Of course, Chen didn't just pay attention to the current situation of Baa Baa's practice during this week. Chen's wooden avatars scattered on various battlefields are constantly passing information on the battlefield to him. In the land of the earth, Tatsun’s wooden clone has successfully evoked the contradiction between Iwanin Village and Sunnin Village. In addition, his body had a big trouble in the country of the wind before, and the relationship between Iwannin and Sunnin is already at this moment. The situation is the same as the fire and water, if it weren't for a Konoha beside them, it might have already started fighting.

At this moment, in the battlefield of the kingdom of wind, the kingdom of earth, and the kingdom of fire, there are no longer allied ninjas. They are fighting each other, fearing each other's strength. This battlefield has been successfully muddled by Chen Jianghui, three Each country fought each other, but indirectly helped Konoha Village.

Originally, they needed to face a joint offensive from Sand Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village. Although it was not a disadvantage, it was definitely not an advantage. At this moment, the two countries turned against each other, which greatly eased the tension on the western front of the Land of Fire. After Chen found out, he couldn't help but laugh and laugh, but he didn't expect to let Konoha Village pick up a leak.

As for the Thunder Kingdom, the Mu clone did not pass the news. The three generations of Raikage in Yunren Village were too overbearing. Under the circumstances of restricting the use of Mu Dun and writing round eyes, the Mu clone did not have complete assurance that it could withstand the third generation of Raikage. , Can only figure it out slowly.

Chen is not the only one who is arranging something. In the dark corner, there is also a person who is also arranging some unknown plans. With a long sigh, the body of the person hiding in the dark ground bears it all. Shaking uncontrollably, the old body gradually became sturdy. The tube behind him continuously conveyed vitality and Chakra. His pale hair was turning black and full at a speed visible to the naked eye. The wrinkled face is gradually replaced by smooth skin.

Uchiha Madara stood up and waved his hand. Hei Jue slowly revealed the prototype from behind, holding a bright red armor from the Warring States period in his hand. Madara stretched out both hands and put on the armor that belonged to him back then under Hei Jue's service.

"Did you find someone?" Uchiha Madara wrote lightly, twisting his neck.

"It has been determined that the person is in the country of Sichuan, and the specific location has not been detected. This person is very cunning. Recently, he has not used chakra at all and cannot rely on Chakra's perception to detect it. What is more, this person feels I have superb abilities. I can’t get close and probe. I can only follow him far away. After a period of time, I lose track of him. I can only roughly determine that the person is within the territory of the country of Sichuan and has not yet left the scope of the country of Sichuan.” Heijue replied respectfully.

"Waste..." Madara said disdainfully. The cold voice is no longer full of oldness as before. Once again, Madara regained his youth, and even his mentality became younger. No longer cautious, but become as arrogant as before. The eternal kaleidoscope in his eyes wrote that the eyes of the wheel slowly turned, raised his head and smiled strangely: "I hope you can let me play longer, so that it won't be in vain that I spent so much money using these last three times to become younger. Opportunity."

It should be understood that there is no limit to the youthfulness of the spots. The severely injured spots will begin to heal themselves to varying degrees after getting the intercolumnar cells. Especially after he completely merged the cells between the pillars, the face between the pillars appeared on his body, and it also slowed down the speed of aging, but people will eventually become old. In order to be able to live longer, Madara eliminated those unnecessary things, allowed himself to grow old in advance, began to accumulate energy, and waited for a critical time to change back again.

However, Madara's injury was too serious, and his age was too old. He had only three chances to become younger due to such a go around. This time he hoped to meet Uchiha Tatsumi, so Madara used one opportunity decisively.

"Mu Dun, writing round eyes..." Ban whispered softly, "Is this another sign of the birth of the new reincarnation eye? Isn't the reincarnation eye that only one person can have in the world?"

"Master Madara... has finished sorting it out." At this time, Kurojutsu stepped forward to remind him at the right time, interrupting Uchiha Madara's contemplation.

Blob nodded, did not say anything, raised his hand to signal Hei Jue to lead the way, and then followed Hei Jue and galloped towards the position of the Kingdom of the River.

Their secret base is not in the country of water nor in the country of rain. It is located in the central area of ​​the country of fire. It is still a little bit away from the country of river. When Kurozutsu and Uchiha Madara arrive in the country of river At that time, just when the dusk fell, the two of them stopped rushing, instead they chose to build a wooden house in the forest by Madara and take a rest for a night.

When they got up early the next morning, the two continued on their way. The ninjas Uchiha Madara I met along the way are not at all polite. Whether they are the sand ninja or Konoha ninjas, they can't escape after encountering Uchiha Madara. They are torn away by Uchiha Madara alone. Treated as Mu Dun's fertilizer.

Chapter 509: Tracking

"It's here." Black and White Jie led Uchiha Madara in a gallop, without stopping halfway, until he came to the place where the former general of the country was stationed and now was destroyed by Tatsun. He pointed to the ruins and said to Uchiha Tatsumi: "I perceive the existence of that person from this place. This was originally the place where the ineffective samurai of Kawa no Kuni was stationed. I don't know why I offended that person, was destroyed and burned by that person, and became what it is now. I only dared to sense from a distance. That person was too sensitive. I tried to follow up a little bit before, but only when I stepped forward a little bit, I was sensed by that person. Fortunately, the person didn’t do anything after perceiving me. I I was able to escape, and then only dared to follow far behind, never thinking of going forward."

After listening to the black and white report carefully, Uchiha Madara walked forward, merged his hands together, held his five fingers together to form the word "巳", then placed his hands on the ground, slowly closed his eyes, and slowly began to perceive this place. There have been wars.

Although more than a week has passed, the chakra after Uchiha Tatsuhatsu performed ninjutsu here did not completely disappear with the passage of time. There are still traces of Uchiha Tatsuki's chakra here, although it is very small, it can still be noticed.

Madara was not impatient, but slowly perceiving, he knew that he would not be aware of it for a while. I don’t know how long it was. Uchiha Madara suddenly opened his eyes. He caught an unfamiliar but familiar fire-attribute chakra breath. This chakra breath was very familiar, because he learned from this subtle fire attribute. The chakra felt the evil and ominous smell. It was obvious that, except for the cursed Uchiha clan, no one's chakra breath was so evil and ominous. It's unfamiliar, but it's because this chakra belongs to the Uchiha clan, so Madara can't guess who it is. Nowadays, most of the Chakra breath spots of the Uchiha clan powerhouses are familiar, but this breath is unheard of and unseen.

"It's weird, huh?" Uchiha Madara whispered. Could it be that another unknown genius has appeared in the family? Or is it a tribe who is particularly good at forbearance? It's no wonder that Madara thinks this way. There are only a few Shadow Rank powerhouses in the clan, Madara knows them, but it's obviously not them.

After thinking for a while, Uchiha Madara slowly stood up, turned to look at Black and White and nodded and said: "It is indeed from the Uchiha clan. No one has this ominous chakra breath except for the Uchiha clan. "However, what Madara didn't say is that he also sensed the extremely evil power from this breath, which seemed to be very similar to the breath of the external golem that maintained his vitality.

After squinting black and white, Uchiha Madara faintly said, "Is this the last time you sensed his existence?"

"Yes... My clone was discovered by him when he wanted to get closer. It seems that because of the clone, he didn't make a move, allowing my clone to escape and pass on the information." head.

"Then where did you first sense that person was?"

"In the desert of the Kingdom of Wind... While fighting Shigeru Hagaki and the Pig Deer Butterfly in Konoha Village. It was at that time that I sensed his existence for the first time, and then dispatched Bai Jue clone to follow him all the way. . But..." Nepenthes frowned slightly, trying to say something, but closed his mouth abruptly.


After thinking about it, Hei Jue shook his head and continued: "Perhaps it is an illusion, I am not sure, I always feel that his strength is qualitatively improved than when I first met him. I don't know why. , The aura on his body when I first met him made me feel terrible, but the strength he showed was far from his aura, but this time, although he simply released a fierce fireball technique, The threat he poses to me is even greater. It stands to reason that a person cannot have such a big change in strength in just one day... This should be an illusion."

Hearing the Nepenthes say this, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but smile, and smiled as he had an illusion. After all, it is difficult for a person's strength to break through after reaching a certain level. This requires a lot of changes over time. Can cause qualitative changes. Unless it is an adventure, it is impossible to say that someone's strength has such a large span in a day. Is it possible to have an adventure every day? Uchiha Madara couldn't comment on this, he was too cautious about black and white.

"It seems that the decision I made this time is correct." Madara wrapped her hands around her chest, her long black hair fluttering in the wind, and raised her eyes to look at the blue sky, whispering: "Mu of the Uchiha clan Escape user? Huh, it’s kind of interesting. If the column is still there, maybe he will drop his chin. With his temperament.” Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but start to cherish his old friends and enemies, “I really want to go there for a while. Meeting him, things are getting more and more interesting."

As he said, he turned and looked at Black and White Jue said: "The plan has changed. You continue to stir up the conflict between Five Ninja Villages. I will find that guy and meet him by the way. If his strength is good, I will not Mind letting him join our plan, after all..." At this point, Madara's voice gradually lowered: "I don't know if he has any immediate family members, otherwise..."

Madara did not say the following words, but Black and White knew what he meant, with a weird look, and looked at him with a smile on his Nepenthes-like face, "You are worried that he will not have the eyes of his immediate family members after opening the kaleidoscope. Will the transplant be blinded... In this case you won't get his eyes."

Madara said coldly: "What do I want his eyes to do..." He glanced at Heijue, the circle of eyes in the eyes that represented the reincarnation eye exudes a meaningful mood, as if to warn Heijue to let him. Don't do things behind his back.

"Although I'm old, I still have the strength to kill you. You'd better rest a little bit." Uchiha Madara said in an unsalted tone, and didn't put the black and white in his eyes at all.

"Ha... ha ha ha... how could it be possible." Heizue separated his head from Bai Zetsu's body, with an embarrassed face, and said to Uchiha Madara with a smirk: "Master Madara, I am yours. Will, wherever your fingertips point is where I am going, how could I make small moves behind your back."

Chapter 510: Uchiha Madara's Arrival

Uchiha Madara looked at Heijue coldly, and chuckled, "He hasn't said anything yet, Heijue has begun to show his loyalty here. In all likelihood, this guy has a ghost in his heart. "

But Madara did not point out this point. Heijue claimed to be his will. Madara has no doubt about this. After all, the inscription that can only be seen by the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye can't be faked. This is the point alone, Madara. It is impossible to doubt Heijue, he only doubts whether Heijue has done some unknown activities behind him, such as power or something, as long as it is a conscious creature, it will subconsciously chase it.

Uchiha Madara doesn't mind Kazuki's pursuit of power. To subvert the entire Ninja world, he needs not only Madara's strength, but also the cooperation of his subordinates. It is impossible to win by a lonely person. Kazuki is stronger, and he is the best. The owner Uchiha Madara is more convenient.

"Let's go..." Hearing this notice, Uchiha Madara turned and left. His purpose of coming out has been half achieved, and now as long as he finds Chen, then his purpose of coming out this time will be completely completed.

"You go back first, remember to grasp the relationship between the countries. Now Konoha's is too strong, unless Shinin Village joins forces, otherwise there is no way to put pressure on Konoha Village." Uchiha Madara sighed slightly. With a sound, Konoha is so strong now that a large part of the credit actually owes to him. I think there were two soldiers between him and Senjuzu. One headed north and the other headed south, heading for other Shinobu villages. They didn’t bring any subordinates. There were only two of them. Madara headed north to the land of the earth. , The country of clouds, the country of water advance, and the pillars advance toward the country of Taki, the country of rain, and the country of wind.

It may be the reason Madara is too strong. One person almost crippled the country of soil, the country of clouds, and the country of water. After that, there have been two more wars, and it has not recovered until now.

Back in the day, Uchiha Madara alone became an army, standing at the gate of Iwanin Village, the first generation Dokage and the second generation Dokage didn't even dare to let go, so he could only carefully guard against Uchiha Madara's attack.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but shook his head, with a nostalgic expression on his face. Back then, he and Senjujuma were both enemies and friends, and co-founded Kinabamura. Although the two parted ways because of disagreement in their ideas, he still believed that only Zhuma was qualified to be his enemy in this world.

Hei Jue nodded, "Recently, Iwanin Village and Sand Ninja Village have begun to have some trouble. It seems that the person is instigating the discord, and other fronts seem to have begun to appear subtle deviations, which has deviated from our expected plan. "

Hearing this, Madara thought for a while. He told him the news once before Heijue, but he didn’t attract attention at first. He thought it was just a small fight, but I didn’t expect that the people of Iwanobu and Sanda were too stupid. , I didn’t understand such obvious means of arguing. Did they grow up eating **** or eating gold?

Frowning, Uchiha Madara did not stop, but said as he walked: "I don't care about this matter. Since the matter has been settled and handed over to you, it is your business. I only want the results and the process. Care, remember, I only look at the final result.” With that, Uchiha Madara gave a cold look at the black and white, and the killing intent in his eyes was already obvious. This was to tell them both, those who did not follow the script. , Then all clear the stage.

Black and White nodded, seeing that Uchiha Madara didn't mean to stay, his figure gradually sank, slowly dived into the earth, and disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

"And... those who are picking things up, follow up at any time..." Ban said casually, and didn't care if Hei Jue had left. After saying this, he stepped out and left here.

After a while, there was a wave of waves on the originally calm ground, and a pitcher plant-like head protruded from the soil. Looking at the direction Uchiha Madara was leaving, his eyebrows were frowned, and he fell into endless contemplation.

But it was said that Uchiha Madara was walking on the road, thinking carefully about Uchiha Tatsumi's questions, and the more he thought about it, the more he found it very interesting. His Mu Dun still bit a piece of his flesh and blood because of the battle with Zhu Jian. After his injury recovered, he obtained Mu Dunxian's human body and opened the eyes of reincarnation. He really couldn't understand how Chen's Mu Dun was. own.

"Could it be that Konoha's people used the cells between the pillars to perform in vivo experiments?" Uchiha Madara immediately ruled out this idea: "No, no, no, how could Konoha group of hypocritical guys perform such in vivo experiments... "Because of the previous perception, Madara can be sure that Tatsun is a Uchiha clan talent with this assumption.

"Huh..." Madara chuckled, "It's getting more and more interesting." After finding that he couldn't figure it out, Madara didn't think about it anymore. Since he didn't know it, just just ask. He thinks that with his current strength, not to mention fighting the entire Ninja Realm, he can still deal with more than a dozen shadow-level powerhouses, but it is only a mere Mu Dun plus writing round eyes, that is, a weakened version of himself, single At this point, Madara is already invincible, and what should be worried about is his enemy.

Although I don’t know where the person he wanted to find, Madara, with his super perceptual ability and the guidance of his sixth sense, unknowingly, he actually moved towards the little girl where Uchiha Tatsu was. Flying here from the mountain village.

However, Uchiha Tatsumi was still teaching his two precious apprentices at this time.

"Meow! Be serious... Don't look around, it's you, you are not allowed to be lazy, and you are not allowed to be lazy when practicing physical skills, and you are also bleed, so do you, don't always be run by your sister. If she is not obedient, you will follow Are you not obedient?" Uchiha Tatsu looks helplessly at the two little guys. Sure enough, no matter where they are, do little ghosts like to make trouble?

Since these two little guys have extracted Chakras, it seems that they have unlocked new achievements, and they have become more unscrupulous under the leadership of Miao Miao. Originally, it was just a little squad in the village, but now it can refine the chakras, and just like the rebellion, a "rebellious storm" has been set off in the village.

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