Sun Wukong was still a little confused after seeing the tail gone, but after walking twice, although his body could not be balanced, he quickly recovered.

The goal of their group was changed to Guixian's house. That place was where they had to go back. They had already left. After more than half a month, the Guixianren had already returned there.

But tell him well, he shouldn't be angry. They were already on the road, and after walking for a while, they passed a place where flames burned infinitely, surrounded by flames rising, almost suffocating.

"I didn't expect to be here." Sun Wuchen looked at the area full of flames.

"This place is so hot, let's go quickly."

"Wait a minute." Sun Wuchen stopped Sun Wukong.

He looked to the front, and saw a huge flame-burning bird flying high in the sky. This was different from the original plot. The huge bird was chasing a person, a little girl. When walking there, in fact, Similar to my own age.

The girl ran fast, for fear of being caught by the giant bird behind, and the flames burning all over the giant bird was clearly a terrifying monster.


"Ding! Found the flame bird."

"Class E monster, a strange monster born in flames, burning flames all over, attacking all living people."

"The main attack method is bite, flame impact, flame sweeping."

"Special skills. The fire of the Phoenix, after being hit hard, the monster will slowly recover. The flame body, the monster's body can be transformed into a pure flame state, which is quite powerful. The flame impacts and bursts into flames to attack the enemy. The flame swept through and summoned the most. A powerful fire storm swept the world."

"Kill this monster to get 560 energy points."

"Attention, the monster has a combat power of 50!"

The current Monkey King looked at himself, after the last upgrade, his current combat power was 40 points.

Dealing with this monster shouldn't be too big a problem, but the difference in combat power reached an astonishing 25%. In the Dragon Ball world, it must be quite difficult to deal with, and his own cave waves are also very difficult to deal with him.

Some of the energy points I recently obtained were also used to upgrade the tortoise school qigong.

In addition to the big bang ability, he has learned other abilities.

It should be possible to deal with this monster. Sun Wuchen's posture immediately condensed a huge ball of light in his hand.

"Turtle Qigong!"

He roared, and a huge ball of light drew an arc, and then hit the strange bird. The hole wave can't cause harm to you, this thing is still okay.

When the flame bird saw this, it immediately spread its wings to the side, preparing to avoid the attack of this huge energy ball, but found that this energy ball, like a bone-attached maggot, was chasing it behind him, not slow.

The flame bird flew faster and faster.

The monster used its fastest speed to dive and fly, and finally the tortoise-style qigong hit the monster, and it exploded in the air with a bang. Everything around was shaken, and many things were blown away. fly.

The explosion in the air was indeed shocking. At this time, Sun Wuchen looked at his attack, very satisfied, and quickly jumped to the little girl's side and hugged her in his arms.

Bouma was a little bit jealous when she saw this situation. To be honest, it must be a good feeling to be held in her arms by Sun Wuchen, but she immediately shook her head. The child is much younger than herself.

But for some reason, there is something mature in him that attracts him.

After giving the little girl to Bouma, the flame bird rose again.

"Difficult monster."

Chapter 868: The Bull Demon Surrounded by Flames

It seems that this monster can really come back from the fire, but the recovery is relatively slow, but with this ability, he can fight almost unlimited times, which is quite difficult, and it takes a lot of energy to kill him. amazing.

It's just that compared with just now, his combat effectiveness has dropped slightly, around 48, but Sun Wuchen has also dropped a little, now it's only 36.

Turtle Qigong still consumes energy for him, so in general, no one will directly use their full strength to play the most crazily and terrifying Turtle Qigong in battle, which will consume his power.

Once you can't kill the opponent in one hit, there is no suspense in the battle.

When Monkey King saw this situation, he couldn't account for it. His elder brother was attacked. He could never have any more reservations. He took out the wishful stick and stabbed the strange bird.

The flame bird was directly stabbed by the wishful stick. To be honest, this was beyond Sun Wuchen's expectation.

This monster should be very powerful, but it was hit by Monkey King’s attack. Although it spread its wings and flew again, it has escaped in the air. It seems that this strange bird is also fearful, and it seems to feel that it has some power. Fading away, it is not suitable to fight.

Qiqi quickly woke up. She was the heroine in the original book. Even when she was very young, she was amazingly beautiful, especially her temperament. Wu Chen could always see some people in the past. feel.

"She looks like that person."

Sun Wuchen thought for a long time, always feeling that his heart seemed to be thrown into the distance, and there was someone waiting for him from the past.

How is all the experience in the past? Perhaps only in this world is invincible, is qualified to go back again.

"Hello, my name is Qiqi. Did you save me?"

Sun Wuchen nodded.

"Please join me to rescue my dad. He is trapped in the castle. The fire there has been burning for a long time."

After speaking, the little girl cried directly, and Monkey King patted her chest.

"Don't worry, I will go."

"Reckless. Kiki, let's take a look now. Don't talk about saving others, first try to protect yourself. This strange bird with flames burning all over will definitely come again. Don't act immediately, just wait and see."

The little child of Sun Wuchen's body was quite general, and then he led the team to the vicinity of Flame Mountain, where there was a castle burning in terror.

There seems to be a strong man on the castle, and the flames of the infinite castle are surrounding him, making him miserable.

"Dad, are you okay?" Qiqi shouted from below.

"Qiqi, we must find Teacher Wu Tian, ​​only he can save me."

Kiki was very worried.

Sun Wuchen walked forward.

Looking at the boundless sea of ​​flames ahead, even he couldn't help it, but the time seemed to be just right.

"Goku, Bouma, and Kiki, please leave here first, I can help you save him."

They were startled, how could such a big panic flame be extinguished by a child, even Buma admired Sun Wuchen very much, but felt that all this was impossible.

"I can indeed extinguish the flames, even temporarily, at least to rescue the Bull Demon King. But everything after that is not that simple. You are now looking for Teacher Wu Tian as quickly as possible. I am here first. Reduce the flame as much as possible."

They were still a little worried, Sun Wuchen waved his hand, after thinking about it, he told Bu Ma not to let Monkey King see the moon. Bu Ma looked up at the sky and thought about it. It was indeed at that time, in case Sun Wukong’s tail grows out. , It is very bad.

After everyone left, there was only boundless flames here. Just now Sun Wuchen stood still, and a flame bird flew out of the infinite flames. It was the last time that the one really hated Sun Wukong.

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