But Madara didn't know that Chen was also a person with reincarnation eyes. Madara's tomb round the edge of the prison in front of Chen is no different from Ying's clone.

Ignoring the shadow hiding on the side waiting for an opportunity to attack, Uchiha Tatsu raised his hand and headed towards Madara.

The long knife in his hand was swung, and with the power of thunder and lightning, the violent vigor hit Uchiha Madara.


Head-to-head Uchiha Madara is not Tatsun's opponent.

After facing each other, Ban Jing took three steps back, and Chen only swayed and stabilized.

"How could it be!" Madara's eyes widened!

Obviously they were still evenly matched before, but now why the gap is so big under the confrontation.

"It seems we have to show some real skills!"

Madara Uchiha folded his hands together and quickly formed seals. Two hands are like a butterfly through flowers.

"Fire escape, extinguish the fire!"

The violent fire dragon headed towards Uchiha Tatsumi. The wanton invading Uchiha Tatsumi with teeth and claws.

Chen who was far away could feel the violent breath from the fire dragon.

Like a horizontal sword, Uchiha Chen closed his eyes and didn't care about the fire dragon that was about to fall on him.

It's close!

The fire dragon raged, breaking through the obstruction of Mu Dun clone, and rushed to Uchiha Tatsun's face, close at hand, and he was about to fall on Tatsun's body.

Suddenly, Uchiha Tatsu opened his eyes suddenly.

"Seven days and seven nights, flashes!"

Uchiha Madara only felt a flower in front of his eyes, he didn't even know when Chen had the sword.

"So fast!"

A white light flashed in front of him.

A blade light flashed and disappeared, the sharp blade light tore the fire dragon of Madan, and the castration remained unabated. Only when Madan's two Mu Dun clones were cut off for life, did they slowly disappear.

During the whole process, Madara was just stunned and didn't move, or he didn't react at all.

Things that happen only in the blink of an eye.

"What kind of sword technique is this!" Madara squinted her eyes and looked at Uchiha Tatsu coldly.

"Konoha knife method."

"Nonsense! If I created the Konoha Sword Technique, I would not know? This is not any trick in the Konoha Sword Technique at all!"

Chen lightly snorted: "There are so many things you don't know about in this world. Do you think it's your old age? Old fellow, your age has passed. As a remnant party in the old age, you should rest assured Stay in the tomb!"

Tatsun didn't tell the truth to Madara. Indeed, this wasn't the Konoha sword technique, but it was quite interesting to tease Uchiha Madara like this, isn't it.

"Is it a remnant party in the old age?" Madara asked back, and then laughed: "It's really a good description, but just because of this, I want to make Uchiha Madara accept my fate. The old guys of the times come to teach you this younger generation, there are some things that I give you are yours, I don't give you, you can't grab them!"

Immediately, Uchiha Madara's eyes were cold, his hands were sealed, and after applying the Chakra attribute change on the two blades, he rushed towards Tatsumi.

"Hmph, what a stubborn old guy!" Chen lightly snorted, and also lifted the long knife in his hand and went away.

The two once again fought fiercely in the cave, interspersed with the bombardment of ninjutsu from time to time, which dazzled people.

Chapter 741: Revealing the Eyes of Reincarnation

The battle between the two makes people look a little dazzling, and countless dazzling-looking ninjutsu makes people unable to take their eyes off.

That exquisite swordsmanship, and the use of ninjutsu that you can't even imagine. If there is a ninja present at this moment, you will definitely be amazed at this scene.

"It turns out that ninjutsu can still be used like this?"

The battle between the two of them completely subverted the common sense of ninjutsu, and completely did not follow the ninjutsu routines. If they were not both very human, it would be impossible to avoid such an attack.

Such a fight is completely at a disadvantage for Madara Uchiha. The Chakra in Chen's body cannot be counted at all, and Madara has already passed the peak period. Even if he forces himself to recover, he cannot have it anymore. Physical fitness and Chakra volume at peak period.

Therefore, in the course of the match, Uchiha Madara's chakra is inevitably missing.


After the fight was separated again, Uchiha Madara quickly retreated, gasping for breath. The situation seemed a little uncomfortable, the amount of Chakra in his body was a bit precarious, but looking at Uchiha Tatsumi's appearance, it seemed that he could do it with ease.

"How can the chakra in your body have such a huge chakra!" Uchiha Madara couldn't believe it. Why is Chen's physical strength as if he hasn't consumed the chakra until now, which is totally unreasonable.

Even in the Senjujuyama back then, there was no such a large amount of chakras.

You must know that the Senjujuan was called a human-shaped tail beast, and the amount of chakra in the body is completely the same as that of the tail beast. Even with the fairy mode, the amount of Chakra in the body is even greater.

It's exactly like a monster, but even so, the amount of Chakra in Qianshou Zhujian's body cannot be compared to Chen. After all, Chen is a Ten-tailed human Zhuli, and there is no shortage of Chakra in his body.

But Uchiha Madara didn't know, he thought it was Uchiha Tatsumi's talent, and the amount of Chakra in his body exceeded everyone's imagination. But at least there is a certain upper limit for the amount of chakras.

It is a pity that Chen's Chakra does not have the upper limit at all.

"Does it feel a little weird?" Tatsun looked at Uchiha Madara with a smile, and Madara felt the humiliation in his heart with mocking eyes.

Suddenly Madara seemed to think of something incredible.

"Could it be that you put the tail beast..." He stared at Uchiha Tatsumi, staring at Uchiha Tatsumi, as if expecting Uchiha Tatsumi to say the word no.

"Who knows?" Chen shrugged, neither affirmative nor negative.

"You..." Uchiha Madara took a deep breath, and then said with some negative testimony: "You won't really absorb all the tail beasts, right."

He doesn't believe that Chen absorbs all the tail beasts, although he has a kaleidoscope to write round eyes, and he also has a wooden escape, but this most important reincarnation eye has not seen Chen used it.

Although this possibility is not ruled out, at least Madara is unwilling to believe it.

After all, he has the reincarnation eye in this world, and Hei Jue said that only those who have been selected can have the reincarnation eye. Those who are not selected, even if they have the eternal kaleidoscope and wood escape, will not have the eye of reincarnation.

However, Madara who was deceived didn't know that Heijue deceived him all this, and he has been deceived by Heijue since he saw Heijue's revised stele.

This thought lasted in Madara's head for a long time, the fact that he couldn't believe it all the time, he was just deceiving himself and others.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Madara Kanchen's eyes changed. If it was Chen who absorbed the nine-headed beast and became the ten-tailed man, then the meaning would be very different.

At least for now, Madara will make plans for this conjecture.

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