Back then, if it weren’t for being hit by a boulder, he would die, maybe he wouldn’t give his writing wheel to Kakashi Hagi, maybe he wouldn’t be caught by Uchiha Madara. , Brought him to Madara's secret base and began his miserable life.

If Lin had such healing ability back then, perhaps after being stabbed by Kakashi's Rachel, she wouldn't die.

Shaking his head, bring the soil to know that all this is just his own imagination, where there are so many ifs in this world. The past is the past, subconsciously, can not help but smile wryly.

"Good healing ability." Chen praised.

"Huh!" Sakura snorted coldly, not paying attention to Chen's praise, and it was not Sasuke, and this big demon had invaded the village of Konoha in the first place, so she wouldn't be idiots.

"Let me ask one more question, what is the purpose of your coming here!" Kozakura stared at Uchiha Tatsumi closely, and spoke word by word.

Suddenly, Chenxiang thought of something funny, looked at Sakura jokingly, and said softly, "Maybe it's for you."

"For me?" Kozakura couldn't help but stared, she couldn't help being stunned when she looked at the face that was almost the same as that of Sasuke.

It took a long time for Sakura to react, her face flushed, and she shouted toward Chen fiercely, "Asshole! You're still talking nonsense!"

"Then why are you blushing?"

"I..." Sakura was speechless. She admitted that she was really crazy just now. The face in front of her, which was almost the same as Sasuke, made her subconsciously regard Tatsun as Sasuke, imagining that Sasuke said something similar to her... , Thinking of this, Sakura's face flushed again.

"No, he's not Sasuke! Sasuke wouldn't say such things..." As if suddenly thinking of something, Kozakura's face dimmed, but she cheered up in an instant.

At this moment, Kozakura's face had become normal, and she said coldly: "Are you kidding me?"

"That's right!" Chen shrugged and said calmly when Sakura reacted.

"You bastard!" Kozakura squeezed her fist tightly and wanted to attack again, but it seemed that she had thought of something. She didn't immediately step forward and stopped in place, looking at Uchiha Tatsumi with a cautious expression.

Chen looked at Sakura with a smile on his face. He didn't expect that his nominal younger sibling would be so cute, but he could blush with a little teasing.

Suddenly, Chen frowned, glanced to the side, and said coldly: "Dog thing, you dare to be presumptuous when I am here!"


Chen coldly snorted. At this moment, the black who was about to move in the soil body seemed to feel something terrifying. The body with the soil trembled all over, the controlled half of the body was uncontrollably twisted, and the dark skin was still trembling. .

However, even so, Heijue did not give up control of the body with the earth. Hei Jue understood that in the situation before him, no matter what he did was a dead end, once he got out of the body with the earth, he would definitely face it. A devastating blow.

If this is the case, it is better to be attached to Otou's body, and to seize the control of his body, as long as you win the control of the body, you can use the power to escape and give the eyes of reincarnation to Uchiha Madara.

Before Yuchen kept his eyes on him, Heijue didn't dare to take the dirt-carrying body unscrupulously. Seeing that Huichen was busy teasing Sakura, Hei Jue was trying to control the dirt-carrying body by catching fish in troubled waters.

Unexpectedly, Chen keenly discovered Hei Jue's motive.

"If you want to die, I can fulfill you!" Uchiha Tatsumi smiled and looked at the soil, but what he said in his mouth made people chill.

Especially when Heijue, who is attached to the soil, trembles, and others can't sense it. Isn't Heijue still unclear? This naked aura was clearly directed at him.

"Thanks...thank you." Feeling that Heizue's power was hidden again, he looked at Uchiha Tatsumi with complicated eyes with a sigh of relief, and finally he sighed and thanked Uchiha Tatsumi.

"You're welcome." Chen said coldly, "Anyway, the purpose of my coming is also you."

"Me?" Tai Tu was stunned, and then he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that your goal is also the eye of reincarnation."

"Humph." Chen didn't speak, and snorted, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was clear, you guessed it.

Suddenly, Dai Tu suddenly turned his head to look at Sakura, and shouted: "Sakura, come on! Come and destroy my eyes, come on!"

Kozakura was startled, and subconsciously said: "What?"

"Tatsun, Uchiha Tatsumi's goal is also this eye, absolutely can't let them get this reincarnation eye, hurry up and destroy this eye!"

"Oh...good!" Sakura nodded hurriedly, took out a kunai, and quickly approached the Uchiha belt soil. With the previous preparations, Sakura can now relieve the burden in her heart.

The previous hesitation was because she couldn’t get past the hurdle in her heart. Now Sakura has just had a fight with Uchiha Tatsumi, and her hostility has not dissipated. In addition, she has been psychologically prepared before. No hesitation.

Seeing Kozakura rushing towards his eyes with Kuwu in his hand, she couldn't help but slowly closed her eyes and let out a long sigh: "It's finally over!"

Seeing the action of bringing the soil, Xiao Sakura subconsciously flashed in her heart, but she made up her mind again: "Never let them get this eye!"

Kozakura no longer hesitated, and the pace of advancement never stopped, and the kunai in her hand pierced straight toward Uchiha's eyes.

Chapter 775: Target Reincarnation Eye II

"It's finally over." When Uchiha saw that Sakura was determined not to hesitate, Uchiha finally let go of the worries that he raised in his heart.

With a long sigh, Tai Tu slowly closed his eyes, don't know why, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and a figure slowly appeared in his mind.

"Lin..." Tuo opened her lips slightly, and gently spit out such a word.

Until the last moment, he still couldn't let go, and couldn't forget that it was Kakashi who used Rachel to penetrate Lin's heart.

At this moment, a hand stretched out. There was a "click".

After a long time without waiting for Ko Sakura's arrival, Motou couldn't help but opened his eyes in confusion, but a figure stood in front of him.

It was Uchiha Tatsun, who was standing in front of Uchiha, smiled and stretched out a hand, holding the kunai that Kozakura stabbed.

Under Uchiha Tatsun's obstruction, Kozakura could no longer touch the dirt, even a hair, let alone pierce the dirt-carrying eyes under Tatsun's obstruction.

Upon seeing this, Uchiha took the soil and couldn't help but felt ruthless, "This is what you forced me!"

With a cold look in his eyes, one hand was raised tremblingly: "Just for such an eye, destroy me!" With a roar, the hand suddenly poked at his own eyes. Obviously I want to blind myself.

Under Uchiha Tatsu's deterrence, Heijue's control of the body with the soil has reduced a lot, at least it is still possible to do some basic actions with the soil now.

Seeing that Kozakura was unable to help herself, he couldn't help but take the dirt to do it himself. In any case, he couldn't let Uchiha Madara or Uchiha Tatsuo get this eye.

"Want to self-mutilate? Asked me if I did!" Seeing Taito trying to destroy the reincarnation eye, he didn't wait for Chen to act. Heijue, who was shrunk in the soil, was immediately unhappy. Tu stopped the hand he was trying to reach his eyes.

"Is the young man still very temperamental!" Seeing Heizue's shot, Uchiha Tatsu no longer anxious, with Heijue's restraint, it is impossible to bring the soil and have the strength to destroy his eyes. Chen jokingly looked at the soil, not anxious to make a move, mockingly said.

"Even my body is out of control, it's really sad."

"Don't be too proud." Because he wanted to suppress Heijue in his body, panting with dirt, his body faltering, Chen didn't dare to play too happy, in case he was taken away by Heijue accidentally. His body, controlling the body with the soil to show his might and leave, it is really irretrievable.

If Hei Jue controlled Zitu to display his power, Chen would not be able to chase after him. Chen would not be able to appear in front of the public now, without a trace, Chen slightly pressed Heijue's hand, so as not to let him take Zitu's body. , But perfectly stalemate the two together.

Hei Jue felt helpless, but he couldn't express it. He understood that Uchiha Tatsu's purpose was only to let him contain the soil.

Tatsun has no fear, as long as Heizie wants to get the reincarnation eyes with soil, he must go on according to Uchiha Tatsun's vision. This is a blatant conspiracy, Hei Jueming knows this is a trap, and he can only step into it with one foot.

"Damn it, do you want to get this eye so much!" Tai Tu felt that Hei Jue in his body was constantly controlling the movement of his body, and couldn't help but said desperately.

"Others may be rare, but I am not so rare. I just want to prevent accidents." Uchiha Tatsuno raised his brows and said casually.

"Do you think you have reincarnation in this world?"

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