As for Sun Wuchen himself, he also uses Turtle Style Qigong, and the energy coefficient of this super-strength attack is 3.

After adding the original combat power, it can issue four times the usual attack, but it takes a long time to charge.

For example, it takes 10 seconds to complete an attack with an energy factor of 1.

2 takes 25 seconds.

3 It may take two minutes.

You need to accumulate energy for a long time, but it is very dangerous in the process of accumulating energy. It is very likely to be severely injured by the opponent. So after Sun Wukong really learned the turtle Qigong, he realized that this energy is not invincible in the world. You need to be careful. use.

The energy in it hits one's own body, and even after the highest energy coefficient is charged, the destructive power hitting a single object is the same as before.

The energy coefficient will only increase the damage and damage in a wide range, not directly kill a person, unless there is that kind of extremely powerful single-body skill.

"Huh, it looks good, but the castle is gone."

Immortal Turtle regained his initial appearance and touched his head.

The Bull Demon was so scared that he was paralyzed on the ground. His castle was turned into ashes by his teacher. He didn't dare to say anything. To be honest, although the castle is important, a word from the teacher can change his destiny.

"Well, don't continue doing evil, we should also leave, you should have seen these two little apprentices, they are all your junior apprentices."

The Bull Demon King came over and nodded as a hello. He had nothing to talk about with such a kid, but when he saw the Monkey King just now, he was quite surprised.

"Thank you, if it weren't for you, I would have died in it. Kiki, come over and thank you."

The little girl Kiki walked aside and looked shy when she saw Monkey King.


She glanced at Sun Wuchen and ran away. To tell the truth, Sun Wuchen knew about the little girl's temperament, and she was probably the one who was fascinated by herself again.

Is it possible that I have such a super charm wherever I go? It seems that this is something that I was born with.

When all this was done, everyone just wanted to leave, and suddenly there was a bang. It turned out that Monkey King had tried tortoise-style qigong.

No matter when, the talent of this guy is amazing, and which one of these Saiyans is amazing.

The scene was shocked, but seeing Sun Wuchen next to him, Immortal Turtle calmed down.

It seems that these two brothers are freaks, so Guixianren took them back to his Guixian house, along with Buma and Oolong.

"Why did the two of you follow here? Learn to cultivate what should really exist here, you two don't have such skills."

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​we just want to come and have a look. As your student, Wu Chen is so powerful, and we are quite shocked to see the power of the number one person in the world, so come and have a look."

After being complimented by the other party, this teacher Wu Tian had a triumphant smile on his face, and then in front of them he began to teach the two people the real fighting skills of Turtle School Qigong.

Sun Wuchen had learned these things before, and after he had listened to the other party's teachings, he experimented twice, and suddenly the voice of the system came.

"Ding! The host has learned all the hidden additional skills of the tortoise style qigong. After the skill is upgraded, spending 10,000 energy points can continue to increase the level of the tortoise style qigong, provide a higher energy coefficient, and open more hidden attributes."

10000! ?

Sun Wuchen looked at himself, this pauper was really helpless.

Monkey King had no systematic help, but he was quick to comprehend this terrifying impact energy.

Soon he had a small achievement, seeing that both of his brothers could understand this energy well, Immortal Turtle was also very happy.

For Buma and Oolong, looking at the small figure of Sun Wuchen, he reluctantly left here and headed to Xidu.

These two guys, especially Boomer, she...

Chapter 871: Hunting Forward

These two guys are really difficult to deal with, but counting the time, Oolong should also be here, and practicing for a period of time is the world's number one martial arts conference.

Sun Wuchen didn't want to delay time here anymore, he was already very familiar with some of Gui Xianliu's fighting skills.

After a long period of training, they have become their current combat effectiveness, which has reached 50, which is a fairly high level.

He found that staying here is not a good choice. After thinking about it, he already has something to do.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I think I should go out and explore, try to find some enemies as much as possible, and exercise my abilities."

Seeing that the child was about to leave him, Immortal Turtle couldn't tell whether he should be happy or sad. The child had an amazing talent and might catch up with him soon.

This is a kind of pressure that will make oneself infinitely panic.

But every teacher expects their students to become stronger, and this is what they think in their hearts.

Immortal Turtle thought for a while, and still agreed to Sun Wuchen's request, but this time Sun Wuchen didn't even bring Sun Wukong, because of fate.

After the reluctant parting, Sun Wuchen embarked on a journey. After arriving on land, he looked at everything here, where should he go?

"Well, lock the first stop, and that is Kalinta."

There is the so-called **** of martial arts in that place, which exists on the Kalin Tower and is called the Kalin Immortal.

The cat's combat power is not weak, so let's find him first, at least climbing the endless tower can also give him a great help.

Sun Wuchen didn't have the qualifications to control somersault clouds. It might be that his own thoughts had been finalized. This kind of thing that could detect people's mind was unwilling to take Sun Wuchen, but he still had Wukong skills.

When using control practice, Wukong technique can be exercised all the time, and his energy points will increase rapidly, but the energy points of 10,000 points is almost a fantasy. He does not know what will happen after the improvement of the tortoise-style qigong. Effect.

By the way, it is said that this dance skill of oneself can also be improved, is it possible that this thing can also be changed? But it seems to be just flying.

Feeling the question in Sun Wuchen's heart, the system answered immediately.

"Host, after learning all the additional skills, you can spend points to upgrade the current dance skills. The dance skills will be able to fly faster, fly longer, and consume less energy. After reaching the extreme, you can even Upgrade again."

"Just talk about the limit of this Wukong's number, right? I don't quite understand, is there the deepest digging possible for flying?"

"Ding! Overlord, after martial arts evolves to the extreme, it is teleportation."

Sun Wuchen almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood. It turned out that he had obtained the pre-version of Teleport, but if he wanted to upgrade to that point, he would definitely spend a lot of energy points, which was tantamount to a fantasy.

Well, let's put these two skills there first, and with control training, this skill is really effective when flying.

After flying for a while, Sun Wuchen still found that the speed of getting energy points was too slow. With combat detectors, you can often see the signals of some powerful creatures, but many primitive and powerful weird creatures are hidden. Some desolate and boundless places cannot be fully detected by energy detectors.

In short, there are too many energy signals in this world, it is impossible for this little energy to display all the energy signals in the world, that is unrealistic.

"System, is there any way for me to directly discover those powerful monsters?"

"Ding! Speed ​​can ask the Djinn on your body, he knows the distribution of all creatures very well."

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