At this moment, he suddenly heard a voice in his ear.

"You should also come back. You can't stay in such a place forever. Anyway, I can't beat that snake and go back to the base."


Looking at the portrait in front of him, Wright was stunned.

When will this little guy go out?

Chapter 940: Continue Training

Of course he would not know everything that Sun Wuchen did. Sun Wuchen's body was filled with mystery from beginning to end.

After having this enemy, Sun Wuchen directly received amazing energy points. After all, he defeated an enemy that was much higher than his own combat power, enough to get 10,000 energy points, so that he was infinitely happy, and there was also a chance to draw a lottery. He was also very lucky, and once again raised the power of Jiewangquan.

The skill exchanged this time is suction.

It is when attacking, constantly absorb the energy scattered by the opponent to restore his physical strength, which can increase the endurance very well, and the current Sun Wuchen cannot recover his physical strength.

This Realm King Boxing itself is also a boxing technique that consumes very much energy, and using it rashly consumes a lot of his own body.

Sun Wuchen's current goal is to reduce all the power and energy that he consumes to a minimum, so that he can easily deal with it.

The new type of hidden attributes that you get now can also allow you to take a certain amount of initiative in a long battle. It is quite perfect. Of course, if you have the opportunity, you will definitely continue to draw or exchange other skills to unlock more. Unlock.

After this battle, his combat effectiveness has actually increased by 10 points, which seems to be a great gain.

Now the overall combat power has reached 150 points. This is actually obtained. It is not the combat power obtained by directly using energy points last time. Those combat power must be consolidated through more training, and the combat power obtained from this battle is the effect of the actual increase. .

After feeling that his energy became stronger, Monkey King sat there instead. Can the 150-point combat power be able to defeat the Big Demon King Piccolo? To be honest, he was drumming in his heart.

He doesn’t care about all the enemies in the world’s No. 1 martial arts conference. However, due to the changes in the plot, the Monkey King around him is stronger. Perhaps Tianjin Fan and others will also practice more powerfully, and some of his own. Information is also revealed.

He was looking forward to the so-called No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament in the world, and of course he also looked forward to those powerhouses with extremely high combat effectiveness. As for the real combat effectiveness of the Great Devil Bick, he should still surpass himself.

Maybe he is now a lot older than Big Devil Bick, but compared with his full youth state, there is really a huge gap, and he has many strange combat skills.

It seems that I still need training.

"Wright, I'll leave the business to you here. Miss Boomer and I are going back to Earth because there is a game to start."

Wright nodded as if he didn't understand, the owner in front of him was revealing mystery everywhere, making him beyond reach and understanding, but his existence would definitely bring some changes to him, and since he chose this path, he would be firm. .

"There is a magic lamp here. If you have any problems, you can touch this magic lamp immediately, you can get in touch with me, and even run away if necessary, because if there are more members of the Frieza Army, even you will not be able to deal with it. By the way, I will help you restore a younger body as soon as possible. There is still a place where gravity changes relatively greatly. Fighting under ten times the gravity, you should make some progress. I hope you will be stronger next time."

After Sun Wuchen said these words, he took Bouma back to the earth where he was. There was actually only one month left before the world's No. 1 martial arts conference began.

In this short period of time, Sun Wuchen still has a lot of practice to do. After sending Buma back to the Western Capital, Sun Wuchen will return to the sky. Buma is still reluctant to give up, but Sun Wuchen is still very determined.

"Don't worry, see you at the World's No. 1 Tournament. Before that, I have to improve my combat effectiveness to deal with the enemies that may come."

Sun Wuchen naturally returned to the temple, and the gods had just sent him away when he saw the little guy coming back.

"I thought you would practice some cultivation in the lower realm. It seems that the path of your cultivation is beyond my control. During this period of time, your combat effectiveness has improved a lot."

"Comrade Shenxian, let alone it's useless, I want to use the Spiritual Time House, but I only use it for two hours."

"Huh!? How did you know that place? I never told you."

"I'll tell you later, take me in quickly, time is running out."

Sun Wuchen planned to go directly in for some training first, and then walked inside with the gods.

After entering it, it is really an infinitely empty white world, where the air is thin and the pressure is extremely high.

Living in it will be greatly affected, and the most terrifying thing is the spiritual impact of endless white, endless emptiness and loneliness.

This white color alone is enough to torture people. It is estimated that it can drive people crazy, but Sun Wuchen stood here and started his own practice. He had to use the fastest speed to adapt himself to the King’s Fist. To reach a more perfect state, although there is no higher gravity, it is enough.

Chapter 941: The beginning of the conference

Time always flies quickly. One month's time is fleeting. Bouma is looking forward to it every day. On this day, she finally came to the venue.

"You pig, don't be so lustful, okay? Always stare at other people's ass."

"Where am I staring? What are you always staring at me for? Are you thinking about your little brat, I won't become him."

"What are you stupid talking about? Do you want me to fix you?"

"Hmph, if it weren't for your so-called Wu Chen, you would have been beaten into the air by me."

Of course Oolong has his own ideas. Monkey King is a bit scary. It is estimated that he can kill himself with a single finger now.

Bouma such a special woman is fascinated by Monkey King, let alone others.

Fortunately, I didn't dare to provoke him, and of course I didn't dare to do anything to Bouma, otherwise Sun Wuchen would know that he would not survive.

The two people kept arguing all the way, and then they came to the vicinity of the venue.

The first thing I saw was the Tortoise Immortal with a face, but this time he had directly put on a martial arts uniform. He was considered a powerful warrior. After his identity was discovered last time, there was no need to hide anymore.

"Oh, it turned out to be Miss Bouma. You have grown taller and your body has become better. What about Wu Chen? I always think Wu Chen should be with you."

"He and I did some construction in a very special place and built some houses, but later he wanted to participate in the world's number one martial arts club, so he separated from me."

Sun Wuchen also once explained to Bouma, don't say anything about the alien base, in fact, even if you say it, few people will believe it all.

However, all of this is for the sake of safety, and there is absolutely no room for loss, so Sun Wuchen must let Bouma maintain absolute confidentiality, and no one is allowed to know the truth.

The minor walked away and did not see the influence of Sun Wuchen, but he was alone, because after a while, both Kelin and Monkey King had left, and he was practicing outside.

Even Klin was able to climb Kalinta, and it made the Turtle Immortal feel a little embarrassed. To be honest, it took much more time to climb Kalinta by himself than these two little guys.

Not to mention that Monkey King's abnormality, after not long on it, he was able to grab the super divine water, and Monkey King Klin's time was only a few days.

He completely failed, but this also aroused his powerful fighting mind, he must try his power again.

"we are coming."

The two little guys shouted in unison, and rushed over from the side. It turned out that Monkey King and Klin had already met when they came.

The two of them traversed a large area of ​​forest land, even across the ocean, and swam to this island. At this moment, it is very lively. They finally arrived at the location of the venue. They met Bouma and their mentor. Everyone was very happy, Monkey King. I also specifically asked about my brother.

Bouma talked about everything just now, and Monkey King could only look forward to it infinitely, clenching his fists there.

"This time, I must show Wu Chen the results of my cultivation. I am several times stronger than before."

"Do you think that only you have become stronger? Me too." Klin also said beside him.

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