Those shadow-level powerhouses couldn't move. As for the cannon fodder like Zhong Ren Jian Ren, let alone the cannon fodder, one by one lying on the ground couldn't get up at all.

"Ok... so strong!" everyone couldn't help but subconsciously thought.

Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty-Eight: A War Started by One Person Two

Feeling the powerful aura from Chen, everyone on the court couldn't help trembling, this...what kind of existence did they provoke?

Seeing that the court finally calmed down, Chen nodded in satisfaction and continued to speak: "I am not discussing with you, I am telling you, I! Uchiha Tatsuno! Unify the entire Ninja World!"

Until this time, everyone had to face up to what Uchiha Tatsu said.

Yes, this is not a discussion, this is an order! It's Chen who is sending a notice to them!

"Hmph! Don't be ashamed!" Although they knew Chen's strength was super strong, they couldn't sit still, and the fourth generation of Lei Ying snorted coldly.

Looking at Chen with hatred eyes, this time the tail beast was robbed, they suffered the most damage to the village. Not only did they lose two tail beasts, even his brother Kirabi is still lying down now. The bed cannot move.

None of the five shadows present did not hate Chen, and Lei Ying had the highest hatred for Chen.

"You don't seem to be convinced?" Chen glanced at the fourth generation of Lei Ying and said faintly.

After Uchihasatsu glanced like this, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai was a little guilty, flashed to the side, hiding behind other people, pretending to be nothing to do with me.

Although Ai said that he was hard-headed, he was not a fool. Knowing that the gap between the two was separated by a bottomless gully, how could he be so hard-headed to fight?

This is not the head iron, this is stupid.

"Humph!" Chen coldly snorted, not caring about the four generations of Lei Ying, but looked at everyone: "What else do you want to say?"

Everyone, look at me and I will look at you. In the end, the three generations of Tuying came forward to speak. After all, he has the oldest qualifications in Five Shadows. He has experienced World War I and World War II and three wars, and he is qualified to speak.

"I want to ask your Excellency, why did you want to rob the tail beasts in my village, and why did you initiate a war to unify the entire Ninja world? The tail beasts are the possessions of each of our villages. It doesn't seem to be in compliance, right?"

"Rules?" Chen sneered: "What does the rules or something have to do with me? My words are not rules? Wasn't the tail beast assigned to you by Senjue Zhuma? Then what is wrong with me taking it away? of."

"As for the unified Ninja world you said? Don't you think that the current Ninja world is too messy? In just a few decades, there have been three wars. It is nothing more than the fact that there are too many countries and are not conducive to rule. After the whole world is unified, Where can there be so much shit?"

"Nonsense! Each of our Ninja villages has its own traditions and characteristics. Although there are more disputes between various countries now, this is nothing. Anyway, our Wuyin Village will never let you succeed. Yes! Who knows what horrible idea you are fighting in your heart again!"

The fourth generation of Mizukage Kuraya has not been killed and controlled by Uchiha Madara at this time. Although he was also pulled away from the tail beast in his body by Tatsun, he is the shadow of a village. Although his strength has declined, he is not Can't move.

Cangshi looked at Chen with angrily eyes, it was too shameful, it was really shameful.

As a dignified water shadow, she was forcibly taken away by Uchiha Tatsu without knowing it, and pulled the tail beast away from her body. He didn't react until the tail beast in his body was pulled away. What kind of humiliation was this?

Even now, he dare not tell people how the tail beast in his body was pulled away. He can't tell people that when he wakes up, he finds that the tail beast in his body is gone, right?

It's embarrassing, isn't it?

"Aren't you just afraid that your own interests will be violated? What do you say so high-sounding." Chen sneered, these guys, don't Chen still know what they are thinking?

From that parallel world, Chen had seen this kind of guy long ago. He said that he was high-sounding, but he was full of dark sides in his heart. He was able to fight for a little bit of profit, making contributions to his own village.

In fact, it's just hard to let go of the power in your hands. If it hadn't been for the fact that Akatsuki's organization had grown bigger in the end, coupled with Uchiha Madara's deterrence, what's more, Sasuke had come to make a fuss during the Five Ninja Conference, they would not have united so easily.

Although they were all washed out in the end, it was unavoidable. That's what they thought in their hearts. Those dirty politicians.

A group of politicians, no matter how they pretend to be kind, can't hide the dirty deeds in their hearts.

Chen looked at them with a sneer, the reincarnation eyes suddenly widened, and the circles of the outline looked terrifying, and under Chen's sight, no one dared to look at them at all.

Not to mention Ai and Cangya, who had uttered gimmicks before. Under Chen’s intensive care, the two of them couldn’t raise their heads at all. If they weren’t strong in strength, I’m afraid they would be more tolerant than those. Not much better.

"I'll say it again, I'm not talking about discussions, I'm telling you. Do you understand?"

Wuying sighed lightly: "Then there is nothing to talk about?"






The five shadows roared together, Chakra surging in his body, and instantly broke free from the pressure of Chen's aura.

When everyone saw that their own shadows were so powerful, they couldn't help but boost their morale.

However, as my family knew about their own affairs, Wuying could clearly feel that while chakra was in the air, the intimidating coercion disappeared. It was obvious that Chen took the initiative to put it away.

It's just for them, it's impossible to break away from Chen's shackles so easily. "It looks like this is a fierce battle!" The five people looked at each other, and they all saw each other's helplessness and bitter smile in their eyes.

However, now that it is difficult to ride a tiger, the arrow has to be sent on the string, and things are unavoidable at this time.

"Everyone, I'm on it first!" The fourth generation of Raikage Ai glanced at the other people, and then bulged the chakra in his body, forming a blue-purple chakra coat on the body.

This is the unique ninjutsu of Yunnin Village, which can attach the thunder-attribute chakra in one's body to the body surface to form a layer of thunder-attribute chakra armor.

Not only can it greatly improve its own defensive capabilities, but it can also stimulate cells with the thunder attribute chakra, allowing itself to have faster and stronger speed power, combined with body arts to perform, and it is infinitely powerful.

"Lei Dun·Lei Li Hot Hoe!"

The fourth generation of Raikage suddenly rushed towards Uchi Ha Tatsu, his arm bent, and an imposing hammer toward Uchi Ha Tatsu.

The seven hundred and fortieth chapters: war with the world of Ninja

"Soil Escape·The Art of Light and Heavy Rock!"

Seeing the fourth generation of Raikage Ai aggressively rushing toward Uchi Hadatsu, where did the third generation of Tukage not know Ai's intentions?

With the distance between Ai and Uchiha Chen, it is impossible to attack Chen in a blink of an eye. The fighter is fleeting.

If they couldn't start before Chen didn't react, then they might be miserable afterwards.

In desperation, the three generations of earth shadows gave Ai a light and heavy rock technique in advance to bring his speed to a higher level.

"Secret Technique Chakra Line!"

Scorpion’s sharp eyes, seeing the movements of the three generations of Earth Shadow, plus Ai’s actions before, probably understood the two people’s intentions. His puppetry couldn’t help them, but he had a chakra line.

Shoot a chakra line under Ai's feet.

Ai took the opportunity to step on the Chakra line, and his figure rose again.

Seeing this, Hafeng Mizuno was not idle either, and threw two traits kunai towards Uchiha Tatsumi, one in front of Ai, and one went straight to Uchiha Tatsumi.

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