had lifted their shadow clones, turning into a cloud of smoke, and disappeared without a trace.

"Damn it, they ran away!" Kai felt very distressed when he saw that Yao Shitou had escaped in front of his own eyes.

"Don't worry about them, the barrier has disappeared, and Oshemaru has also retreated. The situation on the third generation side is unknown. Let's go to the third generation first!" Xuanjian and Kai quickly followed.

On the other side, Chen who was going to chase Oshemaru stopped on the trunk of a big tree.

"The current Oshe Maru should have been sealed by three generations with ghouls, and her arms are sealed, and it seems to be very weak, should we take this opportunity to kill Uncle Snake?" Chen was a little moved, after all, Oshe Maru He is a veteran movie-level powerhouse, and he will definitely get a lot of points if he kills him, and there is also a reward for that hidden mission!

"Forget it, Dashemaru is famous for its life-saving ability. In the original book, all villains receive a box lunch. Only Uncle Snake still survives until the end. Let’s not say whether Dashewan has any trump cards. , The sound of the four people around him are also quite tricky. They are all able to use the second state of the curse seal. It will be impossible to kill them in no time. If there is another pharmacist pocket, then I But it’s troublesome! When the murder is not successful, it will attract the attention of Da She Wan. It will not be worth the loss, and I don’t want to change the plot!" Chen thought for a while, and immediately rejected the idea of ​​taking advantage of the fire. "Uncle Snake has retreated." Now, his subordinates, Onin and Shayin, are also about to retreat. They must hurry up and kill one of them."

Just when Chengang was about to find the mission target, an Otonin suddenly came into his sight. The left arm of that Otonin was hanging weakly, and he was pressing his left arm with his right hand, obviously injured. . The Ming Yin Ren was approaching Chen in a panic unscrupulously, as if someone was chasing him behind, so the Ming Yin Ren did not notice Chen.

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