"By the way, I haven't seen my kaleidoscope writing round eyes yet!" Thinking of the kaleidoscope just exchanged today, Chen couldn't wait to see it!

Chen found a mirror at home and moved his mind.

"Kaleidoscope writes round eyes!"

Then, Chen's eyes changed. First, the three gouyu jade writing round eyes appeared, and then the three gouyu jade quickly turned, and then formed a six-pointed star pattern, which appeared in Chen's eyes.

"Is this my kaleidoscope? How is it so similar to Sasuke's kaleidoscope in the original book? Is it because we are twins?" Chen looked at his kaleidoscope in the mirror, and a message appeared in his mind.

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye: It is the blood succession limit of the Uchiha clan. It is the most advanced mode of writing wheel eye. Each kaleidoscope writing wheel eye will have a special ability, which will produce different abilities according to different eye openers. Since the host's writing wheel is exchanged by the system instead of being opened by itself, the host's kaleidoscope ability system will default to the left-eye moon reading right-eye Amaterasu, and both eyes must be Zonoh.

Monthly Reading: The advanced illusion that can only be used by the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye. No one can resist except the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye of the Uchiha clan. This technique will move the opponent's spirit to another world, the time and quality of this world is completely controlled by the caster himself. The time in the fictional world is only a moment in the real world. This technique may cause the opponent to mentally collapse, and the degree of damage caused can also be controlled by the caster. It is a very dangerous illusion technique, only when the eyes are facing each other. Will have an effect.

Amaterasu: The advanced ninjutsu that can be used only by the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel, summons a black flame from the center of the sun at the focal point of the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel, which can burn everything out and never extinguish before the target is destroyed. .

Susano: You must have a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and master the fusion of the left eye pupil power and the right eye pupil power at the same time to master the power of opening. (I really can't find a relevant introduction about Suzuo Nenghu."

"Hey~ Is this the full ability of my kaleidoscope to write round eyes? It is completely the same as Itachi's ability! But it's not bad, now I don't have to worry about being scared, even without the shelter of the village, I can still In the Ninja world, even if Danzo sends his "root" to chase me, I will let him come back and never return. Everything is ready, only Dongfeng is owed. Now I am waiting for the four people of Yinnin to come. I abducted Sasuke away, and I will leave the village with them when the time comes, and give Konoha's man-made Tatsumi to be taken away by Sasuke, so there will be a lot of trouble less."

Although Ichichin’s current strength will no longer be afraid of Konoha, it will be very troublesome if this is the case. Anyway, Tatsun is also a resident of Konoha. If the people of Konoha realize that Tatsun is escaping from Konoha by himself Someone will definitely want to bring Chen back. At that time, Chen will not be at peace, so let's keep it for as long as you can!

"Heh~~" After releasing the kaleidoscope writing wheel, Chen, who had nothing to do, yawned and went on to sleep.

PS: Do you think the plot is too fast, or the protagonist’s strength has increased too fast? If you have any suggestions, you may wish to add a group to discuss and discuss together. Also begging for flowers! Seeking collection!

Group: 475137322...

Chapter Thirty Five: The Trends of All Parties

The next day, it was a gloomy weather, as if it would rain heavily at any time, and the whole village was filled with a sorrowful atmosphere.

Sasuke got up early in the morning, put on a set of black underwear, and his expression also showed a touch of sadness. Sitting at the table in the living room, lowered his head not knowing what he was thinking, and Chen also sat on the other side of the table, yawning from time to time, as if he had not slept enough.

At this time, Haruno Sakura, a member of the same group as Sasuke, came to Sasuke, with the same black clothes and black pants, with the same sad expression.

"Sasuke..." Haruno Sakura wanted to say something to Sasuke, but saw Sasuke wave his hand, so she didn't continue. Then he glanced at Chen who was sitting on the other side with complicated eyes. Although it was fleeting, Chen still saw disgust in her eyes, disgust for Chen.

"Let's go." Sasuke stood up and walked directly outside. After Sasuke walked out, Haruno Sakura looked at Tatsun again, this time without hiding her eyes, as if looking at shit. generally.

"Uchiha Tatsuno, I don't care if you understand it or not. In short, I won't let you be with Ino anyway. You are an idiot who is not worthy of Ino." After speaking, he ignored Tatsun's reflection. Ran after Sasuke.

"Hey! There is something wrong, this wide forehead is too wide, I really think I am a human being, idiot!" Chen hated this Haruno Sakura in his previous life.

At this time, on the roof of the Hokage office building, a group of people were gathering, all in black clothes and black pants, silent. There was a sense of sadness in the whole crowd, all looking at a long table in front. A row of photos was placed on the table, and in the middle of the row was one that was larger than the others. The photo turned out to be Konoha's third-generation Hokage, Sarutobi Hisaki.

At this time, it rained heavily in the sky.

"It's raining."

"Did God even cry?" Sarutobi Asma looked at the falling rain and said sadly.

"This funeral is to mourn the three generations of Hokage who died in this battle and other victims." The three generations of the same teammate, Mito Menyan who served as Konoha's consultant, said to the people below, and then asked them to come forward and present flowers. .

"Why? Why did the three generations of grandfather die like this? Why..." Looking at Konohamaru who was crying next to him, Naruto was full of sadness.

Ninjas cannot express their feelings under any circumstances. They must give priority to tasks, and they must not cry anyway.

"Teacher Iruka, why can people... bet their lives for others?" Naruto returned to the crowd after putting down the white flowers and said to Iruka next to him.

"After a person dies alone, everything will disappear. His past, present, and future will disappear. Many people die in missions or wars, and die easily, and Haifeng is one of them. Among these dead, Some people also have dreams, and everyone has what they cherish the most. Parents, brothers, friends, lovers. They are all very important people to themselves, trust each other and help each other. From the very beginning, I feel like myself The most important person has a bond, and this bond will become more and more determined as time passes. This does not require any reasoning. People who have this bond will definitely do it, because he is worth cherishing. People."

"Well, I think I can understand this feeling, but... death is really painful."

"The three generations of Hokage did not sacrifice in vain. He left us some important things. One day you will understand these principles."

"Yeah! I seem to understand this."

Although the mourning over there has already begun, Kakashi was not there, but came to Konoha’s memorial monument alone. The sky was already raining heavily, and there was a sound of footsteps behind him, a long purple hair Woman holding a bunch of white flowers, standing behind Kakashi.

"Is it for Hayate?" Although Kakashi didn't look back, Kakashi knew who came. "The funeral of the three generations has already begun, we must hurry up."

"Senior Kakashi also came to see the soil? Since you are always looking for a reason for being late, why can't you come earlier?" Yuyue Xiyan put the white flower in her hand in front of the memorial monument, and knelt on the monument with her hands folded. forward.

"I came here early in the morning. It's just that every time I come here, I keep berating myself for being too stupid..." Kakashi wanted to turn around and wanted to leave.

"Senior, does Hokage-sama still have a secret team?" Uzuki Yuyan suddenly thought of something and stood up and asked Kakashi, who was about to leave.

"Confidential group?" Kakashi turned around and looked at Uzuki Yuyan suspiciously: "I have worked in Anbe for many years, and I have never heard of a confidential group."


"Why do you ask?"

"I ran into a strange Anbu while hunting down an enemy yesterday, claiming to be the secret force of Lord Naruto."

"Is it not that tall? I don't seem to be too old to hear the voice."

"Senior has seen it?"

"Yeah! At first I thought he was Anbu, but later, I noticed that he didn't have the special flame tattoos on his arm, so he was not from Anbu."

"Not Anbu? Who would it be?"

"I don't know this, but he didn't seem to be malicious towards Konoha, but he saved a lot of people."

"Is that right?"

"Well, the three-generation memorial meeting is about to end, I'm going to pass." After Kakashi left a sentence, he ignored Uzuki Xiyan and walked towards the Hokage Tower on his own.

After that, the memorial service of the three generations ended, the sky cleared up, and Zhong Ren also left one after another. Iruka couldn't help but feel sentimental when looking at the figures of the small strong.

"Little Konoha of Konoha, three generations of adults, they all seem to have inherited what you said about the will of fire. The little kind of fire that fell on Konoha will burn blazingly one day, and they will continue to illuminate and protect. This village, one day...will become a new generation of Naruto."

On the road from Konoha to Sain, several Ninjas appeared, and one of them was Maki who confronted Kakashi and the others during Konoha's collapse plan.

"Found it!" A Sand Shinobu suddenly appeared in front of Maki and the others, and said to them.

"Go!" Then the sand ninja led the way, and Maki and the others followed the ninja and walked in one direction.

Several people came to a place and found several extremely decomposed corpses, all wearing ninja costumes in sand hidden, one of the corpses turned out to be an imperial robe, and a wind shadow hat.

"It has been dead for a long time, and I am afraid that Nakanobu was already dead before the exam began." A sand Ninja said to Maji who came over.

"That's it, it turns out that it's like this, that bastard, after killing Master Fengying, I was too careless to have Dashewan pretending to be Master Fengying."

On the other side, a dark secret room.

"Abominable Saruto fly." Oshemaru said bitterly. At this time, the soul of Oshemaru's arms had already been sealed by the ghoul.

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