He directly stretched out his hand, trying to bounce Sun Wuchen God back.

However, Sun Wuchen's tail went around his arm in a wicked manner, and then followed it around, and punched Immortal Turtle in the face.

This spinning technique was also done by Sun Wukong later, but Sun Wuchen can now use his tail to make various changes, and his power is also very strong.

Immortal Turtle was startled, and immediately jumped up, but the tail around him was like a maggot attached to bones, and Sun Wuchen punched him again when he reached him.

Although Immortal Turtle moved his body gently and escaped these two punches, the toughness of the opponent was a little beyond his imagination.

Thinking of this, Immortal Turtle directly threw out the staff in his hand, and then grabbed it towards Sun Wuchen with one hand.

Sun Wuchen's physical fitness and fighting energy may be limited, but his eyesight is indeed very good.

Whether it is dynamic vision or the perception of the opponent's attack, they have reached the point of perfection.

The hand grew bigger and bigger in his own eyes, and Sun Wuchen tried his best to retreat towards the back, and the terrifying palm hit the ground, where it was directly broken.

Immortal Turtle was also taken aback. Right after he was attacked by the opponent, he seemed to be a little angry and could hardly suppress his calm heart. When the kid attacked him, he couldn't calm down.

The children taught by Monkey King were really different, and it seemed that his grandsons were all extraordinary.

Sun Wuchen, who retreated to the back, suddenly stretched his hands forward, and an invisible energy condensed in his hands.

This is the use of Qi.

His energy level is only one, but it does not mean that he cannot use the qi in his body.

The aggregated body shape hits it in a round ball shape, and the immortal turtle falls to the side in a flash.

The energy that can be polymerized can't flash light yet, it's just two air streams.

"You little kid are so different."

Immortal Turtle's eyes were shining brightly, and the sunglasses could no longer stop his look.

At this moment, Sun Wuchen finally understood, why the energy level is always one, does not mean that he cannot increase the energy level.

But this energy point is only a multiple relationship. When he uses all the energy of the period, he can only use the gas energy of 20 points of attack power. If the realm is improved, it will be doubled, even several times.

Those tortoise-style qigong or powerful gas energy attacks may have a greater range of multiples, which is the true meaning of energy points.

At this moment, everything on the horizon gradually became gray, and the sun actually slowly set.

It seems that the sky is slowly turning black, and then a round of brightness shines directly on the place, it turned out to be the full moon.

Sun Wuchen had long thought of the time when he came here, it should be this night when the full moon would appear.

He had predicted all this in advance, so when he was on the way, he would stop and go.

Although your body's combat effectiveness is not as good as yours, you can still test the attack of the world's strongest man by transforming.

But at this time, it was not Sun Wuchen who became bigger first, but Sun Wukong. His combat power has now reached 12, and after transforming, it can be increased tenfold, reaching 120.

Seeing the sparkle in the sky, his heart thumped and jumped up, his eyes were already dull, just when Monkey King had tried to knock him out, Monkey King suddenly roared and became even bigger.

"Oh! What kind of monster is this!"

Immortal Turtle was taken aback. After the Monkey's transformation, he didn't distinguish the enemy at all and smashed it with a punch.

The current turtle immortal does not have the fighting power beyond 120 in any case, so this big monster will almost become his nightmare. Suddenly, another huge monster also appeared here, and the kid next to him also grew bigger. .

Immortal Turtle was taken aback. Just as Juyuan was walking towards him, another Monkey King Chen turned into a giant ape, hitting Monkey King's head with a punch, knocking him out.

200 combat power can still kill you in seconds.

When he looked to the side, Guixianren was frightened.

"It's over, this monster is coming."

The giant ape suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "Teacher Wu Tian, ​​go ahead, it's not over yet!"

Chapter 854: Still unsuccessful


The turtle fairy was really surprised.

"Don't doubt me, Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I have the ability to become such a great ape, and now my strength will increase a lot. Come on."

After becoming a great ape, Sun Wuchen has already started his hands. His extremely sturdy body possesses extremely powerful destructive power.

He jumped forward and landed on the ground, and the ground immediately vibrated.

Immortal Turtle found this scene and immediately ran away, relying on his agile body to **** the opponent's attack, at the moment the sunglasses and the crutches in his hand were thrown away by him.

He was really focused now, his body muscles swelled slightly.

For many years, Immortal Turtle has not found a master who can challenge him, and Immortal Crane, who is in the same school as him, is not as capable as him.

For decades, Guixianren was almost invincible in the world.

The age of Guixian should be around 318 years old, naturally because Sun Wukong and Sun Wuchen left Baozishan early.

But this 300-year-old old man is really powerful. When his muscles explode, his speed is also like an ape.

Sun Wuchen's control of his own energy is not very strong now, and he can't send out a terrifying shock wave instantly.

He can only fight with his own strength, but the opponent's speed is too fast, when his fist smashes past, he smashes rocks and trees.

Although the power is amazing, it can't match the opponent's speed.

Now Sun Wuchen's attack power is around 200, but as his power continues to be consumed, the great ape state consumes a great deal of damage to his body, and his attack power decreases in a straight line.

Do not!

Unable to continue like this, Sun Wuchen ran towards the front, Immortal Turtle escaped again, but Sun Wuchen's tail swept from the side.


Bang bang bang!

Several large trees in a row were broken from it, Immortal Turtle jumped up at this moment, escaped the fatal blow, and folded his hands when he floated into the air.

In an instant, a faint blue light radiated from his hand, a beam of light shot out from the gap between his fingers, and a dazzling light appeared in the air.

Turtle Qigong! ?

It's great, you can see it now.

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