"Little monkey, I never seem to teach you to escape without a fight." A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the second generation of Hokage Thousands of Hands, and there was a hint of meaning in his tone.

"Although we can't get involved here, we can't just give up like this. We can't help in the main battlefield. We can go to other battlefields to build an advantage.

The Chakra he shared with others must have disappeared during the time when Naruto disappeared. I don’t know what the situation outside is like. We might be able to help them out in the past. "

After listening to Bo Feng Shuimen, his eyes lit up, his left hand slapped his right palm and he suddenly realized: "Yes! We can help other people. We also know how the situation there is now. At least a few of us will definitely be able to get out of the siege in the past. That's right."

Sarutobi thought for a while, feeling a little ashamed. To be honest, he really did not expect to go to other battlefields to support. In his opinion, as long as the main battlefield is settled, everything else does not matter. Solved easily.

"It's my fault. Teacher, you are right. Even if it is useless to stay on the main battlefield, we can go to other battlefields to help. I believe they must need our help at this moment."

Seeing Sarutobi's Chen Ken's appearance during the second generation of Hokage Chishouka, he nodded in satisfaction, with a teachable look on his face.

"Not much to say, let's take one step ahead, four generations, you are here, you need you more here!" Qianshou Jianma said to Hafeng Shuimen, and left with Sarutobi Hizen to cast the Thunder God technique.

It wasn't until the two of them left that Bofeng Shuimen all smiled. After they disappeared completely, Bofeng Shuimen sighed softly.

In fact, why doesn't he know the meaning of Qianshou Jianjian? With only one hand left, how much combat power can he exert?

Although other battlefields are not as dangerous as the main battlefield, they actually need more powerful people to help.

Even after Naruto shared Chakra with others, they couldn't solve the enemies on other battlefields. It is conceivable that the battlefield situation over there was so serious.

Although he was the fourth generation of Hokage, Konoha's golden glitter, but without a hand, even if he could make seals with one hand, he could not fully exert his strength.

It's better to stare here than this, his Flying Thunder God technique might still have a miraculous effect.

Thinking of this, Hafeng Mizumon and Hee couldn't help but have a trace of worry on their faces. They looked up at the two fighting Uchiha Madara, and muttered in their hearts: "Naruto, you have to come on, sure. To win!"

Even if Bo Feng Mizumen didn't want to admit it, the strength of Sasuke and Naruto had already surpassed them at this moment. He looked worriedly at the three fighting on the court. He wanted to help, but he didn't know where to start. .

The methods like before are definitely no longer suitable now, and Uchiha Madara, who is prepared, can no longer let them succeed. In desperation, Hafeng Mizuno had to step forward to Kakashi's side.

"Kakashi, what's going on with you?"

Kakashi opened a writing wheel, looked at Metkay with serious eyes, and shook his head solemnly: "The situation is not very good, although I don't know what Naruto used to continue Matkay's life. , But if you don’t get treatment in time, it’s still life-threatening."

"How could this happen?" Xiao Li was startled. He hadn't heard Kakashi say before. He suddenly heard what Kakashi said, and he couldn't help but anxiously said: "Ms. Kai!"

"Little Li, don't worry." Kakashi said to Xiao Li: "Kay is not life-threatening for the time being. As long as someone uses medical ninjutsu to maintain it, it won't be a serious problem, but even after the cure, it may be possible in this life. I can't be a ninja anymore."

"It doesn't matter." With tears in his eyes, Xiao Li's nose and tears flowed out, sadly said: "It doesn't matter, as long as Teacher Kai is fine, ninja, ninja or something, I believe Teacher Kai will see it in the future."

Even though he said that, everyone knows that this is just Xiao Li's self-comfort. A ninja doesn't matter even if he loses his life, but if you suddenly tell him that you can't be a ninja in this life. For him, it will be a fatal blow.

What's more, for a single-celled creature like Metkay, it can be said that a ninja is his life. If he can no longer be a ninja in this life, then what is the meaning of his life?

The fierce battle on the main battlefield is still going on. Uchiha Tatsu felt that he couldn't continue to do this now. It was meaningless to hide here. The situation in front of them seemed to have no idea when they were finished.

I don't know if Uchiha Madara realizes that without two reincarnation eyes, there is no way for him to perform unlimited reading.

"It seems we still have to make plans early." Uchiha Tatsumi stroked his chin, thinking carefully.

The most important thing now is to find Uchiha's soil and get his reincarnation eye in his hand, so that he can remain invincible.

As for where is the soil now? Tatsumi smiled slightly, and the two ordinary eyes suddenly turned into scarlet kaleidoscope writing round eyes, and Uchiha Tatsumi shouted in a low voice: "Shenwei!"

Uchiha Tatsuno's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

It's easy to find the Uchiha belt soil. Just follow the path of the gods to find it. It's easy to find it.

Although Chen's divine power space and the space with soil are not the same space, there is no intercommunication between different spaces, but this is of no use to Chen.

I don't know how many grades of pupil power Yichen is higher than, so it couldn't be easier to find the evaluation rate of the space with soil.


In the divine mighty space with soil, the soil was squatting halfway on the ground, panting, and in front of him was the last person of the seventh class, Sakura.

"In my life, although I have done a lot of wrong things, I don't regret it at all. Although we are still enemies, I still want to ask you to do one thing." Take the soil half squatting, controlling the body with difficulty. Heijue, try not to let him control his body.

Daido asked Sakura, "Although we are still enemies, I still want you to do me a favor."

Sakura looked at the soil, feeling a little unbearable, she whispered: "What? Tell me. I'm within my ability to do my best."

Chapter 771: Uchiha Tatsumi Appears

Sakura looked at the stubbornly supporting Uchiha with the soil, and felt a little unbearable. Although they were indeed unshakable enemies before this, Sakura couldn't refuse his request at this time.

"Just talk about it, as long as it's within the scope of my ability, I will promise you." Sakura said reluctantly.

Uchiha breathed hard with the soil, and when Sakura agreed to his request, a slight smile appeared on that somewhat distorted face, he said with a smile.

"My body has been controlled by Heijue. If I want to destroy this reincarnation eye, then the Heijue in my body will definitely not agree, so I can only ask for your help and destroy mine. This reincarnation eye!"

"What?" Sakura was a little surprised, but didn't expect Uchiha's request for soil to be this.

"Please hurry up... Hurry up, it’s already very difficult for me to control Heijue. After a while, I may not be able to control Heijue. Once that time, Heijue will definitely control my body and send the reincarnation eye Uchiha Madara's hands go."

"Ze... absolutely can't let Uchiha Madara get two reincarnation eyes." After Uchiha finished speaking, he felt a little short of breath. Heizue in his body also seemed to understand the current situation and began to struggle hard.

"Hurry, hurry! I can't help it anymore." Seeing that Sakura was not moving, Uchiha took the soil and shouted loudly at Sakura.

"I, I understand." Kozakura nodded, took out a kunai, clenched her hands, and tremblingly approached Uchiha's eyes with soil.

"Hey, you want to destroy the reincarnation eye, have you asked me?" At this moment, a strange laughter came from the soiled body, his other half body was strangely black, with a normal mouth grin. Open, the grown-up mouth seemed to make a mocking smile.

"Not good!" Uchiha said loudly and subconsciously with his pupils shrinking slightly: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

"I know!" Sakura's teeth were tight, and Kunai slowly approached Uchiha's eyes with soil. To be honest, Sakura didn't expect that with soil would make such a determination.

But to tell her to pierce Moto's eyes with a wave of mercilessness, to be honest, Sakura still couldn't do it. She relented.

"I won't let you succeed!" Heizue, who was suppressed by the soil, caught the loophole of the soil, and took the opportunity to control the soiled body to press down, just to avoid Sakura's attack.

When she missed a hit and wanted to start, Sakura couldn't bear it anymore. Looking at the cold sweat on her forehead, she could imagine how much pain she was suffering at the moment.

"Why don't we change the way, so that Uchiha Madara can't get his eyes, and it doesn't have to be destroyed." Kozakura put down the kunai in her hand and couldn't bear to say.

"You still underestimate Uchiha Madara." With a bitter smile: "If you don't destroy this eye, Madara will definitely find a way to get it. There is still nothing in this world that he can't get, unless this thing is destroyed. Lose."

"Hurry up, come again!" Take the soil yelled.

Kozakura took a deep breath, aimed at her eyes with dirt, slowly closed her eyes, and stabbed at that place fiercely!

"Puff!" The sound of a sharp object piercing the skin made Sakura's heart tremble. Slowly opened his eyes, but the half of the body controlled by Kazuki with the soil blocked Kozakura's Kunai with his hand, and Kunai pierced into the palm of his hand, just to escape the catastrophe.

"You fellow, you want to stop me!" With a low voice, Tai Tu snorted, and then tightly held the other hand with the other hand that was not controlled.

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