The range of this kind of impact is quite large, although the single damage force is only a little more than 20,000, the explosion at that moment blew up a large area in front of you, and the planet almost shook.

Almost the entire planet is made of various steel and high-tech materials, just like on a huge platform. This place is quite special. If used properly, it can directly radiate a large area around it.

But in an instant, almost 1/3 of the entire planet was exploded, countless treasures, countless ores, and all kinds of things that needed to be auctioned, all scattered in the space of the universe.

Again, even if these treasures have been scattered everywhere, no one has the courage to pick them up, because everything here belongs to the chamber of commerce here.

The people on that dark planet had just been beaten into flight, and suddenly a terrifying dark night spread around Sun Wuchen.

It began to wrap around him like a chain. As soon as he came into contact with this rapid energy, he felt that his strength dropped rapidly, and even soon he was a little out of breath.

This black chain has a peculiar super power to control the body and mind. If you don't respond to it in advance, you will definitely be injured by this attack, and it will be too dangerous at that time.

Seeing that his black chain didn't really control Sun Wuchen, the guy who was beaten into the air was also shocked. His more than 20,000 attack power should have the upper hand, not to mention having various super skills, he didn't expect him to be able to support it." Since you want to die, come on. Hollow beam."

Sun Wuchen's finger pointed forward, and six or seven beams were emitted in an instant. Each beam was very fast and had tracking effects, which instantly enveloped that guy's body.

This is a beam of holes and waves, with amazing power, and it can penetrate everything directly.

The attack power instantly boosted by the hole wave beam has now almost reached 30,000, and it is the last most special attack damage.

After a burst of light.

The man from the dark planet was hit instantly, but a black shield appeared in front of him, something that blocked all attacks, but Sun Wuchen jumped up immediately, and he threw a ball of light toward the sky.

The first thousand and fifteenth chapter: Super Giant Ape

But his body was hit instantly, and all kinds of energy hit him.

Another person appeared instantly, stretched out a big hand, and pressed him to the ground.

This is a strong cosmic man with a very scary purple body, and wearing this heavy golden armor, it looks like a scary machine.

What is his fighting power?

At least around 30,000, you can immediately control yourself, and there must be many superpowers in this place.

"Bidder No. 147, Earthling Sun Wuchen, now you have been arrested."

Another robot appeared next to him and said with a glance, Sun Wuchen grinned at this moment. When he laughed, another thick fist hit his back, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood, Saiyan His blood was floating in the air.

This seemed to be the deepest hatred, and Sun Wuchen immediately turned his head and stared fiercely at the huge robot that was pressing down on his body.

"Do you know? If you continue to do this, you will be the first to die."

This sentence of Sun Wuchen was full of threats, which made this huge monster feel extremely surprised.

"The ending of your death is doomed. You chose these things yourself."

Sun Wuchen looked at many people around him, whether it was BoJack or Slug, at least some people with some abilities and some prestige hid beside him, not wanting to take a trip in the muddy water.

For them, the struggle between this young man and the big man seemed to have reached the final stage.

Of course, Sun Wuchen didn't expect these people to give a helping hand, it was simply impossible.

In this universe, interests come first, and no one will do unrealistic things for no reason. This in itself is an unreasonable thing.

This huge robot slowly lifted Sun Wuchen up, and then tightly grasped his throat, making him squeeze to death, indeed, the strength increased infinitely, it seemed that the other party wanted Sun Wukong to feel death slowly.

Sun Wuchen's eyes were blurred, and there was a dark area in front of him. Due to the extreme lack of oxygen and the fierce attack, he couldn't hold it now, but suddenly there was a flash of light in the sky, which still attracted the attention of all parties.

"Is this what I desire most? It is truly extraordinary."

Sun Wuchen looked up at the sky and seemed to finally understand something. With a roar, his body became incomparably powerful.

His body grew a lot taller, just like a giant, and then a burst of horrible aura burst out in an instant, and then a huge ape appeared here. In order to create this sphere of Boltz light, the current Sun Wuche spent a lot of energy.

With the help of this thing, Sun Wuchen instantly became a giant ape. His strength, attack power, defense power, and vitality were all increased tenfold. It can be called the most terrifying monster, but his combat power cannot be directly. There is a tenfold increase.

Because he consumes too much, with his huge transformation, he can barely fight, otherwise he would have been unable to withstand the consumption of five times the Realm King Fist.

The huge ape monster appeared in front of the people, it really made them feel a little surprised, and the body exudes all kinds of ominous and terrifying auras.

"Now it's harder for me to deal with it. The current comprehensive combat power may reach 150,000. I know you have many strong people here. If you have the ability, come and kill me, otherwise I will destroy this planet."

The people around were stunned. Is this guy a lunatic? Even if Frieza dare not get involved in this planet, after all, this place represents the collection of all the dark forces, and almost everyone respects all the managers here.

"Hahahaha, I'm doing it!"

Sun Wuchen is still sensible in this state, and it makes people think that this guy is a monster. Not many people actually know about Saiyan being able to become ape.

Because most of the people who saw this transformation are actually dead. They have died in this void universe long ago. All their traces and all the things they have seen are turned into nothingness, and a few people know it. Things that happened.

Since no one knows, this transformation of Sun Wuchen really made everyone astonished. The huge ape protruded and a huge energy ball smashed to the side, and the whole planet shook again. This power almost completely destroyed this place. Give him some more time and everything can be completely destroyed.

The soldiers around immediately went mad and continued to launch attacks. However, this guy now has a combat power of more than 100,000. Even if the Genius Special Forces under Frieza, who is invincible in the world, the strongest combat power is only 120,000. .

They can already make many people feel surprised and terrified. The monster in front of him has an attack power of hundreds of thousands, and his physical defense power is amazing.


Sun Wuchen exploded, but the smoke dissipated without injury.

The first thousand and sixteenth chapters: a riot on the commercial planet

Any attack on it won’t work, and Sun Wuchen himself knew that his body was shaking. After turning into this ape monster, he was still using Ten Times Realm King’s Fist, and his consumption had already reached a level of difficulty. The amazing realm of imagination.

If it hadn't had the attributes of that peculiar indestructible body, his body would have been broken and died long ago.

He was still crazily supporting his indestructible body, walked toward the front, and shattered a piece of space.

The soldier with just 30,000 attack power flew over and was beaten by Sun Wuchen with one punch.

However, he immediately exploded with a burst of energy, like a flame that was constantly burning, his combat power was approaching 100,000, and it was the existence that threatened Sun Wuchen the most.

It seems that all kinds of monsters will exist here, but Sun Wuchen himself has no fear.

Another punch hit the ground, and the entire planet even deflected, as if to be swallowed by the ruthless force of terror. This is the strongest person unimaginable, every bit of power is powerful to a terrifying realm, no one can block.

"Hurry up and get rid of this guy, I will give out 10 million." A person was buried under a pile of rocks, almost smashed to death.

"Come on and save me. I give him 20 million to save me."

"There are wounded here, bastard, where did this monster come from?"

A monster is making a fuss here.

For example, the majesty of the business alliance has been completely shattered, as if they had never had this thing before, they were caught in a terrifying cycle.

The warrior with 100,000 attack power was like a fly, constantly flying around Sun Wuchen, and Sun Wutian himself felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to deal with him. His power was gradually dissipating, and it would not last long. Time will die.

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